90 to 95 percent Total Depravity.
100 Unconditional Election. However, God chose His Son. THE Elect of God. The only individual that matters. My identity is in Him.
0 percent Limited Atonement
50 percent Irresistible Grace. 50 Percent for the Grace part.
100 Percent Perseverance of the Saints. However, it is not based upon my own merit nor accomplishments. I continually fail the test. God has promised to forgive me in Himself. Everything else is about our relationship to one another. That is an intimacy I share with all the family of God. However, sometimes we don't share it one another. I let God be God. He doesn't need my permission to love someone else. I expect Him to love others just as much as He loves me. I love that about Him.
Never let someone's 'first guess' become your dogmatism.
Man without God's grace = 100% total depravity.
Man by God's grace does not remain total depravity when saved.
Total depravity is not doomed to be a permanent state, and is overcome by grace while God is drawing
of all men.
The fact some reject the drawing? Is not to be chalked up to the sin nature.
For example: Lucifer was perfect up until the very moment he freely rejected the Lord.
It was not depravity that sealed Satan's fate. It was the free choice for "evil." Not, for sin.
Irresistible grace is not grace. That is a an oxymoron. Its coercion!
What ever Calvinists see as
"perseverance of the saints" becomes contradicted by the following type of believer.
If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask,
and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin
leading to death. I do not say that he should pray about that. All unrighteousness is sin,
and there is sin not leading to death." 1 John 5:16-17
Calvin was a theological pioneer!
Pioneers will make mistakes that those who follow after them are to make corrections with gained knowledge that the pioneer lacked.
Calvinists today who follow TULIP?
They remain stuck back in time in Calvin's ignorance.
grace and peace ................