The Mystery of the Trinity
N. Friedmann
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
And that is what is taught by Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, the
revered teacher of Israel. In his book hci-Zohcir hci-Kadosl~, part 2,
page 43, he states, "We have repeatedly said that the daily prayer
relative to the unity which the Scripture teaches is, Hear, 0 Israel Jehovah- then Elohenu-then again Jehovah-which together
constitute a unity. Therefore God is called an intc." In the next
sentence he declares, "But there are three names" i'.mentioned here.
How can three be one? Are they truly one because we say they
Only by revelation of the Ruach ha-Kodesh can we understand it."
Realize, dear brethren of Israel, that the doctrine of the Triune
God is not an invention of the Christians, as the present-day
leaders of Israel declare, for it is taught not only in the Old Testament, but is also an ancient rabbinical doctrine.
Moses and the
Prophets clearly taught the doctrine of the Trinity, and the ancient
rabbis accepted this doctrine, as we have shown from their writings.
Blessed are we in time and eternity if we believe in the Triune
God, for then we have not only the Father who created us, but
also the Son of God, the eternal Memra Jehovah, who in the
fullness of time assumed our human nature in order to redeem
us and all sinners from all sins by His sacrificial death and thus
reconcile us to the holy and just God. Finally, we have also the
third Person of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost, who works and
preserves faith in us by means of the Gospel of Jesus, the Messiah,
and who bears witness with our spirit that we are redeemed children of God and therefore heirs of eternal life.
Guess these are all fabricated lies @Matthias?