Is anyone else a Seer?

It's fine to do old covenant things just because you like them or as an expression of devotion.

They just do not make a person more righteous nor are they our obligation to earn heaven.
The same can be said of Christians worshipping on Sunday, instead of Saturday.
Besides I believe you get the greatest blessings in life by viewing and doing things through Adonai's lense. Unfortunately, most be people view life through a legalistic Christian lense as you do.
It's fine to do old covenant things just because you like them or as an expression of devotion.

They just do not make a person more righteous nor are they our obligation to earn heaven.
Do Christians get a free get out of Hell card on Sundays in church? I know they live hypocritical lives the rest of the week.
Do Christians get a free get out of Hell card on Sundays in church? I know they live hypocritical lives the rest of the week.

Not all Christians celebrate on Sunday, I don't celebrate any particular day. The specific day is irrelevant.

There are hypocrites among all people, and indeed, we all have a measure of hypocrisy, so we should not self-righteously look down on others.

Jesus came to save sinners, and the hardest thing in the world for some people is just to admit they are.
Not all Christians celebrate on Sunday, I don't celebrate any particular day. The specific day is irrelevant.

There are hypocrites among all people, and indeed, we all have a measure of hypocrisy, so we should not self-righteously look down on others.

Jesus came to save sinners, and the hardest thing in the world for some people is just to admit they are.
My the 7th day as commanded in the Torah for rest and worship. The nice thing on Sunday when we go out to eat at a restaurant sometime before noon we don't have to line up or wait for a table. You guys keep worshipping on Sundays and do us Jews ✡️ a favor. LOL I think Christians have a greater measure of hypocrisy than Jews ✡️.
I think Christians have a greater measure of hypocrisy than Jews ✡️.

The Bible has a term for that. Judgmentalism and self-righteousness.

Also He spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: (Lk. 18:9 NKJ)

Try this prayer instead:

And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying,`God, be merciful to me a sinner!' (Lk. 18:13 NKJ)
The Bible has a term for that. Judgmentalism and self-righteousness.

Also He spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: (Lk. 18:9 NKJ)

Try this prayer instead:

And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying,`God, be merciful to me a sinner!' (Lk. 18:13 NKJ)
You can use platitudes and twist Scripture to justify your position. But the fact of the matter is that I am right, because I see it everyday.
I've warned charismaticlady many times that she's dabbling with demonic things, but she doesn't want to except that, apparently for two reasons Because she gets much of her "answers" and "guidance" by listening directly for God's voice, (which she claims she has heard for over 47 years), and second, because I'm a man who dared to teach her things, especially things that she disagrees with, like Paul said women should not teach or exercise authority over a man. She claims God gave her the gift or office of a teacher - I say fine, if you only teach younger women as Paul instructed. Her attitude sounds very similar to the Women's Liberation Organization, which is totally against Christian doctrine.

Regarding Paul's instructions for women in 1 Timothy 2:11-14 and 1 Corinthians 14:34-38, she said God spoke to her and said "I did not tell him (Paul) that." #428 So she got a "direct" word from God. I told her I don't doubt she got a word, but it wasn't from God. It was from Satan.
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I've warned charismaticlady many times that she's dabbling with demonic things, but she doesn't want to except that, apparently for two reasons Because she gets much of her "answers" and "guidance" by listening directly for God's voice, (which she claims she has heard for over 47 years), and second, because I'm a man who dared to teach her things, especially things that she disagrees with, like Paul said women should not teach or exercise authority over a man. She claims God gave her the gift or office of a teacher - I say fine, if you only teach younger women as Paul instructed. Her attitude sounds very similar to the Women's Liberation Organization, which is totally against Christian doctrine.
We do agree on this. In Messianic Judaism ✡️ women are viewed as nurturing. They can exercise their authority and teaching over males up to their Bar Mitzvah. After that their instruction and authority comes from a male role model. Women Rabbis have been an issue in the Messianic Community. I've heard arguments on both sides. I believe all Rabbis should be men.
The Talmud has many terrible things to say about Jesus. For example, that a sorcerer raised Him from the dead and that He was boiling in hot excrement. If I was a Jew, I would not be proud of the terrible things said there. This goes way beyond hypocrisy - it's blasphemous.
The Talmud has many terrible things to say about Jesus. For example, that a sorcerer raised Him from the dead and that He was boiling in hot excrement. If I was a Jew, I would not be proud of the terrible things said there. This goes way beyond hypocrisy - it's blasphemous.
Which Talmud are you referring to?
Thank God your not a Jew.
The Talmud has many terrible things to say about Jesus. For example, that a sorcerer raised Him from the dead and that He was boiling in hot excrement. If I was a Jew, I would not be proud of the terrible things said there. This goes way beyond hypocrisy - it's blasphemous.
Doing some research this was a verbal antisemitic attack on the Talmud. There is no truth in this. This verbal attack came from a Jew ✡️ that converted to Christianity.
Imagine that.
Do Christians get a free get out of Hell card on Sundays in church? I know they live hypocritical lives the rest of the week.
I’m currently not going on Sundays my wife works. Yet I go to a Tuesday and Thursday evening life group, Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday morning Mens discipleship groups. When I’m at the church building I like to be there with my wife, not by myself. So I choose not to go. :)
I suppose you are a tongue talker?
With all the immorality in the Pentecostal and Assembly of God churches, they have no credibility in my opinion and that includes the fake healers and other charlatans trying to make a dollar on religion.
Maybe you were having hallucinating visions being on drugs?
Have you ever been born again of the Holy Spirit? It doesn't sound like it. Jesus said, "You MUST be born again of the Spirit." Otherwise, you won't inherit the Kingdom of God.
The Talmud has many terrible things to say about Jesus. For example, that a sorcerer raised Him from the dead and that He was boiling in hot excrement. If I was a Jew, I would not be proud of the terrible things said there. This goes way beyond hypocrisy - it's blasphemous.
Full-scale attacks on the Talmud took place in the 13th century in France, where Talmudic study was then flourishing. In the 1230s Nicholas Donin, a Jewish convert to Christianity, pressed 35 charges against the Talmud to Pope Gregory IX by translating a series of allegedly blasphemous passages about Jesus, Mary or Christianity. There is a quoted Talmudic passage, for example, where a person named Yeshu who some people have claimed is Jesus of Nazareth is sent to Gehenna to be boiled in excrement for eternity. Donin also selected an injunction of the Talmud that permits Jews to kill non-Jews. This led to the Disputation of Paris, which took place in 1240 at the court of Louis IX of France, where four rabbis, including Yechiel of Paris and Moses ben Jacob of Coucy, defended the Talmud against the accusations of Nicholas Donin. The translation of the Talmud from Aramaic to non-Jewish languages stripped Jewish discourse from its covering, something that was resented by Jews as a profound violation.[172] The Disputation of Paris led to the condemnation and the first burning of copies of the Talmud in Paris in 1242.[173][174] The burning of copies of the Talmud continued.[175]

The Talmud was likewise the subject of the Disputation of Barcelona in 1263 between Nahmanides and Christian converts in which they argued if Jesus was the messiah prophesized in Judaism, Pablo Christiani. This same Pablo Christiani made an attack on the Talmud that resulted in a papal bull against the Talmud and in the first censorship, which was undertaken at Barcelona by a commission of Dominicans, who ordered the cancellation of passages deemed objectionable from a Christian perspective (1264).[176][177]

At the Disputation of Tortosa in 1413, Geronimo de Santa Fé brought forward a number of accusations, including the fateful assertion that the condemnations of "pagans", "heathens", and "apostates" found in the Talmud were, in reality, veiled references to Christians. These assertions were denied by the Jewish community and its scholars, who contended that Judaic thought made a sharp distinction between those classified as heathen or pagan, being polytheistic, and those who acknowledge one true God (such as the Christians) even while worshipping the true monotheistic God incorrectly. Thus, Jews viewed Christians as misguided and in error, but not among the "heathens" or "pagans" discussed in the Talmud.[177]

Both Pablo Christiani and Geronimo de Santa Fé, in addition to criticizing the Talmud, also regarded it as a source of authentic traditions, some of which could be used as arguments in favor of Christianity. Examples of such traditions were statements that the Messiah was born around the time of the destruction of the Temple and that the Messiah sat at the right hand of God.[178]

In 1415, Antipope Benedict XIII, who had convened the Tortosa disputation, issued a papal bull (which was destined, however, to remain inoperative) forbidding the Jews to read the Talmud, and ordering the destruction of all copies of it. Far more important were the charges made in the early part of the 16th century by the convert Johannes Pfefferkorn, the agent of the Dominicans. The result of these accusations was a struggle in which the emperor and the pope acted as judges, the advocate of the Jews being Johann Reuchlin, who was opposed by the obscurantists; and this controversy, which was carried on for the most part by means of pamphlets, became in the eyes of some a precursor of the Reformation.[177][179]

An unexpected result of this affair was the complete printed edition of the Babylonian Talmud issued in 1520 by Daniel Bomberg at Venice, under the protection of a papal privilege.[180] Three years later, in 1523, Bomberg published the first edition of the Jerusalem Talmud. After thirty years the Vatican, which had first permitted the Talmud to appear in print, undertook a campaign of destruction against it. On the New Year, Rosh Hashanah (September 9, 1553) the copies of the Talmud confiscated in compliance with a decree of the Inquisition were burned at Rome, in Campo dei Fiori (auto de fé). Other burnings took place in other Italian cities, such as the one instigated by Joshua dei Cantori at Cremona in 1559. Censorship of the Talmud and other Hebrew works was introduced by a papal bull issued in 1554; five years later the Talmud was included in the first Index Expurgatorius; and Pope Pius IV commanded, in 1565, that the Talmud be deprived of its very name. The convention of referring to the work as "Shas" (shishah sidre Mishnah) instead of "Talmud" dates from this time.[181]

The first edition of the expurgated Talmud, on which most subsequent editions were based, appeared at Basel (1578–1581) with the omission of the entire treatise of 'Abodah Zarah and of passages considered inimical to Christianity, together with modifications of certain phrases. A fresh attack on the Talmud was decreed by Pope Gregory XIII (1575–85), and in 1593 Clement VIII renewed the old interdiction against reading or owning it.[citation needed] The increasing study of the Talmud in Poland led to the issue of a complete edition (Kraków, 1602–05), with a restoration of the original text; an edition containing, so far as known, only two treatises had previously been published at Lublin (1559–76). After an attack on the Talmud took place in Poland (in what is now Ukrainian territory) in 1757, when Bishop Dembowski, at the instigation of the Frankists, convened a public disputation at Kamieniec Podolski, and ordered all copies of the work found in his bishopric to be confiscated and burned.[182] A "1735 edition of Moed Katan, printed in Frankfurt am Oder" is among those that survived from that era.[139] "Situated on the Oder River, Three separate editions of the Talmud were printed there between 1697 and 1739."

The external history of the Talmud includes also the literary attacks made upon it by some Christian theologians after the Reformation since these onslaughts on Judaism were directed primarily against that work, the leading example being Eisenmenger's Entdecktes Judenthum (Judaism Unmasked) (1700).[183][184][185] In contrast, the Talmud was a subject of rather more sympathetic study by many Christian theologians, jurists and Orientalists from the Renaissance on, including Johann Reuchlin, John Selden, Petrus Cunaeus, John Lightfoot and Johannes Buxtorf father and son.[186]

In the context of "white halo"....

I know people have this "vision" of how angels are creatures with "white halos". I've never seen the Scripture that states such. I don't have an opinion but it seems rather odd to me. Can you help me understand the context of the "white halo"?
That's what I call it. The other seers at the little church call them auras. I don't like to call this glow what psychic mediums call it. That is the demonic counterfeit of this gift. Mediums also see it on anyone. The true gift seems to be only judging a teaching, because I didn't see anything during song service, or announcements - only the teaching.

I've been able to hear God's voice for 47 years. So that is the ear though it is actually heard in my mind. And now I have the gift for the eyes.

1 Corinthians 2:9-10
9 But as it is written:

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.
Though I don't think the Talmud is referring to the same Jesus, the Talmuds are still complete anti-Biblical garbage and full of ridiculous things.
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