Was Jesus learning to be like his Father?

and what is your response ?
When it comes to the flesh, God made it fine as it is. God made mankind in his image. You are beautiful as you are, and so are others as they are on the outside because the outside is only for a period of time. I do not see it as needed to be deemed evil, in the way of negativity, which within ourself our own soul, has a mind, will, emotion. My name is Matthew, and my soul coresponds to my name, within my own self I know that it is possible for me to do and cause evil to myself, upon others, and it costly to feed our flesh in that sense, because all it is pleasuring it, instead of seeking spiritual faith looking towards God, and looking for him to show you his will, and do his will as you are lead by the spirit in which the good works of God are done in and through abiding in christ by the holy spirit that resides within you, which helps our flesh, which can cause and do evil acts upon others, and help us be able to not rely on those reactions any longer and rely faithfully on God to help us through, however it is a learned over time growth which comes through patience and a lot of learning through trial and error cause we are all seeking out God faithfully, and those who worship God in spirit and truth are what the Father lookes for. He by and through the washing of the word, scrubs away slowly our darkness which entices us to harm and do evil upon others, or ourselves.
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