Like many Jews and even many Christian Jews, you overemphasize your "Jewishness", as if you have an "automatically going to heaven" card, simply because of your ethnicity. You made a point of stating that all the New Testament authors were Messianic Jews. I think Luke was a Gentile. I just looked at the introductions of every New Testament book. None of the authors mention one word about being a Jew and a Jew who has accepted Jesus as their Messiah. Even if they were, and I believe they were, claiming to be a Jew is not a high priority for any of them.
If fact, six of them don't even identify themselves at all. Of the authors who identify themselves, what do they say about themselves?
I am a bond servant of Christ, an apostle of Jesus Christ, an apostle of Christ Jesus, a bond servant of God, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, the elder. They saw no need whatsoever to identify themselves as Jewish - just as I see no need to identify myself as Gentile. I am a follower of Jesus.
Paul counted all of his Jewishness as dung, compared to knowing Christ Jesus. This should be our attitude. Our boasting should be in the Lord, not in our ethnicity.
" ... 'but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,'declares the Lord." Jeremiah 9:24
Also you have a persecution complex. Just because someone disagrees with you, they are immediately a racist - an antisemite. You are dead wrong. But with all your unjustified attacks on and condemnation of Christians, it is very tempting for me to be anti - at least one Jew - you!
With your highly negative attitude towards Christians, it must be very challenging for your Christian wife to even live with you.