Arminian perspective on Gods Sovereignty and mans free will

Spiritually, being dead is a relational concept. We are not friends/family but enemies. We are not connected to or in concert with the things of God or his goodness. Sin separates us from God.

Our spiritual nature is broken, not unfunctional. It does not function as it should, and thus cannot be what it was created to do.

In my opinion, it shows that its functionality seeks other things instead of God. It’s not operating properly when propelled by the sinful nature, but it is not non-existent/dead/ non functional per se!

Its dead[Spiritual relationship with God], alienated from the life of God. Death is separation. Like when men are physically dead, their physical life is non existence, even though their soulish life may exist in another realm Lk 16, but their physical life is over with, dead.

So its the same with Spiritual death, Spiritual life with God is dead, over with, seperated from God, however that person can still exist in the physical realm which he is still alive, whatever religious experience he has is natural, and physical and with an idol god, hence thats why we have thousands of religions.
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