Does Jesus put himself, above his Father?

The 144,000 = the anointed bride of Christ= the little flock( Luke 12:32)--The great crowd( Rev 7:9) of other sheep( John 10:16) who are not of that fold will be saved as well.

the many of jacob left behind

but not esau
When Jesus comes at this point-Rev 19:11( Armageddon)- He brings Gods kingdom rule with him. All the wicked will be destroyed off of Gods earth. The great crowd remain on earth and transform it into Eden(Paradise) = the new earth.
this earth is not destined to anything but desolation ...

the new earth=
eden is in the other reality.
this earth is to be desolated
per prophets

it was never His
One must be taught by these-Matt 24:45, or they remain in darkness-Its Jesus' fathers will that Jesus appoints those teachers on earth in his 1 religion. The one Jesus said would be hated.
esau s corruption of the scroll

it's not a particular christian denomination/sect
out of which comes the 144
..the 144k is out of jacob
but yes the sons (=144k) will
rebuild the new earth
(= restore eden paradise)
with Christ
in the other reality
this earth and sky and sun
will end...
never to be remembered

please it be now...
please , God , the sun go dark
Repent and turn around( stop doing the sin)
People who allow God to work with them overtime will overcome or not overcome any sin that may be in their life. Repent means to change ones mind about what they chose to do. Doesnt mean they might end up choosing the same decision again. Im sure there are still things in my own life that need to be overcame; it comes at a denial of self, and a willingly heart and mind to abide in Christ as without him one can do nothing, and if we cant do anything then we cant love properly. People will make their choice, and God sees us all.
this earth is not destined to anything but desolation ...

the new earth=
eden is in the other reality.
this earth is to be desolated
per prophets

it was never His
The OT says-this earth will never be made to totter. The New earth= Gods kingdom rule the only remaining govt( of sorts) the only ruling power. No more satan influences ever. Earth turned into Eden( paradise)
People who allow God to work with them overtime will overcome or not overcome any sin that may be in their life. Repent means to change ones mind about what they chose to do. Doesnt mean they might end up choosing the same decision again. Im sure there are still things in my own life that need to be overcame; it comes at a denial of self, and a willingly heart and mind to abide in Christ as without him one can do nothing, and if we cant do anything then we cant love properly. People will make their choice, and God sees us all.
Yes true followers live to do Jesus' Fathers will over self. Matt 7:21)--by obeying everything Jesus commanded and the big one is--Man does not live by bread alone, but by every utterance from God= that is Jesus' fathers will= OT-NT careful study, it never stops. Jesus' real teachers on earth, make 100% sure they teach the flock-every utterance from God without fail.
The OT says-this earth will never be made to totter. The New earth= Gods kingdom rule the only remaining govt( of sorts) the only ruling power. No more satan influences ever. Earth turned into Eden( paradise)
you are reading esau's corrupt scroll... kjv or its versions
Yes true followers live to do Jesus' Fathers will over self. Matt 7:21)--by obeying everything Jesus commanded and the big one is--Man does not live by bread alone, but by every utterance from God= that is Jesus' fathers will= OT-NT careful study, it never stops. Jesus' real teachers on earth, make 100% sure they teach the flock-every utterance from God without fail.

That is cool, I do not believe everything in the bible is a commandment for us to obey (other than to believe on the one whom was Sent, and to love God first, and to love your neighbor as yourself, there are on certain subjects which pertained to the Apostles, and the surrounding nations. It's simple to put things in a few sentences, it's much harder to do that when considering all the bible in question, pertaining on this one simple question. Did Jesus put himself above his father?
If you read the NT, A new religion began-Acts 24:5--Paul even went around setting up congregations. One must be taught by these ( Matt 24:45)or remain darkness. That is spiritual food spoken of. Jesus speaks to 7 congregations in Rev 3. Many bibles say church but the Greek word translates congregation.
you are reading esau's corrupt scroll... kjv or its versions
I read Gods inspired words. KJV is corrupt. The New world translation fixed the alterations and errors via holy spirit guidance. Otherwise this could never be true-Daniel 12:4- here in these last days.
That is cool, I do not believe everything in the bible is a commandment for us to obey (other than to believe on the one whom was Sent, and to love God first, and to love your neighbor as yourself, there are on certain subjects which pertained to the Apostles, and the surrounding nations. It's simple to put things in a few sentences, it's much harder to do that when considering all the bible in question, pertaining on this one simple question. Did Jesus put himself above his father?
Jesus NEVER put himself above the Father.And Jesus is clear-John 15:13,14-- You are my friends if you do what i commanded
John 15:10- If you observe( do them)my commandments you will remain in my love.
Jesus meant every word he spoke--Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God. No pick and choose-EVERY utterance. After all how much is life everlasting worth? I say its worth more than all the wealth combined on earth a gazillion x over. Yes it takes effort, probably why Jesus teaches-FEW will find the road to that life.
Jesus NEVER put himself above the Father.And Jesus is clear-John 15:13,14-- You are my friends if you do what i commanded
John 15:10- If you observe( do them)my commandments you will remain in my love.
Jesus meant every word he spoke--Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God. No pick and choose-EVERY utterance. After all how much is life everlasting worth? I say its worth more than all the wealth combined on earth a gazillion x over. Yes it takes effort, probably why Jesus teaches-FEW will find the road to that life.
Its good to know your bible well, and you have it already down pat from the looks of it. Abiding in Christ, is important for those who know that he had said such things to his breathing and living apostles in that day and age. There are some who come to things later on in life, either way, its good to know God is reaching out to people still through the calling by the spirit and the bride.
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