Because HE, and Paul knew how RAPIDLY man's religious theology would go astray. Look at Roman Catholicism, and the sheer number of paople caught in that heretical monstrosity which pays NO ATTENTION to the Bible (that they claim to have produced), and instead have incorporated ALL SORTS of pagan corruption, and phony theology that teaches "Jesus PLUS" any number of meaningless foolish beliefs.
In reality the MISTAKE is remaining IGNORANT of what the Bible says. When you have no Biblical knowledge, the "Mainstream preachers" (who aren't ALL PHONY) will be impossible to sort out.
You seem to have a mixed message here. First you rebuke me, claiming I'm making a mistake because I am cautious of the philosophy and doctrines of "mainstream religions" of this world, specifically that in the religion you have adopted and are promoting, I am to take John 10:30 "literally", so when Jesus says HE is one with the Father, in your religion this means
literally that HE, as the man Jesus, "IS" the Father.
But when I post other Inspired Words of God in which Jesus also defines His Relationship with His Father, like John 14:28, or John 13:16, and a host of others, I am not allowed,
in your religion, to take these words of the Christ "of the Bible"
literally. In fact, it's almost as if you aren't allowed to even discuss them. Rather, you rebuke me for even pointing them out and asking questions regarding the religious philosophy that ignores them.
This is a popular practice of this world's religions, where those who promote them tell others which verses or parts of the Bible are important, and which ones are not. Which ones to take literally and which ones I can't take literally. This is done my many "mainstream religious sects" of this world, which would include the Catholic religion, and her Protestant daughters who broke away from her, but kept her high days, kept her sabbaths, kept her religious business model, and kept her image of God in the likeness of some random men's hair shampoo model, and many of her other traditions as well. You said, "they don't mean spit", in your rebuke of me.
But when I posted the Words of the Jesus "of the Bible" as HE warns of this very thing, you seem to change your preaching, and are now saying that it isn't a mistake, or means more than "Spit" to "take heed" of this world's "mainstream religions" which you yourself identify as promoting "ALL SORTS of pagan corruption, and phony theology that teaches "Jesus PLUS" any number of meaningless foolish beliefs".
I agree with you that without the Armor of God, which includes knowledge of the Scriptures, it would be difficult or even impossible to discern what doctrines, teachings and traditions of this world's religions are from the imagination of man, from the doctrines, teachings and traditions that are "Wrought in God".
But I would caution the brethren that it isn't enough to "know" or "hear" what is written. But to also believe the Word, all of it. Not just the words which can be used to support, preserve and promote Catholic doctrine and tradition, or those of some other religious sect. But to believe "Every" Word which proceeds from the mouth of God and His Son as we are instructed.
So, it is a Mistake in my view, to separate John 14:28, or John 13:16, from John 10:30. Or to believe one of the verses is true and to be taken literally, but not the other two. Or to create an entire philosophy founded on a literal translation of one verse, while ignoring, even rejecting other Words from the same Christ.
Nevertheless, it is good to have these discussions, given the religious influence that surrounds us all, in my view.