Children are innocent, not guilty of any sin

Why? You were not there and did nothing wrong right?

Are you okay with the imputed righteousness of Christ?
Where's the scripture?
I can CHOOSE to follow Christ.
An infant doesn't know about following Christ or the gospel.

If you don't have scripture, it's just your opinion.

You might believe in sola scripture.
Use it.
The concept of penal substitution is certainly an element of the atonement, as are the other concepts in the alternative theories. I don’t think you can accurately define the atonement by using a singular approach. I would tend to align myself with the Christus Victor POV, but see value in all the theories to one degree or another. There maybe a general tendency toward PSA in Arminian thought, but I think it is more compatible with Reform thinking. Doug

I would urge you to consider my full defense of PSA below.

It is a very serious matter—we are playing around with ideas about the thing that actually reconciles and saves us.

You cannot have victory without judging sin: it cannot be done.

God is going to be "victorious" whether he reconciles humanity or not, he does not need to die to "beat" Satan.

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