Olde Tymer
Well-known member
Calm down Bob; there's nothing useful to be gained by shouting and spraying spittle.
Calm down Bob; there's nothing useful to be gained by shouting and spraying spittle.
● 1Tim 3:15 . . If I should be delayed, you should know how to behave in the
household of God, which is the church of the living God; the pillar and foundation of
It's very common among Catholics to look at that verse and let their minds see the
church as the pillar and foundation of truth rather than the living God. But that
would make no sense at all since the church of the living God consists of mortal
beings infected with human nature and a natural propensity to embellish the truth
and twist it rather than preserve it.
It's far more likely that 1Tim 3:15 is saying that if there were no real live God out
there somewhere, then Christianity would be a silly myth. It's only the reality of
God that makes so-called "truth" to be actual fact, i.e. valid, and reliable.
"God uses poor tools" I like that. Makes me think of cracked pots.Since all of the apostles and authors of scripture are without doubt sinners, your argument could equally be used to doubt the veracity of scripture.
Indeed Paul killed Christians in an earlier life, and laments in Romans that even still, when as an apostle , "the evil he would not do , he does"!
But I am guessing, his acknowledgement of being a sinner, does not stop you considering Pauls letters as scripture!
God indeed uses poor tools but under his guidance they can become infallible for the duration of a task he sets.
If they were not, you have no scripture, neither as books nor as infallible selection of them which was also by men!
I find the arguments on infallibity strange. All christians accept infallibility in the authorship of scripture. God acting through men.
So the question is not whether He does this, it is the scope and extent that is the real question.
God does indeed mean what He said, about the "pillar of truth" being the physical church, the household of God, because he gave the apostles and Peter alone , and successors , the "power to bind and loose" which is to give definitive judgement on matters of law, scripture faith and morals. It was always so. It is why he urges all to listen to the pharisees when they speak from moses seat. It is why you can trust creeds, councils as a meeting of successors of apostles and indeed decisions on heresies.
It is also why scripture urges all to "listen to those who were sent" and that disputes are taken to the church.
All christian communities are full of sinners. Every single one. It is why Christ came.
The more people there are the more sinners there are. Nobody disputes it, including the popes!
However within limits God gave powers for the church teach and to give judgements.
It is good that He did. Without that you would not even know what is scripture!
Since all of the apostles and authors of scripture are without doubt sinners, your
argument could equally be used to doubt the veracity of scripture.
A nestorian in our midst seemingly!Total foolishness. Mary (the REAL ONE not the "Catholic creation") is Jesus' mother, and the one who, along with her husband Joseph, raised him and their other kids, to maturity. Pretty much EVERYTHING Catholics say about their "Mary Thing" is as phony as a thee dollar bill!!!!
GOD is eternal, and doesn't Have a mother.
The Catholic foolishness is: "Jesus is GOD, Mary is his mother, so Mary is "God's Mother". "Theology"!!! You gotta love it!!!
A fascinating reply.
All scriptures are suspicious including, but not limited to, Christian scriptures, Judaism
scriptures, Islam scriptures, Buddhism scriptures, and Hindu scriptures, et al.
Both Matt 27:63 and Mark 8:31 have in the Greek text the word "meta". While it is very often translated as "after", there are other meanings. One being "among". Compare Luke 24:5 "Why seek ye the living among the dead?".
Jesus' Three Days & Nights
● Matt 12:40-41 . . For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the
great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the
FAQ: What about Matt 27:63 and Mark 8:31? They say "after" the third day rather
than during the third.
REPLY: To begin with, those verses are outnumbered 11 to 2.
Plus; the Greek word translated "after" is somewhat ambiguous. It can indicate
moments following the conclusion of an event, but it can also indicate moments
within an event. I suggest letting the 11 to 2 majority decide how best to interpret
the intent of Matt 27:63 and Mark 8:31.
While that is technically correct when counting the hours during the day, the passage is not referring to the hour of the day. It is referring to the day itself. Jewish days always begin at the point of sundown. That is why the weekly Sabbath begins Friday night.FAQ: Luke 24:21-23 says the morning that women came to the cemetery was the
third day. How can that be true when the sun wasn't up yet when they arrived?
REPLY: Back then; the Jews' civil days began at 06:00 am and ended at 06:00 pm;
which made for a twelve-hour day regardless of the season. (John 11:9-10)
Sometimes civil days began before sunrise. For example: the sun arose in
Jerusalem during Passover April 09, 2023 at 06:19 am, which in Jesus' era would've
been 19 minutes after the beginning of their civil day.
So then; were his crucified dead body restored to life sometime in those 19 minutes
before sunrise, then technically he was within the limits of a new day rather than
the tail end of a previous night.
As I stated, that is incorrect. Research when the day begins using any Jewish source. Their day is explained very clearly by God in first verses of Genesis. The day is evening then morning. In that specific order.FAQ: But didn't the Jews' days begin at sunset rather than sunrise?
REPLY: That's only true for liturgical days. For example: Passover for the 9th of
April 2023 began at sunset the afternoon of the 8th.
There are some inaccuracies in the information that has been given.
As I stated, that is incorrect
Go ahead. Anyone can provide alternate sources that could prove what I say wrong. But I've included the sources that prove what you have stated incorrect. Go for it. Actually, I'll go further, I challenge you to provide sources that prove I am incorrect - like a good Berean would..
Unless you sincerely believe yourself infallible and/or speaking for God ex
cathedra; you might consider being a little more diplomatic with your choice
of words lest the hapless day arrive when you are forced to eat them.
I challenge you to provide sources that prove I am incorrect
Says the one that has been challenged to provide proof for what he has written. Be a Berean. Check things out. The Truth is very insensitive to those that are wrong.Thus far, no one has contested the validity of your statements; only that your
attitude needs some attention, e.g. your remarks are insensitive and your
conduct is militant.
And the silence is deafening. No response from @Olde Tymer to back up his original statements with sources for what he stated.There are some inaccuracies in the information that has been given.
Both Matt 27:63 and Mark 8:31 have in the Greek text the word "meta". While it is very often translated as "after", there are other meanings. One being "among". Compare Luke 24:5 "Why seek ye the living among the dead?"
So the texts do not have to be translated "after 3 days" but "within (among) 3 days".
This is corroborated in the Aramaic Peshitta texts as well and explain why the Greek scribes used the term "meta". In Matt 27:63 the Aramaic uses the phrase "from after". In the Aramaic dialect of the time of Jesus, this was idiomatic for "backwards". As in "backwards from 3 days".
The Aramaic Mark 8:31 passage does not include a preposition at all. It specifically means "within 3 days". And that is what the Greek "meta" reflects.
While that is technically correct when counting the hours during the day, the passage is not referring to the hour of the day. It is referring to the day itself. Jewish days always begin at the point of sundown. That is why the weekly Sabbath begins Friday night.
Jesus did not rise again at sunrise. Nor 19 minutes before sunrise. He resurrected at the point when the days changed - at sundown. He was in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights just as He said He would be.
Wednesday sundown -> Thursday sundown -> Friday sundown -> Saturday sundown
As I stated, that is incorrect. Research when the day begins using any Jewish source. Their day is explained very clearly by God in first verses of Genesis. The day is evening then morning. In that specific order.
[Gen 1:5 KJV] 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Yes, the Roman Church needs to be corrected in their worship of Mary. But also, the Protestants have a somewhat uniformed view of the significance of Mary as well..
The female principal is very prominent in the Catholic religion.
CCC 966 and CCC 969 attest that Jesus' mom is Queen, Advocate, Helper,
Benefactress, and Mediatrix: a queen, advocate, helper, benefactress, and
mediatrix who is not even one single time in the book of Acts, nor in any of the
twenty-one epistles, mentioned as somebody special. Christ's mom isn't even listed
in 1Cor 15:3-8 as one of the people who saw him alive after his ordeal. She's barely
given a passing mention in Acts 1:14; and that's it.
Be that as it may, her role as Mediatrix seriously needs to be challenged because
mediators in the Bible have always been men, beginning with Melchizedek in the
book of Genesis, then continuing with Aaron in the book of Exodus; and finally
Christ in 1Tim 2:5, about whom it's said:
"There is one God, and one mediator between God and men: a man, Christ Jesus."