What is wrong with a philosophical argument?
Do you think that there is no biblical support to the thesis that God cannot subject to anyone or anything?
Please present one single verse in which God subjects to anyone or anything else.
I never meant that you believe God can be evil or mortal, etc. I know the two of us don't believe that, Civic.
I was just using them as examples of things that the two of us don't believe, because they are incompatible with the concept of God.
I wanted to make you aware that, by the same token, being subject to another will is also incompatible with deity.
How is a fallacy to state that God cannot subject to anything or anyone?
The roles taken by man and woman are indeed used by Paul as analogy of the roles of Christ and God.
"But I would have you know that the head of the woman is the man, the head of every man is Christ, and the head of Christ is God" ( 1 Cor 11:2-4)
In the analogy, man is not the same being than a woman and that's precisely why, under Paul's perspective, man can have authority over the woman. If man and woman were the same being, how one of them could have authority over the other?
Same with Christ and God.
Christ is not the same being than God. That's why God can have authority over Christ. If Christ and God were the same Being, how one of them could have authority over the other?
Therefore, the argument that Christ can be God even if He subjects to God is refuted, both philosophically and biblically.