Is anyone else a Seer?

This is why you should not be teaching. John is writing to believers, not unbelievers. Yes, even believers are capable of lying to themselves - like you are, in saying that you no longer sin. In the same way, we are capable (even though we don't want to) of other sins as well.
Being spiritually immature is not a sin, unless you stay that way long after becoming a believer. And if you continue to believe that you cannot sin, you will not grow.
Hi Dwight,

There were sins not unto death that I use to commit until Jesus, as the finisher of my faith as He promised, matured me over the last 47 years. But I do not commit any sins of the flesh as listed in Galatians 5:19-21. You say you still sin. By number, not naming sins, how many do you still commit? They will keep you out of heaven, so are you going to stop committing them?

19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Your questions betray your ignorance of scripture. You are deceived when you say you do not commit any sins of the flesh. In your lieing about that, you are sinning already. I do not keep track of how many sins I commit - it would be foolish to do so. Rather, when I become aware of any sin that I have committed, for example, evil thoughts, coveting, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness, fornications, thefts, murders, and adulteries - Mark 7:20-23, or the sins of Galatians 5:19-21, for example, I ask God immediately to forgive me and I trust that He does.
How many sins did the thief on the cross repent of? We have NO record that he repented of ANY of his sins. Yet Jesus told him that "Today, you will be with Me in paradise." Why? Because he got his heart right with Jesus, and he trusted Jesus to save his soul and to forgive his sins.
It's NOT our known sins or even our forgotten sins that will keep us out of heaven. What keeps us out of heaven, IS THAT WE PUT OUR TRUST IN JESUS, THE SAVIOR OF OUR SOULS AND FORGIVER OF OUR SINS.
All of us will probably die one day, without remembering to ask God to forgive us of certain recent sins. Will God send us to hell because we forgot to ask His forgiveness? Of course not, He will remember that we had ALREADY put our trust in Jesus OUR SAVIOR, OUR FORGIVER, OUR HOPE, OUR GOD, and He will bring us safely into His eternal kingdom. Our God is a merciful and loving God. He is not a legalist tyrant who keeps track of every sin that we may have forgot to repent of.
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fornications, thefts, murders, and adulteries
Yikes! So Jesus has not taken away your desire to sin. I believe you when you admit to being a sinner.

Question: Do you also believe you have received the Holy Spirit and operate His signs Mark 16?

16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
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The sins listed were examples. I'm not confessing that I actually committed all of those, except in my heart. Jesus said that if a man looks at a woman to lust for her in his heart, he has committed adultery in his heart.
I have received the Holy Spirit. I have spoken in tongues.
I'm a Seer, I "See" self-righteousness here.
Maybe I should have said, "I'm a new Seer, because I want help from other Seers with this gift. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10

9 But as it is written:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

I've heard God's voice since 1977, but I didn't know about supernatural sight from the Spirit. But Satan has counterfeited this gift from God. Psychic mediums can see colored "auras" around people, so I should have known that there must be an original. But the true gift from God is only during a sermon, and only when it is from Him. Many pastors don't have anything around them. I have come to call those sermons "non-sermons." They didn't originate in the Spirit.

For instance, my pastor has a white halo around his head and shoulders when he gives his sermon, and ONLY during the sermon. But when I went to another church service after my pastor's early sermon, I was amazed at what I saw. Again only during the sermon what emanated out of him was huge and a bright cobalt blue. And then he knelt on the floor and the blue came around him totally even in the front of him where I could see him inside this blue enclosure. That was a first also. And at this church they had a screen and I could see it on the TV screen. That taught me that I could look up services on YouTube. My old pastor from California died this year and I looked at him on YouTube during a sermon, and his was white. I don't know what these different colors mean.

As a teacher, I think I should warn you that your post was like an attack, and Paul told us to not even have lunch with someone who professed to be a Christian who was a reviler.
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Paul also told women that they are not to teach or exercise authority over a man, but apparently you only listen to Paul when you like what he says.
It's very likely that you're seeing demonic manifestations because you ignore the truth that you should not teach men. You also are deceived into thinking that you don't sin, when the scripture plainly teaches otherwise. Why do you think that Jesus instructed us in "the Lord's prayer"to ask God to forgive us for our trespasses, as we forgive others? In that prayer we are also told "Give us this day our DAILY bread." So Jesus is also saying to ask for forgiveness for our sins DAILY. So that gives us a clue as to how often we sin - pretty much every day. Therefore we need His forgiveness daily.
So you're "warning" Dizerner that because of his "attack", that now you can't eat lunch with him? I'm sure he's shaking in his boots!! He did not "revile" you. He simply rightly identified self-righteousness. I would throw in pride too, since you've heard God's voice since 1977 - that's 48 years!!
We don't even see anyone in Scripture where it is recorded that they heard God's voice for that many years!! Again, you may be hearing a voice, but it's not God's voice. Most likely demons are talking to you, pretending to be God. How do I know that? "By their fruit, you shall know them." Your "fruit" is not accepting what the Bible says and making outlandish claims which cannot be true.
Have you ever asked God about Paul's letter to Timothy, whether or not that was a commandment from God or just Paul's opinion like in 1 Cor. 7 seeing as he said, "I do not allow..."

I did.
Here's another way that you are straying from the truth. Nobody needs to ask God about Paul's letter to Timothy. The Bible itself tells you all you need to know. You don't need to "hear God's voice" to get your answer. Paul himself answered your question in 1 Timothy 2:13-15. His answer? Any woman who rejects Paul's instruction in verses 11 and 12 of the same chapter, can expect to be deceived, as Eve was- as you are. Because you ignore God's written word - so you expect God to supernaturally speak to you. Sorry, He's NOT. You're deceived. I can confidently say that this is God's word to you, because everything I'm presenting to you lines up, i.e. agrees with Scripture.
Apparently Eve, instead of quietly receiving instruction from Adam, attempted to exercise authority over him and teach him- which led to his joining her in her disobedience by eating of the tree that they were forbidden to eat from.
Paul also told women that they are not to teach or exercise authority over a man, but apparently you only listen to Paul when you like what he says.
It's very likely that you're seeing demonic manifestations because you ignore the truth that you should not teach men. You also are deceived into thinking that you don't sin, when the scripture plainly teaches otherwise. Why do you think that Jesus instructed us in "the Lord's prayer"to ask God to forgive us for our trespasses, as we forgive others? In that prayer we are also told "Give us this day our DAILY bread." So Jesus is also saying to ask for forgiveness for our sins DAILY. So that gives us a clue as to how often we sin - pretty much every day. Therefore we need His forgiveness daily.
So you're "warning" Dizerner that because of his "attack", that now you can't eat lunch with him? I'm sure he's shaking in his boots!! He did not "revile" you. He simply rightly identified self-righteousness. I would throw in pride too, since you've heard God's voice since 1977 - that's 48 years!!
We don't even see anyone in Scripture where it is recorded that they heard God's voice for that many years!! Again, you may be hearing a voice, but it's not God's voice. Most likely demons are talking to you, pretending to be God. How do I know that? "By their fruit, you shall know them." Your "fruit" is not accepting what the Bible says and making outlandish claims which cannot be true.

Here's another way that you are straying from the truth. Nobody needs to ask God about Paul's letter to Timothy. The Bible itself tells you all you need to know. You don't need to "hear God's voice" to get your answer. Paul himself answered your question in 1 Timothy 2:13-15. His answer? Any woman who rejects Paul's instruction in verses 11 and 12 of the same chapter, can expect to be deceived, as Eve was- as you are. Because you ignore God's written word - so you expect God to supernaturally speak to you. Sorry, He's NOT. You're deceived. I can confidently say that this is God's word to you, because everything I'm presenting to you lines up, i.e. agrees with Scripture.
Apparently Eve, instead of quietly receiving instruction from Adam, attempted to exercise authority over him and teach him- which led to his joining her in her disobedience by eating of the tree that they were forbidden to eat from.
Seeing as I can hear God's voice and He does answer my questions, I'll take his advice especially over yours. Paul's opinions are based on his culture. That is why he said "I do not allow a woman to speak." God said, "I didn't tell him that." That is good enough for me, especially as your tone is also reviling. I do not allow men to teach me any of your doctrines of men or demons that cause the reviling tone, just because you are a man.
How is it possible that "God's voice" that you falsely claim to hear, disagrees with the words of the apostle Paul? If Paul's instructions are merely his opinions, then why did he state that these principles have been in effect since Adam and Eve?
There are a few times where Paul does indeed state his opinions, such as 1 Corinthians 7. But when he does that, he clearly states that it is his opinion. He did not do that in 1 Timothy 2. Not only that, but if anyone receives Jesus, he is obligated to receive the one whom He sent - Paul. So we are commanded by the Lord to receive even the opinions of the apostle Paul. Matthew 10:41

Also the passage in 1 Corinthians 14:34-38 confirms the information in 1 Timothy 2. The Corinthians passage says:
"The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman for a woman to speak in church." Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only? If anyone thinks he is a prophet (or a seer) or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord's commandment. But if anyone does not recognize this, he is not to be recognized.."

So 1 Corinthians 14 confirms 1 Timothy 2, and even informs us that both are the commandment of the Lord. Your claim that "God" said about Paul, "I didn't tell him that." is over the top. He said no such thing in the Bible. Once again, you're preferring your "voice" over what the Bible actually says. My tone is not reviling. That supernatural voice you hear is not God. Therefore, that leaves only one other source - Satan. I have not reviled you. I have exposed your "teaching" as being false.
How is it possible that "God's voice" that you falsely claim to hear, disagrees with the words of the apostle Paul? If Paul's instructions are merely his opinions, then why did he state that these principles have been in effect since Adam and Eve?
There are a few times where Paul does indeed state his opinions, such as 1 Corinthians 7. But when he does that, he clearly states that it is his opinion. He did not do that in 1 Timothy 2. Not only that, but if anyone receives Jesus, he is obligated to receive the one whom He sent - Paul. So we are commanded by the Lord to receive even the opinions of the apostle Paul. Matthew 10:41

Also the passage in 1 Corinthians 14:34-38 confirms the information in 1 Timothy 2. The Corinthians passage says:
"The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman for a woman to speak in church." Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only? If anyone thinks he is a prophet (or a seer) or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord's commandment. But if anyone does not recognize this, he is not to be recognized.."

So 1 Corinthians 14 confirms 1 Timothy 2, and even informs us that both are the commandment of the Lord. Your claim that "God" said about Paul, "I didn't tell him that." is over the top. He said no such thing in the Bible. Once again, you're preferring your "voice" over what the Bible actually says. My tone is not reviling. That supernatural voice you hear is not God. Therefore, that leaves only one other source - Satan. I have not reviled you. I have exposed your "teaching" as being false.
Evidently you've never heard God's voice so are now playing the role of a Pharisee and bearing false witness. God has spoken to me for 47 years and everything He told me has come to pass, sometimes immediately. And on Thanksgiving God did a creative miracle in my living room.

Paul had been a Pharisee and women were not allowed to speak in the temple. If they now allowed women to speak it would cause confusion. But women were still uneducated for the most part. But as a forever commandment of the Lord, only men want to enforce that. God never commanded this cultural notion to the church.
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Evidently you've never heard God's voice so are now playing the role of a Pharisee and bearing false witness. God has spoken to me for 47 years and everything He told me has come to pass, sometimes immediately. And on Thanksgiving God did a creative miracle in my living room.

Paul had been a Pharisee and women were not allowed to speak in the temple. If they now allowed women to speak it would cause confusion. But women were still uneducated for the most part. But as a forever commandment of the Lord, only men want to enforce that. God never commanded this cultural notion to the church.
Paul said "this cultural notion" had been around since Adam and Eve, so was it from the culture of the Garden of Eden?
Paul said "this cultural notion" had been around since Adam and Eve, so was it from the culture of the Garden of Eden?
It was since Moses and in the Jewish culture. They didn't know they were naked until Adam sinned, because Eve was lied to and she didn't intentionally sin against God, and neither Adam nor Eve had ever experienced a liar. They only saw that they were naked when Adam willfully sinned, because his was against God in favor of his wife.
There were seers in the Old Testament called prophets, but the word "seer" is not used in the New Testament for prophets. I just heard about this about 5 months ago at church. They said they have three seers in the church. I asked them about it during Sunday School and they said they could all see the glory around our pastor when he is giving the sermon. So I prayed and asked God if this gift is from him I would like it also. I saw nothing around him during his morning prayer, but as soon as he began his sermons a white glow emanated from around his head and shoulders. I had never seen that before. I believe it has to do with testing the spirits and discerning of spirits.

Does anyone else have this gift? Tell me what you've experienced. I did visit a church with a missionary friend of mine, and when the pastor started the sermon a 10 in black billowing cloud was coming out of him. I looked around the church and I don't see anything around anyone else, or even the pastor until he starts preaching.
Don't over think it.
Don't over think it.
I don't think I should not over think it. I want to know. I went to a number of different churches after going to the early service at my regular church. Many times I see nothing at all. I call them non-sermons, as they are not of the Spirit, just human thoughts, or sermons with a lot of errors in interpretation of Scripture. But I went to a Pentecostal church and the worship was overwhelming! Then the Youth Pastor substituted for the Senior Pastor who was away, and I was amazed at what I saw. It was huge and cobalt blue. It was gorgeous. Then at one time he fell to the floor to kneel and I immediately criticized that in my mind thinking is was of the flesh, but the blue went in front of him and encased him like a glass paper weight. This was a large church and they had large TV screens up on both sides and I could see the blue on the TV. So I learned a lot about it that Sunday. That was the first time the halo was colored, the first time it came in front of the pastor and could see him through it, and the first time it was recorded. So when I got home I looked on YouTube. My spiritual father, Jack Hayford passed away last year but on YouTube I saw that he also had a white halo around his head (but not in front of his face.) I still don't know what the colors mean, nor the billowing black cloud. There was also a tornado in front of the black background. I told that pastor about that as I felt I couldn't just keep that to myself. He needed to do something. And I have no doubt he knows what it represents.
I don't think I should not over think it. I want to know. I went to a number of different churches after going to the early service at my regular church. Many times I see nothing at all. I call them non-sermons, as they are not of the Spirit, just human thoughts, or sermons with a lot of errors in interpretation of Scripture. But I went to a Pentecostal church and the worship was overwhelming! Then the Youth Pastor substituted for the Senior Pastor who was away, and I was amazed at what I saw. It was huge and cobalt blue. It was gorgeous. Then at one time he fell to the floor to kneel and I immediately criticized that in my mind thinking is was of the flesh, but the blue went in front of him and encased him like a glass paper weight. This was a large church and they had large TV screens up on both sides and I could see the blue on the TV. So I learned a lot about it that Sunday. That was the first time the halo was colored, the first time it came in front of the pastor and could see him through it, and the first time it was recorded. So when I got home I looked on YouTube. My spiritual father, Jack Hayford passed away last year but on YouTube I saw that he also had a white halo around his head (but not in front of his face.) I still don't know what the colors mean, nor the billowing black cloud. There was also a tornado in front of the black background. I told that pastor about that as I felt I couldn't just keep that to myself. He needed to do something. And I have no doubt he knows what it represents.
I suppose you are a tongue talker?
With all the immorality in the Pentecostal and Assembly of God churches, they have no credibility in my opinion and that includes the fake healers and other charlatans trying to make a dollar on religion.
Maybe you were having hallucinating visions being on drugs?
The occult can give discernment for actual spiritual realities, although in a warped way.

I know this from personal experience.

We are called to walk by faith, and not always look for experiences.
The occult can give discernment for actual spiritual realities, although in a warped way.

I know this from personal experience.

We are called to walk by faith, and not always look for experiences.
That we can agree on. Before I met my wife, she was involved with the Pentecostal and Assembly of God folks. She told me it was all fake and for show.
The occult can give discernment for actual spiritual realities, although in a warped way.

I know this from personal experience.

We are called to walk by faith, and not always look for experiences.
My wife is of the Christian faith and I am of the Messianic faith. We compliment each other and enjoy each other's insights into life.
She knows I do things differently according to my faith. I make most of my stock trades on Tuesday. In Judaism Tuesday is considered a day of blessing. Jewish couples get married on Tuesday. I do no work from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday.
My suits are 100% pure wool. It's a ✡️ Jewish thing. You can't mix wool and linen in a garment.
My wife loves barbecue pulled pork. I like beef brisket. I always eat kosher and organic food. My wife not so much. Although I did get my wife to like hallah bread and bagels 🥯 Lol We both enjoy ministering to the elderly
and people in need.
My wife is of the Christian faith and I am of the Messianic faith. We compliment each other and enjoy each other's insights into life.
She knows I do things differently according to my faith. I make most of my stock trades on Tuesday. In Judaism Tuesday is considered a day of blessing. Jewish couples get married on Tuesday. I do no work from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday.
My suits are 100% pure wool. It's a ✡️ Jewish thing. You can't mix wool and linen in a garment.
My wife loves barbecue pulled pork. I like beef brisket. I always eat kosher and organic food. My wife not so much. Although I did get my wife to like hallah bread and bagels 🥯 Lol We both enjoy ministering to the elderly
and people in need.

It's fine to do old covenant things just because you like them or as an expression of devotion.

They just do not make a person more righteous nor are they our obligation to earn heaven.
I don't think I should not over think it. I want to know. I went to a number of different churches after going to the early service at my regular church. Many times I see nothing at all. I call them non-sermons, as they are not of the Spirit, just human thoughts, or sermons with a lot of errors in interpretation of Scripture. But I went to a Pentecostal church and the worship was overwhelming! Then the Youth Pastor substituted for the Senior Pastor who was away, and I was amazed at what I saw. It was huge and cobalt blue. It was gorgeous. Then at one time he fell to the floor to kneel and I immediately criticized that in my mind thinking is was of the flesh, but the blue went in front of him and encased him like a glass paper weight. This was a large church and they had large TV screens up on both sides and I could see the blue on the TV. So I learned a lot about it that Sunday. That was the first time the halo was colored, the first time it came in front of the pastor and could see him through it, and the first time it was recorded. So when I got home I looked on YouTube. My spiritual father, Jack Hayford passed away last year but on YouTube I saw that he also had a white halo around his head (but not in front of his face.) I still don't know what the colors mean, nor the billowing black cloud. There was also a tornado in front of the black background. I told that pastor about that as I felt I couldn't just keep that to myself. He needed to do something. And I have no doubt he knows what it represents.

In the context of "white halo"....

I know people have this "vision" of how angels are creatures with "white halos". I've never seen the Scripture that states such. I don't have an opinion but it seems rather odd to me. Can you help me understand the context of the "white halo"?
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