Well Seth I think he would have taken my position on the matter. I think he would know we're all believing Jesus became a curse on the tree Gal 3:13 that he took our place and became our substitute and that through his precious blood we're justified.
Here by the way if I believe all the places the word "wrath" is used in Paul's writings.
Rom1:18, Rom 2:5, Rom 2:8, Rom 3:5, Rom 5:9, Rom 9,22, Eph 2:3, Eph 5:6, Col 3:6, !Thes 2:16. ! Thess 5:9. Most of them aren't even talking about Jesus but rather the ungodly will experience God's wrath. I've also no problem believing Jesus took my wrath....or the penalty that made substitution possible. Either way Jesus took my place penalty or wrath....and I now have his righteousness.
I suppose I stand alone here but I sincerely feel all this type of parsing words grieves the Spirit. I believe he's saying all of you are believing in my substitutionary work so stop looking for ways to divide into unnecessary camps. That's my take on it anyway and I'll leave you all with the subject.