“I asked that question of so many of my friends recently, and almost all, save for only one, gave me the wrong answer. Some even became indignant for my even asking the question. Why they became indignant, I have no clue. Nevertheless it is an important question about the person of Jesus the Christ.
1. Is Jesus the Christ a human person?
2. Is Jesus the Christ a Divine person?
3. Is He both?
4. Is He neither?
What answer do you have for each of those four simple questions? … “
(Bob Stanley, “Is Jesus the Christ a Human Person? Think before you answer that question.”)
But what is Human?
I would say that in the context of
His creation Eden paradise, a Human man in Eden was
one entire being is the definition of
nsph..such that the soul and the body are the
Same thing...
but after the fall when the soul was separated by Adam from God,
the soul is one thing and the body another separate thing ---
we now got into this foreign
fleshbody that wars God
(and that gets ill, decays, dies, desires sin)
The only Human Being that Christ IS, is NPSH, having God's nature, not the *
nature of this world.
He did assume the sin body, this flesh, as a huge step down --- for us --- to make possible for us to return
to Paradise, which we will at the Change, when we will be Restored to our body made by God,
and our Land He gave to us His souls, eden paradise in the other reality. We will be saved from this fallen
world and its fleshbody.
Please we must remember Christ said He is not from here.
For a really good reason ...He did not make this one
and says in Prophets he will destroy it, its sky will roll back,
and no one will remember this place....
*what is meant by
nature of this world..
well everything that grows here, trees, the sky, its sun,
its cosmology, and this body,
its mindset, its desires, etc. All of it is a foreign land
and its type of flesh and mind - all foreign to Him.