I am not a pastor, nor want to be. However I am a teacher to pastors. They are the ones who have a platform.
Wanna know what most do not realize right now .
A anti christ socially engineered religoin , yes a global religoin is increasing massive .
I have a trivia question for ya
HOW do , how does one unify all them different religoins and make them beleive they are seving the same God .
Its real easy and they been transforming the churches and all religoins from within
for quite some time .
HOW does one rule the world . They have to have enough support .
They cannot just say ALL religoins are bad and evil . cause most folks are religious .
But how do you get them to join as one .
You slowly remove fundamental core doctrines replacing it with a version of love that all humanity can relate too .
WE BEEN DUPED SISTER . DUPED and it seems most have no idea what i am talking about and have been warning about .
But soon we will see its full effects . People keep thinking there is no one world religon .
YES THERE IS . But its not centered on anyones doctrines . cause they wont unite that way .
ITS CENTERED on what they call LOVE . SOON enough the gospel even will have been replaced .
it wont even be from the muslims saying believe ye muahmmed
IT will be BELIEVE YE IN LOVE . you mark my words sister . THAT IS THE NEW FALSE GOSPEL all religonis and the world
will beleive . You will hear phrases like , all one needs to do is love , they will beleive that atheist , muslims
buddists , and any other religoin DOES KNOW GOD if they just love . MARK THEM WORDS SISTER . WE ALL BEEN DUPED .
INTERFAITH is of anti christ , WE should never have abandoned doctrine . but they did .