Will Babies that die go to Heaven?

Original sin doctrine came from augustine it was not held by those before him.
And "Original Sin" (guilt inherited from Adam) is as phony as a three dollar bill. the only thing that made Adam's sin "original" was that It was the FIRST ONE. I was fully capable of providing MY OWN sin, thank you. And Adam's "Nature" didn't change either.
And "Original Sin" (guilt inherited from Adam) is as phony as a three dollar bill. the only thing that made Adam's sin "original" was that It was the FIRST ONE. I was fully capable of providing MY OWN sin, thank you. And Adam's "Nature" didn't change either.
agreed !

yes thats another fallacy the changed nature in adam- the reason man is still redeemable is because all mankind is still created in Gods image. That image is still in all mankind.
And "Original Sin" (guilt inherited from Adam) is as phony as a three dollar bill. the only thing that made Adam's sin "original" was that It was the FIRST ONE. I was fully capable of providing MY OWN sin, thank you. And Adam's "Nature" didn't change either.
Take the story of Cain and Abel. God told Cain just do better next time. Or sin is waiting for you. If he had a Inherited "Original" sin nature how could he do better next time. And if Original sin was true why would sin have to be waiting for him, It would already have him.

If original sin was true how could Abel's offering be pleasing to the Lord.

So once again Bob you've taken what people try to make so complicated and made it easy as pie to understand.
Sorry, but the Scripture doesn't say that.
A proper understanding of the truth of Scripture is supposed to inform our beliefs. If we choose to lean on our own understanding and reject the Scripture, then we will be in error in our beliefs.
Exactly, we all have our own understanding of scripture. If anyone thinks they're without error they are deceiving themselves. The truth of the matter is most of us use the scripture to reinforce our beliefs.
Sorry, but the Scripture doesn't say that.
A proper understanding of the truth of Scripture is supposed to inform our beliefs. If we choose to lean on our own understanding and reject the Scripture, then we will be in error in our beliefs.
esau's version of things certainly does say what you claim....
whose god IS a monster = adam.

God does NOT say that. Ever.
Exactly, we all have our own understanding of scripture. If anyone thinks they're without error they are deceiving themselves. The truth of the matter is most of us use the scripture to reinforce our beliefs.
Actually, Scripture is supposed to tell us what to believe. Sadly, many tell the Scripture what they want it to say.
Are you expecting me to respond to all those Scriptures?

He does not say that lil babies go to hell if they die.

nothing He says can be construed to fit that either
5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity;
And in sin did my mother conceive me.
Ps 51:5.

In the womb we are all shaped by iniquity.
When sperm and egg meet, we are conceived in sin.
Since salvation is of the LORD this places their salvation, as it does for everyone, squarely in the realm of God's will.
God doesn't see as man sees. He's not interested in outward appearances. He's only concerned whether of not you are elect and your name is in the book of life of the lamb.
Sorry, but the Scripture above and below declares all in sin, even those in the womb.

10 As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one: Rom. 3:10.
at most God went along after adam
did what he did to us.
I'm sorry but I cannot accept this pov....

The doctrine that our sin nature is inherited from Adam brings blame upon GOD for our sin because:
1. we had no choice but to have a sin nature, that is, it was by HIS will, not ours, that we got a sin nature and

2. HE created the system whereby we would get a sin nature through no fault nor choice of our own and

3. there was no theological necessity for HIM to make us, HIS Bride, as corrupt and grossly evil in Adam when HE could have (and I contend HE did) create us with free will with the same ability to chose to eschew (or fall into) sin that Adam and Eve had, and

4. to create us in Adam's evil, liable to judgement and suffering and possible hell through no choice of our own to sin, does NOT fit in the least with HIS self revealed character as loving, righteous and just, thereby bringing HIS good Name into disrepute.

Since we made no choice and had no say in our being created evil by means of inheriting sin from Adam, under this doctrine GOD must carry the blame for all sin except Adam's and Eve's sin, and for all the attenuating suffering on earth by mankind and for every human in hell as well as the disrepute these things brings upon HIM.
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There is something called the sin nature that is passed on to every new birth and generation. Babies are conceived in sin. Everyone is conceived in sin. Everyone is born in sin.

yes you are wearing it - sin nature..
as are we all...

It is called the flesh body,
the body which is corrupt in nature and perishable
because of adam
and that is not made this way by God.

the restored Original body is the body made in Paradise
and to be resurrected at Christ's return for us on the clouds.
There is something called the sin nature that is passed on to every new birth and generation. Babies are conceived in sin. Everyone is conceived in sin. Everyone is born in sin.

5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity;
And in sin did my mother conceive me.
Ps 51:5.
Of course there is a sin nature but I argue against it resulting from Adam's choice to be evil and not our own choice to sin since to accuse GOD for making us to be created in sin because Adam chose to be sinful is a blasphemy against HIS good Name!

Before the creation of the physical universe which ALL the sons of GOD saw HIM create and sang HIS praises, Job 38:7, HE created every person in HIs image, ie, able to be a proper Bride for HIM, with a free will and an equal ability and opportunity to put their faith in HIM as their GOD and Saviour or to rebuke HIM as a liar and therefore a false god.

Without mens rea, the intent to rebel and commit a sin, there is no guilt for sin. Deuteronomy 4:42 and Joshua 20:3 agree that the accidental killing of a person is not a crime and provides safety from the blood revenge of the dead person's family...because there was no intent to commit murder.
I'm sorry but I cannot accet this pov....

The doctrine that our sin nature is inherited from Adam brings blame upon GOD for our sin because:
1. we had no choice but to have a sin nature, that is, it was by HIS will, not ours, that we got a sin nature and

2. HE created the system whereby we would get a sin nature through no fault nor choice of our own and

3. there was no theological necessity for HIM to make us, HIS Bride, as corrupt and grossly evil in Adam when HE could have (and I contend HE did) create us with free will with the same ability to chose to eschew (or fall into) sin that Adam and Eve had, and

4. to create us in Adam's evil, liable to judgement and suffering and possible hell through no choice of our own to sin, does NOT fit in the least with HIS self revealed character as loving, righteous and just, thereby bringing HIS good Name into disrepute.

Since we made no choice and had no say in our being created evil by means of inheriting sin from Adam, under this doctrine GOD must carry the blame for all sin except Adam's and Eve's sin, and for all the attenuating suffering on earth by mankind and for every human in hell as well as the disrepute these things brings upon HIM.
oh I do believe we have sin nature...
its the body.

see last post..

the only temple of Him is our Original body made by Him,
which He declared Good
before adam betrayed Him
I'm sorry but I cannot accept this pov....

The doctrine that our sin nature is inherited from Adam brings blame upon GOD for our sin because:
1. we had no choice but to have a sin nature, that is, it was by HIS will, not ours, that we got a sin nature and

2. HE created the system whereby we would get a sin nature through no fault nor choice of our own and

3. there was no theological necessity for HIM to make us, HIS Bride, as corrupt and grossly evil in Adam when HE could have (and I contend HE did) create us with free will with the same ability to chose to eschew (or fall into) sin that Adam and Eve had, and

4. to create us in Adam's evil, liable to judgement and suffering and possible hell through no choice of our own to sin, does NOT fit in the least with HIS self revealed character as loving, righteous and just, thereby bringing HIS good Name into disrepute.

Since we made no choice and had no say in our being created evil by means of inheriting sin from Adam, under this doctrine GOD must carry the blame for all sin except Adam's and Eve's sin, and for all the attenuating suffering on earth by mankind and for every human in hell as well as the disrepute these things brings upon HIM.
There is no use of terms like system in scripture

He does not will evil, and it is not His fault we are in the sin body.

That idea of necessity as a buzz term is a greek philosophy and pagan concept.

He did not create us in evil.
Adam did.

I say the above kind, and as you probably know I
don't debate as I am too old and tired...
so what I am doing is sharing what I understand...
and what I understand is that He is not evil.

Adam brought all this on us, not God.
if we get sick, die, get diseases, nature hurts us..
or esau type souls hurt us...

it is because we are in a Foreign Land
and its foreign nature
not made by Him.
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