Is anyone else a Seer?

very slick sister but NO DEAL .
notice when paul was writing to the corinithians in the seventh chapter HE says Very clearly
YET i say NOT THE LORD . so he was speaking by the persmission of GOD
but this was not a direct commandment by GOD that the church HAD TO KEEP the unbleieving spouse .
You see unbeliving wives or husbands , By the law HAD TO BE , REMOVED .
in this case paul had permission by GOD to say well if one DESIRES to remain they can
NOW you wanna see where else you are dead wrong .
NOTICE in that there fourteenth chapter when paul was writing about women in church
Notice what he says after , IF ANY be spiritual LET HIM KNOW
that what i write ARE THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD . not his opinion SISTER
Paul was not sure.
And why do you think i never once griped about any sister that simply types here .
BUT NO woman can lead the church and that is A FACT .
I have never once forbidden prophecy . I simply wont allow a woman to step up and try
and teach and ursurp ANY KIND of authority over the church .
SO all them so called women of god , AND BELIVE YOU ME that god wont be captilized , who stand
er sunday or saturday , wednesday or any other day
Before the pulpit , SIT DOWN and let the men lead .
IF one desires to prophesy do so , but everyone may prophesy one by one .
These so called women that ordain themselves pastors , cause GOD SURE DIDNT
need to sit down and do so fast .
TRULY truly i say to us all , BETTER be on gaurd and test even all men that do speak
cause we got the most effeminate natured men that dont know how to lead at all
WE REALLY GOT A MESS within christendom . never seen anything like it .
I am not a pastor, nor want to be. However I am a teacher to pastors. They are the ones who have a platform.
I am not a pastor, nor want to be. However I am a teacher to pastors. They are the ones who have a platform.
Wanna know what most do not realize right now .
A anti christ socially engineered religoin , yes a global religoin is increasing massive .
I have a trivia question for ya
HOW do , how does one unify all them different religoins and make them beleive they are seving the same God .
Its real easy and they been transforming the churches and all religoins from within
for quite some time .
HOW does one rule the world . They have to have enough support .
They cannot just say ALL religoins are bad and evil . cause most folks are religious .
But how do you get them to join as one .
You slowly remove fundamental core doctrines replacing it with a version of love that all humanity can relate too .
WE BEEN DUPED SISTER . DUPED and it seems most have no idea what i am talking about and have been warning about .
But soon we will see its full effects . People keep thinking there is no one world religon .
YES THERE IS . But its not centered on anyones doctrines . cause they wont unite that way .
ITS CENTERED on what they call LOVE . SOON enough the gospel even will have been replaced .
it wont even be from the muslims saying believe ye muahmmed
IT will be BELIEVE YE IN LOVE . you mark my words sister . THAT IS THE NEW FALSE GOSPEL all religonis and the world
will beleive . You will hear phrases like , all one needs to do is love , they will beleive that atheist , muslims
buddists , and any other religoin DOES KNOW GOD if they just love . MARK THEM WORDS SISTER . WE ALL BEEN DUPED .
INTERFAITH is of anti christ , WE should never have abandoned doctrine . but they did .
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