I'm not ashamed of the gospel

Limited atonement is a doctrine in search of a text.

No one can point to any text in Scripture that states clearly and unequivocally that Christ died for the sins of a limited number of people to the exclusion of others. Most Calvinists will admit this.

Alternatively, a dozen clear texts in the New Testament explicitly affirm Christ died for the sins of all people, and another half dozen plus that indirectly suggest it.
Limited atonement is a doctrine in search of a text.

No one can point to any text in Scripture that states clearly and unequivocally that Christ died for the sins of a limited number of people to the exclusion of others. Most Calvinists will admit this.

Alternatively, a dozen clear texts in the New Testament explicitly affirm Christ died for the sins of all people, and another half dozen plus that indirectly suggest it.
All texts on Christ dying, automatically refer to the elect, and if you dont teach that in your witness, its a false gospel
All texts on Christ dying, automatically refer to the elect, and if you dont teach that in your witness, its a false gospel
Do you have a bible verse for limited atonement?

Seems like you can make the Bible say anything you want it to mean. Grab a passage, don’t look at context, and interpret it how you want to. Cha-ching!

The truth is Christ died for the world to bring God's grace to all people.
The Gospel of God’s grace is all about God’s grace in salvation. It starts from election and ends with the glorification of all His chosen ones, to whom Christ has imputed His Righteousness and whom the Holy Spirit has made alive.

The Gospel is the Good News of the grace of God in doing everything to save His chosen people from their sins, therefore no one has any biblical right to keep any doctrine that teaches the grace of God in salvation out of the Gospel.https://www.godsonlygospel.com/the-doctrines-of-the-gospel-part-4
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