The Unitarian belief that Jesus is not God causes those who offer worship to the Father's Throne (where Jesus sits) to be guilty of idolatry.

It is not silly as, regardless of Senate, Rome had thrones and thrones were chairs for one people to sit.

You're referencing authority. Chair means nothing. Which is why the word chair is not found in the Scriptures.

Do you really think that using the words "chair" and "government" creates a distinction in your application? I mean..... how ignorant can you get?

The Holy Trinity (Jesus included) have the same authority. They carry the same Rank.

You really don't understand this argument at all. Over and over again you prove that you don't.
His is a somewhat deceptive claim as it refers to the glory and not the person

John 1:14 The Word became human and lived among us. We saw his glory. It was the glory that the Father shares with his only Son, a glory full of kindness and truth.

And it refers to the glory which was shared between the father and the son

A powerful argument for the deity of the son

Beware of Unitarians quoting scripture
Great Catch! In that case I'll put @Runningman's GWT alongside Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto where it does belongs.
Just like you are using apologetics to tackle the GWT of John 1:14 that calls the Word an IT... I am just doing what you are doing. I think at the end of the day, we shouldn't blame each other for being true to what we believe. You clearly don't believe the Word is an IT despite the Bible saying it in more than one place.
Believe as you will. Of course I do not belie the Holy Spirit is an it.

The fact are that I posted from "your" bible read the same as mine. You just cannot see it.

Would it be sacrilegious to you to actually read the King James Version.? I do not like KJV but most all are familiar with it to not question
(except me) things there.

Please post the verses that say the Holy Spirit is a thing from KJV. I am begging on bended knee.
So you are anti-Trin?

Why is it do you suppose since the very first time the trinity was talked of it always centered around the same 3.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You never in your life have ever heard oiit suggested there could be another substitute here.

Always the same three . Each with their own appointments.

I mean we have the Holy Spirit coming upon Mary and she is with child... (still intact)

We have Jesus who for the sake of brevity became our savior.

We have the Father who designed every thing we are , for us, and got it done.

But still only the 3 above.

Talk to the woke Presbyterians and they are likely to somehow incorporate the Godess Sophia into their mix.

Yet at the end of the day there are only these 3.


There is no biblical mention of Michael in the mix. Michael was doing other works.
Beware of Blaspheming the Holy Spirit for I can see some dangerously close comments here.

Not pointing fingers.... either

Hi, MTMattie

The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is accusing of being "bad" what is good. Accusing as "satanic" what is from God.
This is the concept found in Scripture, by Jesus Himself. I invite you to read the passage again.

Theological differences around the nature of the Holy Spirit ARE NOT blasphemies.
Yes, I do.
Only one person sits in a chair.
Many persons may sit in a government.

Did you lookup "Self Serving" and "Arbitrary"?

Anyone debating any topic should clearly understand these words.....

You're appealing arbitrary nonsense as evidence. It isn't. You're being hypocritical with the evidence. That is self serving.

It makes sense to you when you employee such self serving and arbitrary logic as you're employing. You're only connected to your bias. Critical thinker have learned to avoid these mistakes in their theologies.
Lying is lying. Nothing changes that fact. I didn't elaborate until you insisted I somehow aligned with those who killed innocent people.
You made a generalized statement about Muslims. That's what is wrong.
Then you made a more specific statement. That's much better.

You are an intelligent and noble person, who must learn how to debate with people of other religions.
To that end you will benefit from calming down and then read, think and post a comment.
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