5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth. aside from large text you have no exegesis to rely on?
What you are dealing with here, Truther, is tradition that is ingrained as biblical fact. However you cannot pull the RCC out of this text. Babylon was the head of the statue. So the closest we can come to a interpretation of this is one of two ways:
1. "Babylon" rises again. The kingdom of Babylon was in the area of present day Iraq...who's people are the descendent of the ancient enemies of Israel.
2. A power in the spirit of Babylon. Might be the RCC. Might not. Can't tell from the Bible.
Now that said the RCC ( with it's Mariology ) could rise to such prominence. But doubtful. Rome is in the wrong place.