So, you want to be a follower of Jesus of Nazareth - who, by definition, is unitarian - but you also want to worship a deity (be it the Trinity or any other deity of your choosing) which Jesus himself didn’t, doesn’t and never will.
That’s a choice that billions of people have made.
So, you want to be a follower of Jesus of Nazareth - who, by definition, is unitarian - but you also want to worship a deity (be it the Trinity or any other deity of your choosing) which Jesus himself didn’t, doesn’t and never will.
That’s a choice that billions of people have made.
So, you want to be a follower of Jesus of Nazareth - a unitarian - and you want to worship only the God whom Jesus himself worships.
That’s a choice that not a lot of people have made.
Are there any trinitarians here who pray to the Holy Spirit?
By God do you mean God the Father? If so and since you worship both God and the Messiah, would you be opposed to being called a Binitarian?I‘m a Jewish monotheist; a unitarian. I worship both God and the Messiah.
By God do you mean God the Father?
If so and since you worship both God and the Messiah, would you call yourself a Binitarian?
As a unitarian, shouldn't you worship only God?Yes.
No. I’m a unitarian.
As a unitarian, shouldn't you worship only God?
So unitarians can worship multiple persons? How about 3 persons?
So unitarians can worship multiple persons?
Would you be opposed to worshipping 3 persons?I don’t speak for all unitarians. Practices among us vary.
Would you be opposed to worshipping 3 persons?
How about the Trinity that is three persons having the same one God nature?That would depend on who the 3 persons are. If you’re asking if I would be opposed to worshipping a deity who is 3 persons, I would be opposed.
How about the Trinity that is three persons having the same one God nature?
Looks like I didn't make myself clear. We worship the 3 persons of the Trinity. So if you're open to worshipping 2 persons, as you said earlier, then it's a short hop away from worshipping 3 persons.I would oppose it.
You must keep in mind that I’m not a trinitarian. I’m a Jewish monotheist; a unitarian.
My God is only one person -> the Father.
We should be able to agree that a person whose God is only one person is a unitarian.
John 20:17 is a stake in the ground for me. Jesus ascended to his Father and my Father, to his God and my God.
Jesus didn’t worship the Trinity. Jesus worshipped his God and my God, the Father alone.
I don’t expect you, a trinitarian, to worship the Father alone. You shouldn’t be surprised that I don’t and wouldn’t worship your God, the Trinity.
Looks like I didn't make myself clear. We worship the 3 persons of the Trinity. So if you're open to worshipping 2 persons, as you said earlier, then it's a short hop away from worshipping 3 persons.