Is anyone else a Seer?

I agree with this and am as passionate as you are. One thing I like about Pastor Jim is they left the United Methodist denomination over practicing homosexual bishops. I've decided to call Jim and put those two church buildings in my will as I think they have to buy them from the UMC.
Well dont put jessie duplantis or any of the nar realm in that will .
I nearly fell backwards when i seen a video today of that man speaking .
He quoated ISSIAH chapter nine verse six
then runs over to where paul was saying be ye imitators of GOD .
AND OH DEAR the blasphmey that rolled outta that mans lips could make a wild cur cringe .
HE said therefore we can call ourselves , WONDERFUL , COUNSLER
the MIGHTY GOD the EVERLASTING FATHER . that man is GONE . but they all sold out from the beginning .
Now we got paula white in the house . I seen what she says . NO DEAL . would not heed a word one outta they mouths
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