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What for? It's all "mumbo jumbo"The subject is what you brought up and that is how is Calvinism being misrepresented globally. Can you answer that question?
What for? It's all "mumbo jumbo"The subject is what you brought up and that is how is Calvinism being misrepresented globally. Can you answer that question?
I am careful NOT to take anything out of context.I don't bother with stuff that's taken out of context. That's what a dodge is taking your eye off the subject by adding a bunch of meaningless mumbo jumbo.
You just can't back up your copy and paste is the problem.What for? It's all "mumbo jumbo"
You copy and paste a bunch of information that's not even what we're discussing that's what makes it out of context.I am careful NOT to take anything out of context.
Exactly just like this post. I asked him five times to explain it and got nothing.You copy and paste a bunch of information that's not even what we're discussing that's what makes it out of context.
Just follow your pattern of nonsensical "mumbo jumbo"You copy and paste a bunch of information that's not even what we're discussing that's what makes it out of context.
Rule 4f. Do not plagiarize. If it’s not your work quote or reference the source material you are posting. This includes misrepresenting the source material.Just follow your pattern of nonsensical "mumbo jumbo"
Johann my friend you made a statement that Calvinism was globally being misrepresented and this is your conclusion. So with all due respect there's NOTHING there which tells one how Calvinism is being misrepresented. So how does any of this connect with Calvinism?Conclusion
The teaching that "few will be saved" reflects the necessity of earnest commitment, genuine faith, and readiness to follow Jesus on the challenging path of discipleship. This concept underscores the importance of prioritizing spiritual readiness and vigilance. While salvation is a gift of God's grace, the human response involves striving, perseverance, and a wholehearted commitment to the narrow way that leads to eternal life. The broader biblical context reinforces these themes, emphasizing the importance of being prepared, responding rightly to God's call, and living faithfully according to Jesus' teachings.
Yup-you have missed all the fun.
Thats because its not as you, myself, tibiasdad, tom, joe, peanutgallery, praisyashua, predestined and many others know calvinism all to well. several of us were calvinists for many years.Johann my friend you made a statement that Calvinism was globally being misrepresented and this is your conclusion. So with all due respect there's NOTHING there which tells one how Calvinism is being misrepresented. So how does any of this connect with Calvinism?
AmenRule 4f. Do not plagiarize. If it’s not your work quote or reference the source material you are posting. This includes misrepresenting the source material.
Oh well, I'll just have to make up for lost time. For instance did you know when one enters the phrase "why are Calvinists" in Google, the first few auto-fill responses that appear are: "wrong," "so angry," "so arrogant," "such jerks," and "so negative."Yup-you have missed all the fun.
Nothing but brotherly love in this post. Such nice people. How do I convert?A small collection of comments from the non-calvinists that demonstrates their brotherly love.
Yep they are elected outside of Christ since they are the worthy sinners
Come to think of it, Calvinism has incorporated several foundational elements of Hinduism. Calvinists believe that God maintains a caste system, elect verses non-elect in their case. Also, enlightenment is a strong element of their beliefs.
ie regeneration which is mystical like in Hinduism
A biased Calvinist no thanks
Obviously by their own beliefs Jesus is hiding it from them.
The greatest humility I’ve seen within Christianity comes from those who hold to free will . Calvinism feeds the natural man’s ego.
Filled with pride at birth
Yes it’s the antithesis of Calvinism lol
Maybe someone can write a eulogy for Calvinism? Except that I can't think of even one good thing to say for calvinism.
Nope and faith without works is dead. So you just admitted your faith is a dead faith. Next
Were you a sinner ? Yes or no
So then how do you hear Christ's words if not through the word of God? Through voices in your head?
He does not believe in the necessity of the Gospel to hearing.
They really really want to replace Christ. Christ was/is favored. So much for their false claims to uniquely find "grace" among men.
I can see you are not a student of church history. Do you know who st augustine was ?
He doesn't know how to make an meaningful argument at most any level.
And? You want to tell us something about the voices in your head?
It still looks like you don’t understand election or free will
The vessels of wrath fitted for destruction are the chosen/ elect Jews/ Israel . Next fallacy
Exactly down goes the calvinist election/chosen/predestination/ doctrines down the drain- call roto rooter
The only conclusion they are willing to consider are the one's that make them look good......
Ya think lol
I wonder what they will do when it happens to them?
Claiming grace for yourself while denying it to others shows exactly were your heart is.
Do you have a problem with English?
Not that you'll ever understand this. You prefer things that feed your ego.
You are incapable of having this discussion. I didn't quote you to have a conversation with you. I responded to show how ignorant you are.
Here you are insisting that God leads all men. You didn't give much thought to this at all.
He is incapable of having the discussion. He isn't a student of the Scriptures.
The fact you make statements that can equally be applied to both of us........... shows just how lost you are in any sense of debate ethics.
You use it to exclude "things" all the time. You have to love how a Calvinist ignores their own doctrines.
Why such instability from you?
I have vastly more knowledge about the Scriptures than any of you.
I take it that your total inability to offer any arguments against the verses I quoted means that you're in full agreement with what I wrote.
Yepsome cannot follow simple logic and reasoning
It might be difficult for a Calvinist to tell someone who is lost that Jesus loves them and died for their sins.
As I have said a million times. Humanists hate push back. You are to fall in line. Dissent is not allowed.Oh well, I'll just have to make up for lost time. For instance did you know when one enters the phrase "why are Calvinists" in Google, the first few auto-fill responses that appear are: "wrong," "so angry," "so arrogant," "such jerks," and "so negative."
A perfect description of Calvinism , thanksAs I have said a million times. Humanists hate push back. You are to fall in line. Dissent is not allowed.
ProjectionA perfect description of Calvinism , thanks
Yep God is relational and responds to men as they respond to him. This would include both blessings and cursesThe systematic approach of the Calvinist is not consistent with the biblical revelation. The Scriptures do not leave us wondering why God shows favor to some people and not others, as if it is a mystery hidden within his arbitrary will.
Luke 1:50 tells us, “His mercy is from generation to generation / on those who fear him.” Isaiah 66:2b says, “I will look favorably on this kind of person: one who is humble, submissive in spirit, and trembles at my word.” It is not a secret or mystery to whom God reveals his truth, as the psalmist clearly stated: “He leads the humble in what is right and teaches them his way” (Ps 25:9). And God himself said, “ ‘This is what the LORD God of Israel says: As for the words that you heard, because your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before the Lord when you heard what I spoke against this place and against its inhabitants, that they would become a desolation and a curse, and because you have torn your clothes and wept before me, I myself have heard’—this is the Lord’s declaration” (2 Kgs 22:18b–19).
Again and again throughout the Scriptures, the Lord tells us what condition must be met to find favor in his eyes: “I tell you, this one [the humble tax collector] went down to his house justified rather than the other, because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 18:14). And in Matt 23:12 we read Christ’s words: “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
Calvinists argue, “If a person becomes humble enough to submit to God it is because the Holy Spirit has given that person a new, humble nature.” Again, the TULIP model seems to confound an otherwise simple truth. Humble yourself so as be saved is taken to mean that God, by means of his Spirit, unilaterally causes some people to be humble enough for him to save. This exegesis removes any meaningful sense of human responsibility and makes these biblical passages virtually meaningless, given that no one has any real capacity to respond positively to its warnings and appeals.
Leighton Flowers