Is Jesus God?

See what I mean about always being on the offense? Accusing me of what you, yourself are doing. You are not being intellectually honest in equating one human nature to one God person (or Being). Funny that you double down on this lack of intellectual honesty rather than answer tough questions.

This is the 3rd time I've asked this pair of questions. Why don't you answer? (I frequently encounter a competitive spirit among trinitarians, wanting to be 'win' the debate rather than more deeply understand Scritpure's plain meaning.
I am not equating "one human nature to one God person (or Being)". That's you changing my words into strawman words so that you can gleefully burn them up. I suggest you read exactly what I wrote so that your production of strawmen can cease.
To re-iterate a couple of other points @synergy :

1 God : the supreme or ultimate reality: such as
a being
or object that is worshipped as having more than natural attributes and powersspecifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of realityGreek gods of love and war
3 a person or thing of supreme value
had photos of baseball's gods pinned to his bedroom wall
4 a powerful ruler

The VOICE translation renders Mark 1:1: This is the beginning of the good news of Jesus, the Anointed One, the Liberating King, the Son of God. I love how it starts by stripping away the mystery of who Jesus is. He is OF God. Anointed by God.

Jesus is the object of the anointing. The subject of the anointing, the person doing the anointing, is God - in his unitarian nature, the Being who created the Son - if words have meaning. And if they don't have meaning, there is no support for the trinity still.
John 1 is where most of the "Jesus is God" marbles are. The proper English translation for the Greek word "Logos" (λογος) is Word. The Greek word for Voice is "Fone" (φωνη) which is nowhere found in John 1:1. The Voice translators are either Greek illiterates or they possess an agenda alien to the Bible.
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@synergy, from today's devotional reading
in the strength of his manhood he fought with God.
Yes, he fought with an angel and won
Hosea 12:4-5

The same standard used to rationalize Jesus relationship to God must be consistently applied IF one is to have intellectual honesty. This verse implies the angel Jacob fought with was God, yes? All your God nature thinking must also apply to this verse IF you are to have intellectual honesty.

On what basis do you reject the claim that the angel who fought with Jacob is not God, based on this passage?
There are many instances of Theophanies throughout the OT and this is one of them.
Who is Jesus? He's my King!

“Behold, the [a]virgin shall be with child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel”—which, when translated, means, “God with us.” Matthew 1:23

One of the things that sets Christianity apart from other word religion is that it's based on the remarkable person of Jesus Christ and his dual nature. He is both the Son of God and the Son of man. He was, is, and always will be God. An answer to the question in the title of this thread, He is absolutely God. He is God in His Essence, his nature, and his eternal being. He is fully God, and he is God in every way.

But when the Holy Spirit overshadowed the Virgin Mary, God entered into the human family. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, He was named Emmanuel, "God with us."

The sacrifice that was made for us in His becoming a man is beyond our comprehension. Think about it for a minute the creator of the universe leading the glory of heaven to be born in a manger to working class parents. The latest side of wonders of Glory to enter this world filled Would send in hate and discontent to redeem unworthy human beings from our sins. See what I'm saying, that kind of love It's hard for us to fully grasp. we do know that Jesus became one of us so that he could understand our weakness and sorrows So he will forever be the God man.

Even if we can never fully understand it this side of eternity we do know this:

If Jesus would do this for us, he must love us very much

It was explicit to the Pharisees and to Christ and that's what counts.
You gotta be kidding me!

Obviously, you don’t know what explicit is. They did not know how he, less than 50, could be alive when Abraham was. Also, how he could rebuild the temple in 3 days. Since you rely on their understanding, to be intellectually consistent, you must reject Jesus doing either of these things.

I suspect you’ll demonstrate how your reliance on the Pharisees understanding changes with the circumstances.
The Pharisees, who should have known better, refused to believe it.
The Israelite spiritual teachers were apostatized when Jesus came. They didn't even recognize their own messiah even though the prophecy's showed him turning upright about when he did. Jesus told them their Father was the devil. He told them off at Matt 23--They were liars about Jesus. They hated him, hate filled hearts do not speak truth.
@synergy, permit me to simply your misunderstanding of the Bible from today's devotional reading.
John 16:29-30 (ESV) His disciples said, “Ah, now you are speaking plainly and not using figurative speech! Now we know that you know all things and do not need anyone to question you; this is why we believe that you came from God.”

Do you recognize Jesus disciples believed Jesus to be - not God, Himself, but - from God? Why do you suppose it is the disciples thought Jesus was from God if the proper take on John 1:1 is that he was God, Himself?
Again, @synergy what is the answer to these 2 questions?
How would you explain that declaration of Christ?
I've already explained it multiple times. Being old does not mean one is the Creator of the created, the begetter of the begotten.

There is only one God, the Father. The Bible tells me so. Why do you insist on violating the 1C?
From today's devotional reading:
You will know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am Yahweh your God, and there is no one else.
Joel 2:27

Profound. The mental gymnastics Trinitarians gyrate to escape explicit Scripture is mouth dropping. Trinitarians have no rejection criteria and cannot formulate what set of words would disqualify 3-is-1-ism.

Jesus is not God. YHWH is God and there is no one else. This is Biblical. This is the word of God.
You repeat this after what I wrote demonstrating they have different natures! Wow! You are as brain washed as it gets.
They have the same God nature. You continue to project your brainwashed state of affairs.

I wasn't talking about Christ's human nature.
I've already explained it multiple times. Being old does not mean one is the Creator of the created, the begetter of the begotten.

There is only one God, the Father. The Bible tells me so. Why do you insist on violating the 1C?
You continue to evade the fact that Christ did declare himself as the OT God to the Pharisees.
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