Lets just look at one aspect of John Calvinism that is so blatantly Cross denying.
1.) Some are "pre-destined" to be the Elect.
This means that God only chooses some, to be elected.
This means that God chooses to NOT allow some people to come to Christ.
They have no Choice, according to Calvin.. They are [pre-destined} to be born,= to burn in the Lake of Fire, according to the Satanic John Calvinism..
So, that is wrong on many levels, but let me just point out one... ...
= Why, would God choose to ELECT you go to heaven, but not your mother?
= Why, would God choose your Grandfather to be elected, but not your GrandMother?
= Why would God CHOOSE to elect your Daughter, but not your Son.
See, when you break it down, ... like that.. Clearly..... then this edited CALVINISM theology, is a very ugly thing indeed once you turn on the LIGHT and reveal it in all its edited glory.
So, we have to realize something about the NT that is a complete denial of John Calvinism.
Its this..
= "God is no respecter of anyone (persons)."" and "ALL have sinned".
So, what does that mean Mr Calvinist?
It means that we are all the SAME... at birth.
And why does that deny Calvinism?
Its because those verses prove that God has no BASIS to choose you and not your mother.
God has No BASIS to elect your Grandmother and not your Sister.
So, Mr Pre-Destined Elect..... Think on that, before you run back in here quoting something that is going to prove what i just wrote is absolutely true. (Which it is.)
And dont reach for this one... "Well, God hardeneth whom He will"... as if you go there, you'l have to explain why God didnt harden YOU, but Hardened your Mother, or your Brother, or your DAD...
And do not play the deceptive game that Calvinist's play with themselves... that is..>......"well, all my family, and all my friends, and all my church members are the ELECT"..
C'mon.......try to be honest.....
Really., as this matters.