I'm not ashamed of the gospel

Post it 5 more times and I still will believe your god is John Calvin.

But what is this “good news? It's the fact that “You can be sure that, if you were to die tonight, you would go to heaven”; “If you trust Jesus, all your sins will be forgiven, and you’ll be guaranteed a ‘not guilty’ verdict at the Last Judgment”; “Jesus died in your place, so now you don’t need to be afraid of God, of judgment, or of death”; “All you need to do is to confess Jesus as your savior and believe in his name, and you can be sure that you’re saved.”
You are being an adversary to the Gospel
Each generation of Christians is a steward of the gospel message, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, God calls upon us to guard this treasure that has been entrusted to us. We are not to fall for another gospel.

Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
—1 Corinthians 15:1–4
Each generation of Christians is a steward of the gospel message, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, God calls upon us to guard this treasure that has been entrusted to us. We are not to fall for another gospel.
... and the irony is that FREE WILL vs DOCTRINES OF GRACE [to use the most positive labels] are not relevant to the Gospel or a False Gospel. If they were, we would have CLEAR SCRIPTURE giving a definitive answer on these "secondary" issues and the argument would not have lasted a decade during the Reformation.

The GOSPEL is about ESSENTIALS ... as in "In Essentials Unity, in Non-essentials Liberty, and in All Things Charity".
I find the ESSENTIALS concisely in these verses: Romans 10:9-10 [NLT] "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved."

That works whether you believe in FREE WILL or DOCTRINES OF GRACE, because it focuses on ESSENTIALS rather than NON-ESSENTIAL details.
Tulip is not the gospel you are projecting and equivocating again
If anyone would bother to examine calivin
one would see he only recreated in his own image another statechurch religoin .
He perhaps got rid of some of the bad things the popes had taught
but brought his own evil right into the mix . Desiring even the death of others .
The man had comittees . who so called governed the church . people might wanna read
about some of the things them people did , and did so in the name of what they thought was GOD
was CHRIST , but was none other than calvin all mighty . something was dead wrong .
You do realize what in essence is going on my friend .
The man has elevated calivin to the status of GOD all mighty himself .
And if we wont agree with calvin , well he accuses us of not even believing the gospel .
talk about a GOD status that has been given to man , NOT GOD . .
Actually, what is going on here is many are suffering from CDS and anything that SCRIPTURE teaches as TRUTH which happens to agree with what John Calvin believed, even if it is codified in the Doctrines of Grace BECAUSE it is taught as Biblical Truth, is immediately "demonized" by those that shake their fist at the Word of God and swear "I would never love a God like that!". In their CDS, they then turn their hatred of God's Sovereignty against those Christians that dare to affirm the teachings of scripture against their carefully erected "cherry-picked" verses denying God's self-proclaimed right [Romans 9] and power [Ephesians 1 & 2].

That is what is going on [... and it has NOTHING to do with the Gospel.]
Actually, what is going on here is many are suffering from CDS and anything that SCRIPTURE teaches as TRUTH which happens to agree with what John Calvin believed, even if it is codified in the Doctrines of Grace BECAUSE it is taught as Biblical Truth, is immediately "demonized" by those that shake their fist at the Word of God and swear "I would never love a God like that!". In their CDS, they then turn their hatred of God's Sovereignty against those Christians that dare to affirm the teachings of scripture against their carefully erected "cherry-picked" verses denying God's self-proclaimed right [Romans 9] and power [Ephesians 1 & 2].

That is what is going on [... and it has NOTHING to do with the Gospel.]
Yea rather many have BDS . as it seems they love to heed men rather than the scriptures .
Many within even the evangelical realm be as lost as the false liberal progressive realm .
For more proof on that , TAKE A GOOD long peek at WHO trump put into the faith office . PAULA WHITE .
And yes she is with the interfaith flow .
The lady even praised the wife of MOON at a peace meeting .
YOU do realize who she is . Paula knew about her and even praised her .
Mr moon not only taught that the cruxcifiction was a failure and thrwarted JESUS own plans .
HE claimed to be THE MESSIAH , the ONE TRUE FATHER of Man kind .
THEY have SOLD you all out just as they have all . WE is getting fleeced by both sides with the same lie
And yet men still hold to their false leaders
Yes Tulip is an integral part of the Gospel, you cant explain the Gospel of Gods Grace apart from them !
Perhaps as part of a systematic theology [one cannot explain how the Gospel WORKS without TULIP], but surely not ESSENTIAL for soteriology [You are not advocating that it is impossible for God to save an Arminian, are you?].

Looking back to the promise of Romans ...
Romans 10:9-10 [NLT] "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved."
  • Under the DOG, one believes that it was God that first empowered you [specifically and individually] to obey.
  • Under Wesleyalism, one believes that God provided a "blanket" empowerment to all men to obey or disobey.
  • Under Classic Arminianism [I think], one believes that it is the power of HEARING the WORD that enables one to obey or disobey.
Whatever the SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, the GOSPEL CALL is the same and the experiential reality for the "elect" (one who does believe and is saved) is the same. It is the fine print of the "why not" for the lost that differs the greatest ... and THAT is NOT the GOSPEL, is it?
Yea rather many have BDS . as it seems they love to heed men rather than the scriptures .
Many within even the evangelical realm be as lost as the false liberal progressive realm .
For more proof on that , TAKE A GOOD long peek at WHO trump put into the faith office . PAULA WHITE .
And yes she is with the interfaith flow .
The lady even praised the wife of MOON at a peace meeting .
YOU do realize who she is . Paula knew about her and even praised her .
Mr moon not only taught that the cruxcifiction was a failure and thrwarted JESUS own plans .
HE claimed to be THE MESSIAH , the ONE TRUE FATHER of Man kind .
THEY have SOLD you all out just as they have all . WE is getting fleeced by both sides with the same lie
And yet men still hold to their false leaders
Respectfully, the POTUS is hardly a "Calvinist".
While it is not my place to judge any man, as a 'fruit inspector', I could not, in good conscience, even recommend him for membership in my local church as a Christian. [There is no evidence of a transformed life and the fruit of the Spirit.]

With respect to Bible Derangement Syndrome, start by reading my signature!
“No one can come to Me [TOTAL INABILITY] unless the Father who sent Me [UNCONDITIONAL] draws him [IRRESISTIBLE]; and I will raise him up on the last day [PRESERVATION].” - John 6:44

We Particular Baptists are all about Sola Scriptira and don't give a rip what Calvin or the RCC said about anything!
Baptists were NEVER part of the Reformation, we were always just the OTHER martyrs ... Credobaptists killed for obeying scripture rather than the State Church (Rome, Germany, England, American Colonies).
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Tulip is man made. Calvinism is WICKED & UNSCRIPTURAL False Doctrine!
T.U.L.I.P. is indeed man made ... It is an acrostic (a word in which each letter stands for another word) created in the 1930's as a mnemonic (memory) device for the 5 Doctrines of Grace.

The 5 Doctrines of Grace were created at the Synod of Dort to refute the 5 Remonstrances of Jacobus Arminius (published posthumously).

At least 4 of the Doctrines of Grace [T.U._.I.P] are found explicitly in and directly supported by scripture (See my signature for a quick shorthand).
The "L" is implied, but not explicitly stated, by verses like "I lay down my life for the sheep" and "you are not my sheep" (among others). Many are 4-pointers because they reject the non-explicit "L".

You are INCORRECT to state that it is "unscriptural". Pick any letter of TULIP and I will gladly provide scripture to support the teaching of that doctrine, so the claim is patently false.

Since TULIP is SCRIPTURAL, it is wrong of you to declare the explicit teaching of scripture and our belief in the teaching of scripture to be "WICKED".

Now "Calvinism" itself (as a term) is undefined and means different things to different people. At its most technically correct, Calvinism would be defined as the WRITINGS of John Calvin ... which I have not read. However many use Calvinism to mean "Reformed Theology" which would include things like infant baptism, predestination and a specific eschatology ... often defined by the Westminster Confession of Faith. Others use "Calvinism" to simply mean "TULIP" sotieriology (a small subset of Reformed Theology). Since you opened with reference to TULIP, I took your use of Calvinism to mean "TULIP".
T.U.L.I.P. is indeed man made ... It is an acrostic (a word in which each letter stands for another word) created in the 1930's as a mnemonic (memory) device for the 5 Doctrines of Grace.

The 5 Doctrines of Grace were created at the Synod of Dort to refute the 5 Remonstrances of Jacobus Arminius (published posthumously).

At least 4 of the Doctrines of Grace [T.U._.I.P] are found explicitly in and directly supported by scripture (See my signature for a quick shorthand).
The "L" is implied, but not explicitly stated, by verses like "I lay down my life for the sheep" and "you are not my sheep" (among others). Many are 4-pointers because they reject the non-explicit "L".

You are INCORRECT to state that it is "unscriptural". Pick any letter of TULIP and I will gladly provide scripture to support the teaching of that doctrine, so the claim is patently false.

Since TULIP is SCRIPTURAL, it is wrong of you to declare the explicit teaching of scripture and our belief in the teaching of scripture to be "WICKED".

Now "Calvinism" itself (as a term) is undefined and means different things to different people. At its most technically correct, Calvinism would be defined as the WRITINGS of John Calvin ... which I have not read. However many use Calvinism to mean "Reformed Theology" which would include things like infant baptism, predestination and a specific eschatology ... often defined by the Westminster Confession of Faith. Others use "Calvinism" to simply mean "TULIP" sotieriology (a small subset of Reformed Theology). Since you opened with reference to TULIP, I took your use of Calvinism to mean "TULIP".
Calvinism is WICKED & UNSCRIPTURAL False Doctrine!

No I meant Calvinism. And I'm glad "Reformed Theology" works for you.
Calvinism is WICKED & UNSCRIPTURAL False Doctrine!

No I meant Calvinism. And I'm glad "Reformed Theology" works for you.
Ummm ...

Now "Calvinism" itself (as a term) is undefined and means different things to different people.

Calvinism =
1. the WRITINGS of John Calvin

Calvinism =
2. "Reformed Theology" which would include things like infant baptism, predestination and a specific eschatology ... often defined by the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Calvinism =
3. "TULIP" sotieriology (a small subset of Reformed Theology).

Since "WICKED" is more subjective, perhaps you could list something very specific that is "UNSCRIPTURAL" from ...
1. the writings of John Calvin
2. the Westminster Confession of Faith
3. T.U.L.I.P.

Then we could at least discuss specifics rather than unsupported and undefined vague wild hateful* accusations.

[*calling the doctrine of others "wicked" does not imply "love"].
Each generation of Christians is a steward of the gospel message, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, God calls upon us to guard this treasure that has been entrusted to us. We are not to fall for another gospel.

Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
—1 Corinthians 15:1–4

Remove "generation" from that statement and you're close. It is the duty of every single person to know God through seeking Him.

Act 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
Act 17:27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:

This "calvinist" you're speaking to is a evil man devoid of reason. His preaching damns others. He tells others that they can't come to God unless they are just like him.
Ummm ...

Calvinism =

Calvinism =

Calvinism =

Since "WICKED" is more subjective, perhaps you could list something very specific that is "UNSCRIPTURAL" from ...
1. the writings of John Calvin
2. the Westminster Confession of Faith
3. T.U.L.I.P.

Then we could at least discuss specifics rather than unsupported and undefined vague wild hateful* accusations.

[*calling the doctrine of others "wicked" does not imply "love"].

Oh the "coy" nature of evil men to endless parrot their own musings.

How about how you preach you're "special" in God's choice in you? How about you start there?

Must be nice to include yourself while insisting those just like you are not included.

Love is honest and calls things for what they are.
Yet without identifying and correcting the false doctrine, it is merely a declaration of "anathema".
John Calvin wrote that Jesus is God Incarnate. Is THAT a "WICKED & UNSCRIPTURAL False Doctrine!"
John Calvin supported Paedobaptism. Is THAT a "WICKED & UNSCRIPTURAL False Doctrine!"
John Calvin wrote that God condemns sin. Is THAT a "WICKED & UNSCRIPTURAL False Doctrine!"
John Calvin wrote that Jesus will lose none of those that the Father has given Him and that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. Is THAT a "WICKED & UNSCRIPTURAL False Doctrine!"

That was NOT "[calling] things for what they are." Especially when "Calvinism" has not even been defined as the teachings of "John Calvin" or "the Westminster Confession of Faith" or "TULIP" ... which are not even 100% synonymous. So is EVERY PART of all 3 "WICKED & UNSCRIPTURAL False Doctrine" [as you say in LOVE]. :rolleyes:
Respectfully, the POTUS is hardly a "Calvinist".
While it is not my place to judge any man, as a 'fruit inspector', I could not, in good conscience, even recommend him for membership in my local church as a Christian. [There is no evidence of a transformed life and the fruit of the Spirit.]

With respect to Bible Derangement Syndrome, start by reading my signature!
“No one can come to Me [TOTAL INABILITY] unless the Father who sent Me [UNCONDITIONAL] draws him [IRRESISTIBLE]; and I will raise him up on the last day [PRESERVATION].” - John 6:44

We Particular Baptists are all about Sola Scriptira and don't give a rip what Calvin or the RCC said about anything!
Baptists were NEVER part of the Reformation, we were always just the OTHER martyrs ... Credobaptists killed for obeying scripture rather than the State Church (Rome, Germany, England, American Colonies).
I never said he was . but he darn sure is decieving and being a co helper to that which is of anti christ
by bringing in his so called interfaith . WHICH Really and truly CAME OF THE MOST PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL MINDSETS of men
of the vatican , of scores of others that are all in bed with THE LIE .
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