Worshipping The Son

Knowledge of Hebrew and Greek are helpful but not essential. There are plenty of resources available for those of us who have little or no formal instruction in them. I’ve received formal instruction in both of them but I’m not fluent in either of them.

I see the “Him” in Luke 4:8 as referring to God, not the Messiah. The temptation was for the Messiah to worship the devil. The temptation is real, not a charade. The Messiah, as we know, doesn’t succumb to the temptation. He then quotes the scripture to the devil concerning which deity he (the Messiah) and we are commanded to worship. There is no allowance to worship any other deity besides Yahweh. That’s the key word - deity. Yahweh is the only deity you shall worship.

Others besides Yahweh can be, and are, legitimately worshipped in the scriptures. None of them are deities, nor are any of them worshipped as deities.

Those who worship anyone or anything besides Yahweh as a deity aren’t doing so legitimately. They are breaking the commandment. They are idolaters.

That’s not the culture most of us live in today. “Worship” is a much wider category than most people realize.

I believe the Messiah both is and isn’t God. Unless you’re familiar with the Jewish Law of Agency, that will sound like a contradiction to you.


If you’re interested, I’m providing a link to a very short article on the concept of agency. It‘s an excellent introduction. It will only take you a couple of minutes to read.

I’m also providing a link to a much longer and more comprehensive article on the concept of agency. This one will take you much longer to read, if you decide that you want to.

I don’t expect you to agree with it. My only purpose in providing it is to help you and others gain an understanding of it. If you don’t find it persuasive then reject it. Either way, you’ll at least gain a better understanding of what I believe and why I believe it.
The way shaliah is described, I don't think that English words agency nor apostle cuts it. I would use the word image. Jesus is the exact Image of God and we are predestined to be conformed to the Image of Christ. If that's how shaliah can be understood, then I understand shaliah.
The way shaliah is described, I don't think that English words agency nor apostle cuts it. I would use the word image. Jesus is the exact Image of God and we are predestined to be conformed to the Image of Christ. If that's how shaliah can be understood, then I understand shaliah.

I don’t think it does either in trinitarian theology.

I like Jesus as the exact image of God. Who is the God whom he is the exact image of?

Jesus is identified in scripture as an apostle. What do you make of that? God is an apostle?
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@synergy are you able to agree that Jesus of Nazareth himself is a unitarian?
No. He declared himself the Great "I Am" to the Pharisees and John 1 describes Jesus as the Uncreated Word of God who became flesh. Jesus definitely possesses God nature, therefore he possesses 100% God nature and 100% human nature.
No. He declared himself the Great "I Am" to the Pharisees and John 1 describes Jesus as the Uncreated Word of God who became flesh. Jesus definitely possesses God nature, therefore he possesses 100% God nature and 100% human nature.

Thanks. So when Jesus speaks about ascending to his God, who is he speaking about ascending to?
I don’t think it does either in trinitarian theology.
Does what? Sorry I'm not following you.
I like Jesus as the exact image of God. Who is the God whom he is the exact image of?
God the Father is not an Image of anyone or anything. He is the Arche, as they say in Greek.
Jesus is identified in scripture as an apostle. What do you make of that?
I would like to see the verse but I have no problem with that. He had dozens of titles, the Word of God, He called himself the Great "I Am" of the OT, etc...
Does what? Sorry I'm not following you.

I was just acknowledging that the Jewish Law of Agency doesn’t work well with trinitarian theology.

God the Father is not an Image of anyone or anything. He is the Arche, as they say in Greek.

Agreed. Isn’t Jesus the exact image of the Father?

I would like to see the verse but I have no problem with that. He had dozens of titles, the Word of God, He called himself the Great "I Am" of the OT, etc...
It’s in Hebrews 3.
@synergy does Jesus have a God? If so, does he worship his God?
On Earth he temporarily condenscended to being human without ever divesting himself of his God nature. As such he was our Exemplar. That was his purpose for his condenscention. As Exemplar he taught everyone how to worship God the Father. Once Ascended, he was given back his God Glory. Now we worship also Jesus in all his God Glory.
On Earth he temporarily condenscended to being human without ever divesting himself of his God nature. As such he was our Exemplar. That was his purpose for his condenscention. As Exemplar he taught everyone how to worship God the Father. Once Ascended, he was given back his God Glory. Now we worship also Jesus in all his God Glory.

Jesus our exemplar. I like that.

Did Jesus himself worship God the Father himself?
I agree. Doesn’t that establish then that his God is only one person, God the Father?
Jesus also possesses God nature. So he is also God. So does the Holy Spirit. The Word God denotes God nature. As such Jesus qualifies as God. John 1:1 says the Word was God.
Jesus also possesses God nature. So he is also God. So does the Holy Spirit. The Word God denotes God nature. As such Jesus qualifies as God. John 1:1 says the Word was God.

The point though is that even in your theology (as well as mine) Jesus himself has a God and his God is only one person, the Father.
Christianity began as a sect of Judaism.
I'm very interested in major differences.
So being the exact image of God then is being the exact image of one person, the Father.
I would say yes, uniquely for the Word of God, not for anyone else. I need to get into the study of images. People can be an image of 2 people, just like you're an image of your parents in the biological sense, and also in the character sense.
The point though is that even in your theology (as well as mine) Jesus himself has a God and his God is only one person, the Father.
We always need to differentiate between Jesus during his condescension or now at his ascension back to God Glory. At his condenscension he was our exemplar to worship God. He was God but he picked his spots on revealing that fact. Just imagine if he revealed that early to everyone that he is God in his condenscended state. Well, the cross is what happened. That's why Jesus refrained from declaring himself as God to the public just yet. Now with Jesus ascended to his full God glory, we worship God in 3 persons.
We always need to differentiate between Jesus during his condescension or now at his ascension back to God Glory. At his condenscension he was our exemplar to worship God. He was God but he picked gis spots on revealing that fact. Just imagine if he revealed that to everyone that he is God in his condenscended state. Well, the cross iscwhat happened. Now with Jesus ascended to his full God glory, we worship God in 3 persons.

When Jesus set an example of worshipping God, wasn’t he worshipping one person? Or do you believe he set us the example of worshipping three persons?
So it seems then that we can agree then that Jesus is in the image of his God and my God.
I would say that the Uncreated Word of God, God the Son, is the exact Image of God the Father - not to forget God the Holy Spirit, which makes 3 persons possessing one God nature; the Trinity in other words.
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