How Christ’s death secures the salvation of those who believe.

Any Scripture references to this claim?

You will notice there are Gnostic beliefs based on:

1. The physical body and world is somehow evil, instead of the spiritual moral dimension behind it.
2. The Bible has been corrupted and needs to be interpreted in the light of other ancient mystical texts.
3. Denial of the Trinity and the Atonement as "gnostic" (wrong definition of gnosticism).

Just a heads up.

And I love Isaiah 53, spent massive amount of time there.

You might enjoy these channels:

The most amazing chapter-

Isa 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

You will notice there are Gnostic beliefs based on:

1. The physical body and world is somehow evil, instead of the spiritual moral dimension behind it.
2. The Bible has been corrupted and needs to be interpreted in the light of other ancient mystical texts.
3. Denial of the Trinity and the Atonement as "gnostic" (wrong definition of gnosticism).

Just a heads up.

And I love Isaiah 53, spent massive amount of time there.

You might enjoy these channels:

i'm not gnostic. please avoid subtle third person attacks/name calling/ad homs.
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I don't subscribe to those channels and do not associate with gnostics or new agers. Please kindly desist or be reported.

you do not understand what I believe as you never cared or bothered to actually talk to me. Putting labels on other souls is not okay.
Scripture states there's

a prince of the air here,

much about mystery babylon in rev,

this earth will be destroyed,

we are affected by original sin,

satan exists,

the adversary's seed is in enmity to us,

another world exists where heaven is,

paul laments the flesh and the perishable
and longs for heaven, our home, and says to die to this world,

there are satanic principalities in the other realty
on the other side of the veil.

You well know where these statements are.

That is not gnostic.
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So Adam did not die and currently works for the satanic realm?
Any Scripture references to this claim?
Adam was responsible not to, yet
fell, and left eden, and entered Death.

But where did he lose dominion ?
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I'm going to need some cooperation here folks I'm getting a few complaints about us being disrespectful towards each other. That's really the main rule we have here. So please help me out and let's do what Jesus told us to do which was love one another. I know sometimes we can get frustrated when we can't seem to communicate. Remember that movie with Paul Newman Cool Hand Luke? What we have here is a failure to communicate. All I know that we can communicate quite well or we wouldn't be here. Let's just do it in a kind loving civilized manner. Thank you
Since it was hinted, true that I read other texts. It is called study the enemy! Egyptian texts are opposed to God. Gnostics merge those texts to Christianity. I do not do that. I see them as enemy texts. Do they mention adam and eden? yes, in very disparaging lines, often.
I'm going to need some cooperation here folks I'm getting a few complaints about us being disrespectful towards each other. That's really the main rule we have here. So please help me out and let's do what Jesus told us to do which was love one another. I know sometimes we can get frustrated when we can't seem to communicate. Remember that movie with Paul Newman Cool Hand Luke? What we have here is a failure to communicate. All I know that we can communicate quite well or we wouldn't be here. Let's just do it in a kind loving civilized manner. Thank you
I will be kind. I hope that disagreements are not in the third person as allusions to others, from now on, and if someone disagrees, just say so without labels, to the person you disagree with and not 'about them.'. : )
Since it was hinted, true that I read other texts. It is called study the enemy! Egyptian texts are opposed to God. Gnostics merge those texts to Christianity. I do not do that. I see them as enemy texts. Do they mention adam and eden? yes, in very disparaging lines, often.
I've known you long enough to know you are not gnostic. As a professor you know your history and what Gnosticism teaches. You are well versed in the early church heresies.
I'm going to need some cooperation here folks I'm getting a few complaints about us being disrespectful towards each other. That's really the main rule we have here. So please help me out and let's do what Jesus told us to do which was love one another. I know sometimes we can get frustrated when we can't seem to communicate. Remember that movie with Paul Newman Cool Hand Luke? What we have here is a failure to communicate. All I know that we can communicate quite well or we wouldn't be here. Let's just do it in a kind loving civilized manner. Thank you

I would urge a thoughtful consideration between hostile intent with legitimate insults, and a valid criticism of a doctrinal position.

Some may decide to be oversensitive drama llamas and claim everything they don't like is a personal assault.

Even when I've been treated downright awful so many times and I don't go crying to the mods.

Some people go there when nothing legitimately wrong was even done.

So let's not "go woke" where everything becomes "racism."
I've known you long enough to know you are not gnostic. As a professor you know your history and what Gnosticism teaches. You are well versed in the early church heresies.

The Gnostics have historically condemned the physical world and fleshly body as "evil."

This is not a Biblical claim.

But everyone seems to claim "gnosticism" as their go-to boogeyman to make the other side illegitimate.
Since it was hinted, true that I read other texts. It is called study the enemy! Egyptian texts are opposed to God. Gnostics merge those texts to Christianity. I do not do that. I see them as enemy texts. Do they mention adam and eden? yes, in very disparaging lines, often.
the hatred in those pagan texts, be it vedic texts or egyptian ones, is directed at eden and God... adam is characterized a bit differently but no need to go into it here.

the medieval gnostic texts are mostly a project to mix the pagan mindset onto christianity by redefining all the words.

(augustine did a lot of this)
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The Gnostics have historically condemned the physical world and fleshly body as "evil."

This is not a Biblical claim.

But everyone seems to claim "gnosticism" as their go-to boogeyman to make the other side illegitimate.
i think it is scriptural that this body is not the one He gave us in eden, it has different features, and that eden was not on this earth, again different in many ways. That said, I am not going to 'argue it.' these are not debate focused forums and I don't debate. I'm sharing what I understand. Yes I read enoch and other texts. Just because I don't lock into only Augustine selected books doesn't invalidate my view. What matters is if I can hear Him.

So I don't do quote-walls or debate and will not try to prove something to you. It would take ten encyclopedia or fill lots of football stadiums. Too too much.
I would urge a thoughtful consideration between hostile intent with legitimate insults, and a valid criticism of a doctrinal position.

Some may decide to be oversensitive drama llamas and claim everything they don't like is a personal assault.

Even when I've been treated downright awful so many times and I don't go crying to the mods.

Some people go there when nothing legitimately wrong was even done.

So let's not "go woke" where everything becomes "racism."
Thank you for your concern and I'm sure this will all be worked out. I haven't responded to anyone in the private message the above post is all I have to say on the matter. We realize that discussions can become heated and frustrating and as human beings what are natural tendencies are.
We're definitely not taking sides on the matter we're only asking that we be considerate with one another. It's not that hard. And I have no idea at all what racism has to do with it.
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