No, but the argument has been that Jesus never said he was God, in the bible.
No. The argument you put forward is that when Jesus said "I and my father are one", you claim this is Jesus telling you that He "Is God His Father".
What I posted, is all the places where Jesus said His Father sent Him, gave Him His Power, gave him His Words, gave him His Spirit and His Wisdom, not that His Father "Was Him".
I know you and I were both taught by this world's religions that Jesus was God, and the same religions even created an image of God in the likeness of some random, long-haired man. And they created their own high days in worship of this image. What I hope you might consider is that the Jesus "of the Bible" did none of these things, nor did HE advocate for them. In fact, HE warned of this very thing, from this very people who come in His Name.
It's hard to "come out of" this world's religious systems, but Abraham did. Caleb did, Zacharias did, and most importantly, Jesus the man did. I hope you might consider these things.
I provided 2 examples and asked what they meant.
The reason Jesus was born and given what he was to do while here is all true with what has been said.
But the fact is.... there is proof to me that Jesus and God the Father (ignoreing the Holy Spirit right now) are God.
Only by ignoring some of the Christ's Words, and twisting others, can a man conclude that Jesus wasn't "Sent" by God, rather, that HE "Was God". And there is only ONE True God in all Scriptures, and Jesus worshipped this God. And instructed me to do the same, as HE was Chosen by God to be my savior and High Priest, to mediate between me and His God and my God.
I don't believe that God is the statue overlooking Rio de Janeiro.
Jesus said I am the Father are one.
Jesus said “Very truly I tell you, . . . before Abraham was born, I am!” (which The Jews, upon hearing Him, clearly understood that He was claiming preexistence and, more than that, to be Yahweh, the great “I AM” of Exodus 3:14.)
God's Word, God's Love, God's Righteousness, God's Wisdom, God's Power, all of which was given to Jesus, and defined Him, existed even before the world was.
And even if the Spirit of Christ, the Will of Christ, the Righteousness of Christ was a separate entity that existed apart from God, before Abraham was, HE still called this same ONE True God, "His Father". And HE instructed me to do the same.
What if it is this world's religions who, as prophesied, have gone astray, and it's the Jesus "of the Bible" who speaks the truth about His God and my God? Surely a man seeking God's Truth, should consider these things, Yes?
So He claimed it referencing these two parts of the bible... The Old and New testaments.
People do not deny the fact that Jesus was. Or that He came and did.
But they do deny He was/is God... and one argument is that they claim He never said it .
He never did say it, although He spoke many Words, and instructed us concerning His Father of many things, including how to worship "Him", how to pray to "Him", whose Righteousness and Kingdom to "Seek First", etc.
Why do you think He never said "I am the One True God", instead HE always saying, "The One True God sent Me".
I want those who say he isn't/wasn't to explain these two.... verses.... and then explain if He lied... how could He be our savior.
Being One with God doesn't make a man God, just as a man being one with his wife, doesn't make the man his wife. Just like being one with Christ, doesn't make a man the Christ.
This explains one of the two verses men use to discredit all the Words of Jesus calling His Father, His God and my God. That leaves just one verse in the entire Bible that men use to support their religious philosophy that Jesus was "Fully God" as a man.
And the Word of God, the Messenger of God, the Righteousness of God, the Wisdom of God, the Love of God, all of which embodies perfectly the man Jesus, existed with God even before the world was. If I want to know the Love of God, the Righteousness of God, the Wisdom of God, the Compassion of God, the Grace of God, I need to look no further than the Christ, Who God sent.
Or, I can take this one verse, adopt the philosophies of this world religious sects and businesses who have created an image of God in the likeness of a random, long-haired man, and place my trust in them, over the Words actually spoken by the Jesus "of the Bible".
Jesus didn't lie, God sent Him to be my Savior and High Priest. God gave Him the Power to forgive my sins and cleanse me. I don't believe Jesus lied to me, I believe it is the "Many" "who come in Christ's Name" that this same Jesus warned about, that has lied to us.