Is anyone else a Seer?

In the context of "white halo"....

I know people have this "vision" of how angels are creatures with "white halos". I've never seen the Scripture that states such. I don't have an opinion but it seems rather odd to me. Can you help me understand the context of the "white halo"?
No. But this is not a circle above the head. It emanates from his whole body. And one time became so big, part of it broke away and stood beside him like a pillar.
Question: Do you know what is actual Scripture? Does it have to be the inspired words of God, or is it also the uninspired words of the human vessel? Is not Paul, himself, saying what part is not Scripture?

10 Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. 11 But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife.

12 But to the rest I, not the Lord, say: If any brother has a wife who does not believe, and she is willing to live with him, let him not divorce her. 13 And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy. 15 But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace. 16 For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?
yes Paul makes the distinction between him and the Lord. Jesus never addressed it.
Even Paul's opinions are considered scripture. So are Judas' words, and Pilate's words, but that does not mean that we must believe or imitate them, since they rejected Jesus and ended up lost. Paul, on the other hand, was an apostle that remained faithful to Jesus, as did the other eleven apostles or twelve with Matthias replacing Judas. We should obey Paul's instructions. He said, "Imitate me as I imitate Christ."
Even Paul's opinions are considered scripture. So are Judas' words, and Pilate's words, but that does not mean that we must believe or imitate them, since they rejected Jesus and ended up lost. Paul, on the other hand, was an apostle that remained faithful to Jesus, as did the other eleven apostles or twelve with Matthias replacing Judas. We should obey Paul's instructions. He said, "Imitate me as I imitate Christ."
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.

If it wasn't inspired, it is not scripture.
According to you? So now YOU are the authority, NOT the word of God. You decide what part of the Bible is inspired and what part is not. Once again, this is the deception that happens when a woman decides she doesn't have to listen to ALL the words of the Apostle Paul, which the Apostle Peter labels "scripture". 2 Peter 3:16
Peter calls Paul "our beloved brother, who wrote all his letters, according to the wisdom given him, ... which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction." 2 Peter 3:15-16

Charismaticlady is recklessly defying Paul's instructions. He wrote almost 1/4 of the New Testament. I have warned her many times, but she stubbornly insists that she knows better than Paul. May God have mercy on you on the last day.
According to you? So now YOU are the authority, NOT the word of God. You decide what part of the Bible is inspired and what part is not. Once again, this is the deception that happens when a woman decides she doesn't have to listen to ALL the words of the Apostle Paul, which the Apostle Peter labels "scripture". 2 Peter 3:16
Peter calls Paul "our beloved brother, who wrote all his letters, according to the wisdom given him, ... which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction." 2 Peter 3:15-16

Charismaticlady is recklessly defying Paul's instructions. He wrote almost 1/4 of the New Testament. I have warned her many times, but she stubbornly insists that she knows better than Paul. May God have mercy on you on the last day.
Paul, himself, said his opinions were not from God. Your lies against me is sin. But somehow I don't think you care about not sinning.
Like many Jews and even many Christian Jews, you overemphasize your "Jewishness", as if you have an "automatically going to heaven" card, simply because of your ethnicity. You made a point of stating that all the New Testament authors were Messianic Jews. I think Luke was a Gentile. I just looked at the introductions of every New Testament book. None of the authors mention one word about being a Jew and a Jew who has accepted Jesus as their Messiah. Even if they were, and I believe they were, claiming to be a Jew is not a high priority for any of them.

If fact, six of them don't even identify themselves at all. Of the authors who identify themselves, what do they say about themselves?
I am a bond servant of Christ, an apostle of Jesus Christ, an apostle of Christ Jesus, a bond servant of God, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, the elder. They saw no need whatsoever to identify themselves as Jewish - just as I see no need to identify myself as Gentile. I am a follower of Jesus.

Paul counted all of his Jewishness as dung, compared to knowing Christ Jesus. This should be our attitude. Our boasting should be in the Lord, not in our ethnicity.

" ... 'but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,'declares the Lord." Jeremiah 9:24

Also you have a persecution complex. Just because someone disagrees with you, they are immediately a racist - an antisemite. You are dead wrong. But with all your unjustified attacks on and condemnation of Christians, it is very tempting for me to be anti - at least one Jew - you!
With your highly negative attitude towards Christians, it must be very challenging for your Christian wife to even live with you.
You are misinformed and misguided in your opinion of me. I'm sick of Jew ✡️ bashing from Gentiles. There is a lot of antisemitism in the Church today. You need to read Michael Browns book "Antisemitism in the Church." I lead my wife to the Lord while we were dating. She elected to follow the Christian faith while I followed the Messianic faith. I treat my wife as the queen that she is of our family. Trust me she wants for nothing.
We do our Bible studies together. We talk about the Jewishness of our faith as well as the Gentile Christian faith. I have no issue with people disagreeing with me as long as it doesn't have antisemitism overtones.
Martin Luther the pillar of the Christian faith was one of the worse antisemitic in Christianity. I truly believe Adolf Hitler used his playback centuries later to exterminate the Jews ✡️ in Germany. On the other hand when a Jew goes into horrific sin; he will go farther than any Gentile. For example, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and Bernie Madoff to name a few.
Paul, himself, said his opinions were not from God. Your lies against me is sin. But somehow I don't think you care about not sinning.
This is a big problem with a massive amount of Christendom . MANY dont give a toot about sinning
in fact its got so bad now that many even accept such pratices within the church
as they holler all day long GOD is love . OH HE IS LOVE , i have no doubt about that ,
but using LOVE as an excuse to either not correct , to overlook , to even accept sins , YEAH THAT AINT LOVE OF GOD AT ALL .
The love of the world has been pumped unto the churches under the GUISE it is the LOVE of GOD .
And miss lady , that there love of theirs has long stopped correcting certain sins and began even accepting sins
and now its so bad they even accept unbelief as they holler the other religoins serve the same God we do .
On this path there is only one END . SUDDEN DESTRUCTION . though they beleive
this will lead to world peace n safety , IT WILL LEAD ONLY TO THE DAY and HOUR of SUDDEN destruction
FROM ABOVE BY GOD and the LAMB on the DAY of the LORD . Now that is a fact sister .
yes Paul makes the distinction between him and the Lord. Jesus never addressed it.
Back in 2000 I was driving through that Arizona desert on my way to a Spirit-filled Living Conference in California and God spoke very clearly to me that He was giving me the office of Teacher and put a desire in my heart to ask the pastor at the Conference to anoint me for that office. He did. After that I started writing, and in 2013 published my book on Tongues. I didn't know very much about tongues not being raised among Pentecostals. It took 7 years to write. All my questions I had asked God about them He answered.

Then I was talked into joining Christian forums and it was eye-opening. Especially the heresies Calvinists were preaching. Unbelievable sacrilege. And it seemed to spread into many Protestant denominations. But it also made me wonder if I had believed any teachings of man (or demons) so I prayed and asked God to wipe my mind of all false doctrines and teach me the one and only correct interpretation of every verse inspired by Him. He started immediately! It was amazing. But on these forums men would attack me about posting on forums where men were also posting. Quoting Paul. So, I prayed to God in tears and asked Him why He gave me this office if He told Paul that I couldn't. He immediately answered and told me "I didn't tell him that." So, that is why I KNOW that Paul was just giving his Jewish opinion he was raised with seeing as women were never allowed to study Torah in those days.
Paul said in 1 Cor. 14:34-38: "The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but they are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church. Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only? If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that THE THINGS WHICH I WRITE TO YOU ARE THE LORD'S COMMANDMENT. IF ANYONE DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THIS, HE IS NOT TO BE RECOGNIZED."
Paul said in 1 Cor. 14:34-38: "The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but they are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church. Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only? If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that THE THINGS WHICH I WRITE TO YOU ARE THE LORD'S COMMANDMENT. IF ANYONE DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THIS, HE IS NOT TO BE RECOGNIZED."
The verses before and after verses 34 and 35 is about prophecy. It is well thought of that those verses were added to Paul's letter as they are not about prophecy and not allowing women to prophesy.
Paul said in 1 Cor. 14:34-38: "The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but they are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church. Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only? If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that THE THINGS WHICH I WRITE TO YOU ARE THE LORD'S COMMANDMENT. IF ANYONE DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THIS, HE IS NOT TO BE RECOGNIZED."
That is correct Dwight. If God says, then we believe it.
(And I am a female).

That is correct Dwight. If God says, then we believe it.
(And I am a female).

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What if God didn't say it to Paul, but was a Jewish custom and teaching? Paul said, I will not permit... In 1 Corinthians 7 we see that Paul said that "he says, not the Lord" In other words, God didn't inspire that, it was Paul's opinion. Doesn't that matter to you? It does to me.
What if God didn't say it to Paul, but was a Jewish custom and teaching? Paul said, I will not permit... In 1 Corinthians 7 we see that Paul said that "he says, not the Lord" In other words, God didn't inspire that, it was Paul's opinion. Doesn't that matter to you? It does to me.
very slick sister but NO DEAL .
notice when paul was writing to the corinithians in the seventh chapter HE says Very clearly
YET i say NOT THE LORD . so he was speaking by the persmission of GOD
but this was not a direct commandment by GOD that the church HAD TO KEEP the unbleieving spouse .
You see unbeliving wives or husbands , By the law HAD TO BE , REMOVED .
in this case paul had permission by GOD to say well if one DESIRES to remain they can
NOW you wanna see where else you are dead wrong .
NOTICE in that there fourteenth chapter when paul was writing about women in church
Notice what he says after , IF ANY be spiritual LET HIM KNOW
that what i write ARE THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD . not his opinion SISTER
very slick sister but NO DEAL .
notice when paul was writing to the corinithians in the seventh chapter HE says Very clearly
YET i say NOT THE LORD . so he was speaking by the persmission of GOD
but this was not a direct commandment by GOD that the church HAD TO KEEP the unbleieving spouse .
You see unbeliving wives or husbands , By the law HAD TO BE , REMOVED .
in this case paul had permission by GOD to say well if one DESIRES to remain they can
NOW you wanna see where else you are dead wrong .
NOTICE in that there fourteenth chapter when paul was writing about women in church
Notice what he says after , IF ANY be spiritual LET HIM KNOW
that what i write ARE THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD . not his opinion SISTER
That would matter if those verses hadn't been added later by someone else. That is what I was saying earlier that you may not have read.

By the way, though I am a women, what I write here is okay. Why? Because prophecy is always permitted. God spoke to me in 2000 and said He was giving me the office of Teacher. And the next day I was anointed for that office. God's teachers write truth from Him.
That would matter if those verses hadn't been added later by someone else. That is what I was saying earlier that you may not have read.

By the way, though I am a women, what I write here is okay. Why? Because prophecy is always permitted. God spoke to me in 2000 and said He was giving me the office of Teacher. And the next day I was anointed for that office. God's teachers write truth from Him.
And why do you think i never once griped about any sister that simply types here .
BUT NO woman can lead the church and that is A FACT .
I have never once forbidden prophecy . I simply wont allow a woman to step up and try
and teach and ursurp ANY KIND of authority over the church .
SO all them so called women of god , AND BELIVE YOU ME that god wont be captilized , who stand
er sunday or saturday , wednesday or any other day
Before the pulpit , SIT DOWN and let the men lead .
IF one desires to prophesy do so , but everyone may prophesy one by one .
These so called women that ordain themselves pastors , cause GOD SURE DIDNT
need to sit down and do so fast .
TRULY truly i say to us all , BETTER be on gaurd and test even all men that do speak
cause we got the most effeminate natured men that dont know how to lead at all
WE REALLY GOT A MESS within christendom . never seen anything like it .
Truly truly i say unto all The women have more masculinty that most men do these days .
I never seen a more effeminate , spiritually effeminate breed of man in all my days .
OH honey do lead us
OH Honey do tell us what we should do
as they pull out the chairs to women and let the women lead the church ,
got so bad now even the children teach .
HOW much worse does it have to get before folks put a foot down .
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