Once again, I fully agree and understand that in Jesus' humanity he came to do the will of the Father, and taught God's word as never a man ever spoke with power, and authority, not as the scribes and Pharisees taught, which unlike you live in a very small part of the world of God, and when you do speak, it comes across as powerless with no authority since you corrupt even what you do have to say.
Again, I'm not going to reply to your every sermon, or every part of your sermon. You are here to promote your version of Calvinism, just as you do on every forum over the last many years. Others are here to promote a religious philosophy which competes with Calvinism, and there are many. I don't believe the Bible, when all of it is considered, supports your adopted religion, or the philosophies of any of the promoters of this world's religious system, and I have posted the reasons why. But you do nothing but justify your every Word. You say, "No, you are wrong, there is only One Covenant". I post Scriptures which prove that this is a false teaching. Then you reply and say to me, "I never said there was only One Covenant, there are only 2 covenants. Then I point out to you that this also, is untrue. Then you say, well there is 2 "main" covenants. It's like talking to a politician. Not just you Red, this is the way of all promoters of this world's competing religious sects and philosophies.
You preach and have preached that Jesus is the only "Almighty God". I post His Word's in which HE says HE prayed to Almighty God, wants me to know Almighty God who sent Him. Tells me to Worship Almighty God. And that HE is my Advocate between Almighty God and me. And I do so in a manner which would enable you to see how each Word is understood, and I show other Scriptures, from Apostles, David, Moses and the Prophets which teach the same thing, all of which challenge your Calvinist based religious philosophy, "Jesus is the Only Almighty God". Do you go into the Scriptures I post, and show me where my understanding is wrong? No. You post another verse that you believe makes void the Word's of Jesus defining for me the relationship between Him and His Father.
You adopt words created by this world's religious system, "words" never found in the entire Holy Scriptures from Gen. 1 to Rev. 22, to justify your preaching that the Jesus "of the Bible", is the only "Almighty God". Words like "Humanity" and you do this to justify your adopted religious sect.
You post one verse like "“The officers answered,
Never man spake like this man.” as your justification for your preaching that all the Words of Jesus, where HE tells me whose Words to "live by", Who to Worship, who to pray to, along with Jesus own Words regarding who HE worshiped, and who HE prayed to, and Whose Words HE lived by, are not to be trusted. Instead, I MUST listen to a Calvinist Preacher, who went to a Calvinist School, who promotes Calvinist's philosophy, and "lives by" and promotes Calvinist traditions, judgments and philosophy.
I get the same from all promoters of the many various religious sects and businesses that make up this world's religious system. JW's, Adventists, Methodists, Catholics, and on and on and on, all competing against each other for contributing members, each one like you, convinced that their adopted religious philosophy is superior to all the other.
And yet they all promote the rejection of God's Judgments, Statutes, and Jesus Own Words defining His Relationship with His Father, "Almighty God".
I know you will not be persuaded otherwise. Jesus Himself tells me why, and HE is always right.
The reason why I even spend any time on your sermons, is so others who have also seen the hypocrisy, the confusion, the chaos that is "Mainstream Christianity", might know that they are not the only ones. That this is not God's Church, but of the prince of this world, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.
So Red, like before, I know you will continue justifying your every word, your every statement. I knew this coming in. I simply wanted others who might also seeking Biblical Truth, to understand why Jesus warned about men who call Him Lord, Lord, and Come in His Name, who promote the "course of this world" and the religious system promoted by it, that HE called Babylon.
And to know that the answer to understanding God is found in faithful study of what is actually written in Scriptures, apart from the influence of mainstream religions of this world we were placed in, the same as it was for Abraham, Zacharias, Paul and even Jesus, who was, like me, surrounded by men who "professed to know God" but refused to "Yield themselves" in obedience to him. Not a preacher of the Pharisees, not a Calvinist preacher or a Calvinist website, or a Baptist preacher or Website, or a JW preacher or Website, or a Mormon preacher or website, or a Catholic preacher or Website, or a Methodist preacher or Website or on and on and on.
I advocate "Coming out of" this entire worldly religious system, as instructed, with their philosophies, their traditions and rejection of God's judgments along with their justifications for their disobedience to God, and become instead, a "Doer" of the Christ's Sayings, living by Every Word of God in the same Faith that was in Christ Jesus.
You can continue in your perpetual self-justification. And thank you for the platform. I am done here.