sola fide

Nope from scripture

Acts 16:30–32 (KJV 1900) — 30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. 32 And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.

or as seen here

1 Corinthians 1:21 (KJV 1900) — 21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
Sorry, classic case of seeing what you want to see. No mention of synergism in either verse. Good try though.

Provisionism = Catholicism
Sorry, classic case of seeing what you want to see. No mention of synergism in either verse. Good try though.

Provisionism = Catholicism
Belief is what one does and it precedes salvation so you are found to be in denial

And provisionism goes back to a time before Augustine and his foundational work in Catholicism and Calvinism
Belief is what one does and it precedes salvation so you are found to be in denial

And provisionism goes back to a time before Augustine and his foundational work in Catholicism and Calvinism
LOL, cite a church father that claims to be a Provisionist.

Belief is granted to you along with repentance when you are enabled to do so.

Bout time you show me where Jesus claimed to be a Provisionist. Good luck
Provisionist—someone who holds to Provisionism—holds a generally Arminian view of free will and salvation, with notable differences such as positive belief in eternal security. The main gist of Provisionism is the idea that the gospel is the Word of God, which is sufficient in itself, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to enable a response in all who hear God’s appeal to be reconciled to Him (John 6:63; Hebrews 4:12).

The clearest differences between Provisionist doctrine and classical Reformed theology are seen in the concepts of total depravity and limited atonement. The doctrine of total depravity suggests all people are inherently sinful, such that they could not even want to be saved without a direct, predestined act of God. Provisionism counters that all people are sinful and responsible for their sin, but they are also responsible for answering God’s universal call for men to be saved (Titus 2:11). Limited atonement is a doctrine teaching that Christ only died for those God had designated as the elect. A Provisionist would reject this, saying that the Bible teaches that Christ died for all people (1 John 2:2), which is why God promises to save any who come to Him in faith (Romans 10:11–13; Revelation 22:17). The Provisionist holds that Christ genuinely desires all of humanity to be saved (Luke 5:32; 19:10; 1 Timothy 2:4–6; ).

In effect, this means a Provisionist would also reject other Reformed doctrines such as irresistible grace.

The main use of the term Provisionism is also meant to describe the general approach to salvation held by most Southern and Independent Baptists.

Similar to the TULIP in Calvinism, Provisionism can be summarized with the acrostic PROVIDE (see for more information):
People sin: Which separated all from fellowship with God.
Responsible: Able-to-respond to God’s appeals for reconciliation.
Open door: For anyone to enter by faith. Whosoever will may come to His open arms.
Vicarious atonement: Provides a way for anyone to be saved by Christ’s blood.
Illuminating grace: Provides clearly revealed truth so that all can know and respond in faith.
Destroyed: For unbelief and resisting the Holy Spirit.
Eternal security: For all true

hope this helps !!!
Provisionist—someone who holds to Provisionism—holds a generally Arminian view of free will and salvation, with notable differences such as positive belief in eternal security. The main gist of Provisionism is the idea that the gospel is the Word of God, which is sufficient in itself, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to enable a response in all who hear God’s appeal to be reconciled to Him (John 6:63; Hebrews 4:12).

The clearest differences between Provisionist doctrine and classical Reformed theology are seen in the concepts of total depravity and limited atonement. The doctrine of total depravity suggests all people are inherently sinful, such that they could not even want to be saved without a direct, predestined act of God. Provisionism counters that all people are sinful and responsible for their sin, but they are also responsible for answering God’s universal call for men to be saved (Titus 2:11). Limited atonement is a doctrine teaching that Christ only died for those God had designated as the elect. A Provisionist would reject this, saying that the Bible teaches that Christ died for all people (1 John 2:2), which is why God promises to save any who come to Him in faith (Romans 10:11–13; Revelation 22:17). The Provisionist holds that Christ genuinely desires all of humanity to be saved (Luke 5:32; 19:10; 1 Timothy 2:4–6; ).

In effect, this means a Provisionist would also reject other Reformed doctrines such as irresistible grace.

The main use of the term Provisionism is also meant to describe the general approach to salvation held by most Southern and Independent Baptists.

Similar to the TULIP in Calvinism, Provisionism can be summarized with the acrostic PROVIDE (see for more information):
People sin: Which separated all from fellowship with God.
Responsible: Able-to-respond to God’s appeals for reconciliation.
Open door: For anyone to enter by faith. Whosoever will may come to His open arms.
Vicarious atonement: Provides a way for anyone to be saved by Christ’s blood.
Illuminating grace: Provides clearly revealed truth so that all can know and respond in faith.
Destroyed: For unbelief and resisting the Holy Spirit.
Eternal security: For all true

hope this helps !!!
None of this answers my question. Where did Jesus claim to be a Provisionist??
It sure did with Scripture- try reading them with comprehension since there are plenty of biblical references.

Can you read ?
So nowhere then? The question was where did Christ claim to be a Provisionist. No one asked what Provisionism is. No one cares.
LOL. And in those verses Jesus claims to be a Provisionist?

The lesson here is don't make claims you have no hope of backing up.

Your welcome

yes He opposes calvinism/tulip and provides salvation for all the world, everyone.

why don't you believe Jesus and the Apostles ?

and the apple (calvinism )doesn't fall far from the tree (Catholicism. ) You both have augustine as the father of your faith. Ole calvie boy worshipped him and quoted him 1000's of times in his writings. Obsessed with him. YIKES.



hope this helps !!!
and the apple (calvinism )doesn't fall far from the tree (Catholicism. ) You both have augustine as the father of your faith. Ole calvie boy worshipped him and quoted him 1000's of times in his writings. Obsessed with him. YIKES.



hope this helps !!!
Deflection. Where does Christ say He opposes Calvinism?
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