Why there can be no gap between the 69th and 70th week

While I'm not really big on using such sites for everything, I do find times where they have articles that make it easier to describe things that I simply don't have time to deal with.
Do you mind my asking why you avoid them like the plague?
Since I KNOW that they may give good sounding, but false information, I don't want to "infect" myself with their false opinions.
Since I KNOW that they may give good sounding, but false information, I don't want to "infect" myself with their false opinions.
Fair enough.
I know a fair number of people who use it, and others, to help develop their points.

I generally don't. I don't avoid them, but I don't use them for stuff I am comfortable with either.

Blue Letter Bible has been my go to dating back to at least 2006, likely 2003.
I hold to the ideas described in the Bible regarding this matter.
Romans 6-8
1 John 1:5-2:1
Colossians 2:12-3:5
1 John 3

It seems pretty clear to me that we will live with the old sin nature, and the new spiritual nature, until death/rapture.

At which point the old nature will be gone and we will enjoy the new spiritual nature for eternity.

I think the problem is what people believe sin is.
1 John 3 says sin is lawlessness.
So, I'd say that the definition of sin goes back to the 10 commandments.

Reducing it further, Jesus said in Matthew 22:35-40 that the law and prophets are summed up in the 2 great commandments...

Love God with a whole heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Paul further sums this up in Romans 13:8-10...
Love is the fulfillment of the law.

So... can we live without violating the 10 commandments?

Can you not have a false god?
Can you not take the name of God in vain?
This is more than not using his name as a cuss word. It's not living in a manner that dishonors him.
Can you not have any other gods?
Can you take one day a week and rest/recuperate? To focus on, and worship God?
It doesn't HAVE to be Saturday. It can be any day. Romans 14, Colossians 2.

Can you honor your mother and father?

Can you not commit adultery/sexual immorality? Including the manner Jesus described? I.e., lust?

Can you not do murder? Including the manner Jesus described?

Can you not deceive?

Can you not steal?

Can you not be covetous? Lust, envy, greed, avarice,....

If you can live free of these, then you are living in agreement with the description given in 1 John 3.

Likewise, you're living in agreement with Galatians 5:16-25.

Paul tells us in Romans 8:4-8, that by focusing our thinking on spiritual things, we will... not JUST CAN... but actually WILL, fulfill the righteous ordinances of the law.

Why? Because according to Romans 7, the law is spiritual and we are carnal/natural and it requires spiritual life/power to satisfy the righteous requirements of the law.

I do believe that while I can choose to walk in the Spirit, and not violate the Law, I will have the old man, and by not walking in the spirit, I will walk in the flesh... and whatever my sin of choice is... I will engage in it.
Which is exactly why Jesus said to us...

Luk 14:27 WEBWhoever doesn’t bear his own cross and come after me, can’t be my disciple.

Luk 9:23 WEBHe said to all, “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.

Mar 8:34 WEBHe called the multitude to himself with his disciples and said to them, “Whoever wants to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

This idea is dealt with by Paul in the above referenced passages.

It's also why it's so important to guard our hearts with all diligence.

It's too easy to slip into the flesh, without even realizing it.
Yep, that is Calvinism all right! Revelation 3:1“I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.

Let me know if you want Jesus to say 3:4 You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy.
Yep, that is Calvinism all right! Revelation 3:1“I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.

Let me know if you want Jesus to say 3:4 You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy.
Ironically, the dyed-in-the-wool calvinists over in CARM, swear I'm anything BUT calvinist.

So, I'll stick with Jesus follower.

Isn't it nice to see how readily, quickly and easily you've pigeonholed me as an heretic?
Ironically, the dyed-in-the-wool calvinists over in CARM, swear I'm anything BUT calvinist.

So, I'll stick with Jesus follower.

Isn't it nice to see how readily, quickly and easily you've pigeonholed me as an heretic?
Glad to see you see Calvinism as heresy. I do too.

You put some texts but not which ones are Christians and which are unsaved. 1 John 1:5-10, 2:1 as I recall. So elaborate please. Also on Romans 6-8. Part of that is not Christians. Do you know what?
Glad to see you see Calvinism as heresy.
Apparently you missed my earlier description.

I do too.
I also consider Arminianism as it's described presently to be heretical.
You put some texts but not which ones are Christians and which are unsaved. 1 John 1:5-10, 2:1 as I recall. So elaborate please. Also on Romans 6-8. Part of that is not Christians. Do you know what?
Romans was written to the mid-first century church in Rome.
both Jewish and gentile believers.

If you're not actually familiar with it, you really need to read it.
One pastor I'm acquainted with refers to Romans as the Magna Carta of biblical Christianity.

Being familiar with, not actually know... that's dangerous to the people who go by the name of Jesus.
Apparently you missed my earlier description.

I also consider Arminianism as it's described presently to be heretical.

Romans was written to the mid-first century church in Rome.
both Jewish and gentile believers.

If you're not actually familiar with it, you really need to read it.
One pastor I'm acquainted with refers to Romans as the Magna Carta of biblical Christianity.

Being familiar with, not actually know... that's dangerous to the people who go by the name of Jesus.
In Romans 1-8, Paul is referring to the Law vs. Spirit. For instance Romans 7:5-6 is a born again Christian, but 14-25 recalls someone under the Mosaic Law with their sin nature called "the flesh" intact. Once you get to Romans 8, THEN you see the Spirit and that person free from the law of sin and death (7:14-25). They are also not in the flesh, but in the Spirit.

Next lets discuss 1 John 1-2 okay? Isn't this fun?
In Romans 1-8, Paul is referring to the Law vs. Spirit.
There's so much more.

Please go here, and start with the April 2021 study.
It's an ongoing study that is presently in Romans 8.
For instance Romans 7:5-6 is a born again Christian, but 14-25 recalls someone under the Mosaic Law with their sin nature called "the flesh" intact.
it's a description of the struggle between flesh and spirit of everyone who follows Jesus.

Once you get to Romans 8, THEN you see the Spirit and that person free from the law of sin and death (7:14-25). They are also not in the flesh, but in the Spirit.
It's a Wonderful description of the spiritual battle with the flesh.
Next lets discuss 1 John 1-2 okay? Isn't this fun?
What about them did you want to discuss?
There's so much more.

Please go here, and start with the April 2021 study.
It's an ongoing study that is presently in Romans 8.

it's a description of the struggle between flesh and spirit of everyone who follows Jesus.

It's a Wonderful description of the spiritual battle with the flesh.

What about them did you want to discuss?
It seems that you believe we go in and out of being in the Spirit. And in and out of abiding in Jesus. That has not been my experience. Has it been yours?
Are you a preterist? They would believe the limitation of what you said.

The word revelation as in Revelation means prophecy. The letters to the 7 churches have a three-fold meaning in prophecy.
To an actual church of the 1st century, to individuals of that type, and the last four go on and overlap to the end of time.
A full preterist no

A partial preterist yes

There exists no evidence the 7 churches represent spiritual conditions in future ages

They were in fact historically existing church during the first century

Revelation 1:19 (NASB 2020) — 19 Therefore write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things.
@SteveB Are you looking for the key word? If not I'll talk with you later.
I'd say that you believe that you've arrived.
In which case you don't want me to poison your thinking.
I went to the Calvary Chapel here in my town and found out they do not accept any part of Calvinism! Yay!!! Finally, a church after my own heart! I wish I had gone here years ago!
A full preterist no

A partial preterist yes

There exists no evidence the 7 churches represent spiritual conditions in future ages

They were in fact historically existing church during the first century

Revelation 1:19 (NASB 2020) — 19 Therefore write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things.

It is only somewhat recently (100 years or so) that the obvious prophetic aspect of the 7 letters was revealed as church history shows each church in order.
I'd say that you believe that you've arrived.
In which case you don't want me to poison your thinking.
I would still like to hear what you believe, brother. I might learn something, or you might learn something.

Would 'arriving' be impossible in your mind? Jesus said 'you shall be made perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. Thats now, not after we are dead. The state we die in, whether a sinner or a child of God, there is no more changing of your nature after we die. We'll get a new body, but sin is not in the body, but in the nature. And the nature consists of our spirit and soul. Spirit is your mind, and the soul is our conscience where the laws of God are written.

Also Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith. What I have found is that without me 'trying' I will respond better than I used to. That's all Jesus!

Steve all you have to do is abide in Him. Jesus does all the pruning.
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