Respectfully, the POTUS is hardly a "Calvinist".
While it is not my place to judge any man, as a 'fruit inspector', I could not, in good conscience, even recommend him for membership in my local church as a Christian. [There is no evidence of a transformed life and the fruit of the Spirit.]
With respect to Bible Derangement Syndrome, start by reading my signature!
“No one can come to Me [TOTAL INABILITY] unless the Father who sent Me [UNCONDITIONAL] draws him [IRRESISTIBLE]; and I will raise him up on the last day [PRESERVATION].” - John 6:44
We Particular Baptists are all about Sola Scriptira and don't give a rip what Calvin or the RCC said about anything!
Baptists were NEVER part of the Reformation, we were always just the OTHER martyrs ... Credobaptists killed for obeying scripture rather than the State Church (Rome, Germany, England, American Colonies).