How Christ’s death secures the salvation of those who believe.

I will be kind. I hope that disagreements are not in the third person as allusions to others, from now on, and if someone disagrees, just say so without labels, to the person you disagree with and not 'about them.'. : )
All we ask is that we try to all get along.
The Gnostics have historically condemned the physical world and fleshly body as "evil."

This is not a Biblical claim.

But everyone seems to claim "gnosticism" as their go-to boogeyman to make the other side illegitimate.
i'm used to that by now, being made illegitimate by that label, as that label was wrongly placed on me to accomplish that. And often i was spoken about in that way while present but not directly spoken to about it......
I would urge a thoughtful consideration between hostile intent with legitimate insults, and a valid criticism of a doctrinal position.

Some may decide to be oversensitive drama llamas and claim everything they don't like is a personal assault.

Even when I've been treated downright awful so many times and I don't go crying to the mods.

Some people go there when nothing legitimately wrong was even done.

So let's not "go woke" where everything becomes "racism."
I don't think woke and race are involved
unless you mean philistines versus christians
; )

ha ha

Actually-this is not really true and verifiable.
There are Christian missionaries who claim there is a conspiracy to hide the truth from you.

They assert that “There is a chapter in the Tanach [Jewish scriptures] that used to be read in synagogues, but later, the rabbis decided to take it out of the Haftorah [weekly prophetic readings] ‘to avoid confusion’... and today it is considered ‘The Forbidden Chapter’ hidden from Jews.”

The chapter, which missionaries say the rabbis do not want you to read, is Isaiah 53, which Christians believe describes the messiah [Jesus] dying for our sins.

This false claim[1] which is easily debunked is a ploy to get people to look at “The Forbidden Chapter” out of context, and thereby accept Jesus. However, when read in context, Isaiah 53 is not speaking about anyone dying “for” our sins. Isaiah describes the Jewish people who suffered “from” the violence perpetrated against them by the nations of the world.

Furthermore, concerning a conspiracy, the missionaries are either intentionally misleading people or are ignorant of the history of the public reading of the prophets.

There are numerous problems with their conspiracy theory:

1) There is no rabbinic edict that prohibits Jews from reading any portion of the Jewish bible. On the contrary, the Jewish bible, including the book of Isaiah, is accessible to anyone who wants to read it.

2) The weekly prophetic readings, as we know them, were instituted in the 2nd century BCE when King Antiochus forbade Jews from reading from the Torah [Five Books of Moses]. Since the King did not forbid reading from the prophets, the sages instituted the public reading of portions of the prophets that shared a theme corresponding to the outlawed Torah reading. In this way, the weekly lesson would not be forgotten.

3) To accomplish their immediate goal the sages used only a small percentage of the prophets. The omission of the remainder of the prophetic writing was not intended to hide their content, to the contrary, they were available to anyone who wanted to study them.

4) If the rabbis had conspired to hide prophetic passages which Christians claim to refer to Jesus, they would have not included Isaiah 9:6 as part of the reading for Yisro, as is the custom of many Jewish congregations. Our sages knew that when read in context people would understand that Isaiah 9:6 refers to the righteous King Hezekiah. Similarly, the sages did not “hide” Torah passages which Christians say refer to Jesus.

5) As mentioned above, the portions of the prophets were chosen to correspond to the yearly cycle of Torah reading. These were divided into different categories: The Torah portion, holidays, the three weeks leading to the commemoration of the destruction of the Temple on the 9th of Av, and the subsequent 7 weeks of consolation and comfort. Although portions of Isaiah were read for these weeks of comfort, the message contained in Isaiah 53 did not provide this and was not included along with the vast majority of the book of Isaiah.
6) Finally, some scholars point out that the Dead Sea Scrolls contain a parchment known as 4Q176. This parchment is also referred to as 4QTanhumi [Tanhumi means comfort] and lists similar chapters from Isaiah to be read as consolation and comfort for the destruction of the Temple. Interestingly, the parchment does not include Isaiah 53, and since Dead Sea Scrolls predated rabbinic Judaism, it refutes the claim that there was a rabbinical conspiracy to hide Isaiah 53 from the public.

I think Dr. Michael Brown would agree here.
You will notice there are Gnostic beliefs based on:

1. The physical body and world is somehow evil, instead of the spiritual moral dimension behind it.
2. The Bible has been corrupted and needs to be interpreted in the light of other ancient mystical texts.
3. Denial of the Trinity and the Atonement as "gnostic" (wrong definition of gnosticism).

Just a heads up.

And I love Isaiah 53, spent massive amount of time there.

You might enjoy these channels:

Thanks for the heads up @dizerner
I don't subscribe to those channels and do not associate with gnostics or new agers. Please kindly desist or be reported.

you do not understand what I believe as you never cared or bothered to actually talk to me. Putting labels on other souls is not okay.
Brother-I don't think @dizerner was "labelling" you as gnostic-so ease the foot off the pedal-I love this site and if truth is truth, as written in Scriptures, Perfect Tense-then we should hearken to correction and not come with a preconceived mindset.:)

Actually-this is not really true and verifiable.
There are Christian missionaries who claim there is a conspiracy to hide the truth from you.

They assert that “There is a chapter in the Tanach [Jewish scriptures] that used to be read in synagogues, but later, the rabbis decided to take it out of the Haftorah [weekly prophetic readings] ‘to avoid confusion’... and today it is considered ‘The Forbidden Chapter’ hidden from Jews.”

The chapter, which missionaries say the rabbis do not want you to read, is Isaiah 53, which Christians believe describes the messiah [Jesus] dying for our sins.

This false claim[1] which is easily debunked is a ploy to get people to look at “The Forbidden Chapter” out of context, and thereby accept Jesus. However, when read in context, Isaiah 53 is not speaking about anyone dying “for” our sins. Isaiah describes the Jewish people who suffered “from” the violence perpetrated against them by the nations of the world.

Furthermore, concerning a conspiracy, the missionaries are either intentionally misleading people or are ignorant of the history of the public reading of the prophets.

There are numerous problems with their conspiracy theory:

1) There is no rabbinic edict that prohibits Jews from reading any portion of the Jewish bible. On the contrary, the Jewish bible, including the book of Isaiah, is accessible to anyone who wants to read it.

2) The weekly prophetic readings, as we know them, were instituted in the 2nd century BCE when King Antiochus forbade Jews from reading from the Torah [Five Books of Moses]. Since the King did not forbid reading from the prophets, the sages instituted the public reading of portions of the prophets that shared a theme corresponding to the outlawed Torah reading. In this way, the weekly lesson would not be forgotten.

3) To accomplish their immediate goal the sages used only a small percentage of the prophets. The omission of the remainder of the prophetic writing was not intended to hide their content, to the contrary, they were available to anyone who wanted to study them.

4) If the rabbis had conspired to hide prophetic passages which Christians claim to refer to Jesus, they would have not included Isaiah 9:6 as part of the reading for Yisro, as is the custom of many Jewish congregations. Our sages knew that when read in context people would understand that Isaiah 9:6 refers to the righteous King Hezekiah. Similarly, the sages did not “hide” Torah passages which Christians say refer to Jesus.

5) As mentioned above, the portions of the prophets were chosen to correspond to the yearly cycle of Torah reading. These were divided into different categories: The Torah portion, holidays, the three weeks leading to the commemoration of the destruction of the Temple on the 9th of Av, and the subsequent 7 weeks of consolation and comfort. Although portions of Isaiah were read for these weeks of comfort, the message contained in Isaiah 53 did not provide this and was not included along with the vast majority of the book of Isaiah.
6) Finally, some scholars point out that the Dead Sea Scrolls contain a parchment known as 4Q176. This parchment is also referred to as 4QTanhumi [Tanhumi means comfort] and lists similar chapters from Isaiah to be read as consolation and comfort for the destruction of the Temple. Interestingly, the parchment does not include Isaiah 53, and since Dead Sea Scrolls predated rabbinic Judaism, it refutes the claim that there was a rabbinical conspiracy to hide Isaiah 53 from the public.

I think Dr. Michael Brown would agree here.

Here is the explanation of a scholar-Michael Brown.
I'm going to need some cooperation here folks I'm getting a few complaints about us being disrespectful towards each other. That's really the main rule we have here. So please help me out and let's do what Jesus told us to do which was love one another. I know sometimes we can get frustrated when we can't seem to communicate. Remember that movie with Paul Newman Cool Hand Luke? What we have here is a failure to communicate. All I know that we can communicate quite well or we wouldn't be here. Let's just do it in a kind loving civilized manner. Thank you
No problem here-but some have a preconceived mindset and don't want to be corrected-I am all for correction-willing to learn..
As for Isaiah 53, the facts are many synagogues did stop reading it.

Nothing wrong with being a little dramatic to get people's attention in my opinion. :)

So-called "anti-missionaries" paint everything as one massive Christian conspiracy.
So-called "anti-missionaries" paint everything as one massive Christian conspiracy.
So true-I believe there is going to be a law that it would be forbidden to "evangelize" to any Jew-my question-Who is a Jew since their carefully "lineage" have been destroyed in AD 70?
Brother-I don't think @dizerner was "labelling" you as gnostic-so ease the foot off the pedal-I love this site and if truth is truth, as written in Scriptures, Perfect Tense-then we should hearken to correction and not come with a preconceived mindset.:)


true, having a mindset glued to
the sealed vision is bad...
i don't believe that what you present is isaiah 53
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I have read Tovia Singer's version and the Christian version.
Which one do you prefer?
I'm not sure About Tovia Singer's Version And mostly what I've heard about the Christian version is just that it's a chapter in the Bible that has the most prophecies about Jesus. But me personally here's one I like.

Isaiah 51-53 – The Atoning Suffering & Victory of the Messiah
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