Let's remember, dear readers, that Jews would have been RIGHT to consider blasphemous any person who claimed to be God.
No man could come claiming to YHWH, Adonai, The God of Abraham, Isaac of Jacob.
It does not matter how good that man could be, or what miracles he could make, or how wonderful messianic plans he could had.
If any of you travelled in a time machine to Jerusalem in those days, you would have tried to persuade Jews to accept Jesus as their Messiah... not as their God!!!!
Let's be honest: On what basis would you have tried to convince anybody of those Jews that Jesus was YHWH? Would you have invented out of a blue a new theology, without any consideration to the Tanakh and to centuries of monotheism, that have treated God as One Single Person "a He"?
Did the apostles, after Pentecost, try to persuade their fellow countrymen to accept Jesus as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of their ancestors?