What is Pre-Millennialism?

The Scripture does not say Rome. In fact, if you read through the portion of the book I posted, it *can't* be Rome based on Scripture.

I've no beef with you nor do I particularly have a mind to change *your* mind but blind faith in tradition rubs me wrong. Go check. It might be fun for you.
The scripture says it is a certain city. What city is it?
This is an admission that you have no idea what that city is and who it is. I don’t know why you’re even arguing about some thing that you do not know what it is. You definitely will not tell me what the city is if you do know. Are you hiding something?
And since you don’t know what the city is, and I do know. I will keep teaching that the city is Rome. I figured that out on my own. I never went to Bible college to learn what it is.
the Pre-millennial Advent

the Pre-millennial Advent is that the conversion of the world, the restoration of the Jews, and the destruction of Antichrist are to precede the second coming of Christ, which event will be attended by the general resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, the end of the world, and the consummation of the Church. In opposition to this view the doctrine of pre-millennial advent of Christ has been extensively held from the days of the Apostles to the present time.

According to this view,
(1.) The nations are not to be converted, nor are the Jews to be restored to their standing in the Church, until the second coming of Christ.
(2.) His advent is to be personal and glorious.
(3.) He will establish Himself in Jerusalem as the head of a visible, external kingdom.
(4.) When He comes, the martyrs, as some say, or, as others believe, all who sleep in Jesus, shall be raised from the dead and associated with Him in this earthly kingdom.
(5.) The Jews are to be converted, restored to their own land, invested with special honours and prerogatives, and made the instruments of the conversion of the world.
(6.) This kingdom is to be one of great splendour, prosperity, and blessedness, and is to continue a thousand years; which, however, as stated above, is understood in different senses.
(7.) After the expiration of the millennium, the general resurrection of the dead, the end of the world, and the final consummation of the Church are to occur. Such are the general features of the scheme which, with many modifications as to details, is known as the pre-millennial advent theory.

Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology
The easy to understand view of Premillennialism is that the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth (known also as the second advent), will occur before the establishment of the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ from Jerusalem described in Revelation 20:1–7. This reign is known as the millennium. I like to keep it simple.
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The easy to understand view of Premillennialism is that the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth (known also as the second advent), will occur before the establishment of the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ from Jerusalem described in Revelation 20:1–7. This reign is known as the millennium. I like to keep it simple.
It really is that simple and the literal theme of the Bible.

Jesus wins over the entire earth for the last 1000 years of it's existence.

Anything else says satan won and God loses all.
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It really is that simple and the literal theme of the Bible.

Jesus wins over the entire earth for the last 1000 years of it's existence.

Anything else says satan won and God loses all.
Sounds like you are trying... to move the Rev.20 "thousand years" backwards... into this present earth history. NOT SO!

The "thousand years" reign by Christ and His elect begins on the FUTURE day of His return, and that day of return will begin... His "thousand years" reign. That literal time of reign involves the future resurrection that happens on the day of Jesus' future return, or did you bypass reading that "first resurrection" phrase of Rev.20 too?

1. "great tribulation" = time of the very end of this present world.
2. Christ's future return = the last day... of this present world.
3. the future RESURRECTION = the last day of this present world.
4. Christ's "thousand years" reign with His elect priests and kings = begins the day of Christ's return.
5. the new heavens and a new earth time = only AFTER the "thousand years" reign by Christ, as death MUST be destroyed in order for the NHNE time to come.
I like this view.

Those who hold to an anticipated millennial view believe the events of Revelation 20:1–6 won’t occur until after Christ physically returns to earth. This view is often called “premillennialism,” as Christ is expected to return prior to the fulfillment of an actual thousand-year “millennial” reign on this earth. Premillennial interpreters of Revelation 19–22 generally see this as a chronological unfolding of future history and generally understand the period of one thousand years to be a literal number—or at least close enough to one thousand years for the number to be an accurate approximation.

Exploring Christian theology
Sounds like you are trying... to move the Rev.20 "thousand years" backwards... into this present earth history. NOT SO!

The "thousand years" reign by Christ and His elect begins on the FUTURE day of His return, and that day of return will begin... His "thousand years" reign. That literal time of reign involves the future resurrection that happens on the day of Jesus' future return, or did you bypass reading that "first resurrection" phrase of Rev.20 too?

1. "great tribulation" = time of the very end of this present world.
2. Christ's future return = the last day... of this present world.
3. the future RESURRECTION = the last day of this present world.
4. Christ's "thousand years" reign with His elect priests and kings = begins the day of Christ's return.
5. the new heavens and a new earth time = only AFTER the "thousand years" reign by Christ, as death MUST be destroyed in order for the NHNE time to come.
The thousand years is future, not now. I think we agree.
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