Does Jesus put himself, above his Father?

Its these sins that are unacceptable-1Cor 6:9-11, Gal 5:19-21. Both spots teach --will not inherit Gods kingdom if one practices one of these-Paul mentions spiritism at Gal, the Greek word=Pharmacia, thus drug addiction is apart of that, and with all the false God worship and those 2lists=99% on earth. The righteous try to never do one of those things. They do still sin in small ways.
the 99% are spelled by pharmacia, including the modern churches
even the benign seeming born again ones..
utterly spelled.
The Israelite religious leaders LIED about what they said about Jesus. He told them their Father was the devil because of that fact.
they werent actually of Ishral
but esaus in sheep's clothing.

same as today... the pastors betray
God's souls
Repent and turn around( stop doing the sin)
it really means to return to Him in eden paradise
when the 144k have their Change and the sons all
rebuild paradise, destroyed by the fall,
and they rule their restored land with Christ
and after that,
the 144k who did understand,
as His two witnesses, will return to this
earth now desolated by its sun having
gone dark and locusts of rev (=satanic entities)
and His 144k sons and daughters
will comfort all of left behind
jacob (=many believers left
behind because they rejected
the Belief, understanding what
He really said, because of
their pastors...) and many of
jacob before they die in trib
will understand the truth and
give their loyalty to Him...
and after their death, since they
missed the Change, they will go
to paradise with the 144k,
and there in paradise will also be
His OT saints and His early
christianity saints..restored to their
bidy made by God... which was in eden
but is not the body we have on this
current earth... and all of us
will finally be Free of adam
and what he did to us
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most of jacob, regardless addictions and those claimed petty sins
or whatever, will go Home...
for it is Esau and the wolves-in-sheep clothing type pastors
who will not..

'Esau I hated' ...
and that is the Theme of it all.
'Being saved' is not just accepting Christ..
which is the horrible lie that most of adam's church (=modern christianity)
and that lie will be horrible for jacob
for he will be left behind...
and physically die during tribulation..
but that tribulation will humble jacob
and he will be visited by the 144k and Christ...
and he will understand and after his death
go to paradise...
The day of the Lord is
when His 144k go Home with Christ....
and also the judgment of adam, who will die....
as well jacobs tribulation start..
And at their Change,
the 144k sons and daughters will receive
(=be restored to) their gorgeous body made by God
in eden paradise before the fall and with Christ
the sons will restore paradise...
the 144k are the two witnesses... the olive trees..
and, when they return to this desolated earth
with Christ, will visit jacob during his
it really means to return to Him in eden paradise
when the 144k have their Change and the sons all
rebuild paradise, destroyed by the fall,
and they rule their restored land with Christ
It speaks of sins being blotted out. All need that now, not in Gods kingdom.
It speaks of sins being blotted out. All need that now, not in Gods kingdom.
since we are in this corrupt type of body
i would agree that
to die to it and this world , now
= reject it and its wants and its
mindset would be a start
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Jesus is with 1 single religion out of the hundreds who claim to be christian.
I'd just say He is with the 144k
attributes of Him lost at the fall
and He is about to rescue us
from this evil matrix
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It speaks of sins being blotted out. All need that now, not in Gods kingdom.
Gods kingdom is not on this earth

this earth itself is part of the sin realm
the tree of knowledge of good and evil

per prophets it will be desolated
only good for rats and moles

we need to leave here
be saved from here
and go Home to Him
and to our land
Jesus is with 1 single religion out of the hundreds who claim to be christian.
i feel so blessed He brought me to Him

and He never let me be in any denomination
after i left the catholics in my teens..
and no one brought me their esau versions of gospel

for I would have been spelled so greatly
since we are in this corrupt type of body
i would agree that
to die to it and this world , now
= reject it and its wants and its
mindset would be a start
And this is the best avenue to accomplish that--Matt 6:33- Keep on seeking- FIRST- the kingdom and his( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)--By living now to do Jesus' Fathers will over self( Matt 7:21)
I'd just say He is with the 144k
attributes of Him lost at the fall
and He is about to rescue us
from this evil matrix
The 144,000 = the anointed bride of Christ= the little flock( Luke 12:32)--The great crowd( Rev 7:9) of other sheep( John 10:16) who are not of that fold will be saved as well.
Gods kingdom is not on this earth

this earth itself is part of the sin realm
the tree of knowledge of good and evil

per prophets it will be desolated
only good for rats and moles

we need to leave here
be saved from here
and go Home to Him
and to our land
When Jesus comes at this point-Rev 19:11( Armageddon)- He brings Gods kingdom rule with him. All the wicked will be destroyed off of Gods earth. The great crowd remain on earth and transform it into Eden(Paradise) = the new earth.
i feel so blessed He brought me to Him

and He never let me be in any denomination
after i left the catholics in my teens..
and no one brought me their esau versions of gospel

for I would have been spelled so greatly
One must be taught by these-Matt 24:45, or they remain in darkness-Its Jesus' fathers will that Jesus appoints those teachers on earth in his 1 religion. The one Jesus said would be hated.
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