So you think that the revelation of the Trinity was given to these six men at some point between 33 and 55 AD... I suppose in Jerusalem, so that they all could have got it and agreed on it.
@civic and Fred:
We have plenty of accounts of many revelations received by the apostles from Jesus when Jesus was alive.
We have accounts of what the apostles were revealed in Pentecost, as per what they preached the days after.
We have accounts of God revealing to Peter in a vision that Peter should preach to Cornelius and not despise him as Gentile.
We have accounts of God revealing to the apostles that circumcision was no longer necessary.
We have accounts of Jesus revealing Himself to Paul on the way to Damascus.
Where is the account then, of such a crucial doctrinal truth that shook the foundations of Jew monotheism?
Either that revelation never occurred, or was so insignificant in importance, that neither Luke in Acts nor the apostles in their letters bother to narrate.
Why didn't the apostles or evangelists spend long portions of their text explaining in a clear and explicit way this NEW revelation, while they did spend long portions talking about many other things?