Is anyone else a Seer?

You are just wrong, friend. You are wrong.

A sincere heart does count for something, and you need to look at your own sin first before you run around trying to find everyone else's.

People can be actually ignorant or mean well, and God does have mercy on that—you better hope he does.
God has mercy that is for sure and for certain . On that i do fully agree .
One can mean well and yet be so deceived . Do you realize
that a lot of people mean well , what they beleive is good , is actually evil .
There is a way that seems RIGHT unto man but its end is death .
Its better we simply preach the dire need of JESUS CHRIST
and always correct any and all error in the brethren .
A lot of people , even pope francis means well . But look at the lies he tells
I am sure he thinks he is doing good but it is highly evil .
So keep that in mind .
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