This world's religious philosophy that the Word of God didn't come to earth as a mortal human, but "fully" God, is a popular, but insidious lie, if the Holy Scriptures are our guide "
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness". "Many" preachers, of all manner of religious sects and businesses "who come in Christ's Name", preach to the world that Jesus, "a man of sorrows", overcame sin and Temptations, not by Faith and humble obedience to His Father as the holy Scriptures teach, like HE instructs others "to do", but that HE overcame Sin and Temptations "BECAUSE" HE came to earth as "Fully God". So when the going got tough for Him, like it does for all men of Faith, HE just kicked in some supernatural God Powers no other human has ever had access to, and overcame sin and temptation in that way.
In this religious philosophy, promoted by "many" who call Jesus Lord, Lord, Jesus didn't "lay down His Life" for anyone. He didn't Risk anything for others. He never feared, He couldn't be tempted, and He never died, "because" HE was "Fully God", not "fully man". So His Faith was never tried, because HE didn't need faith, and yet God gave Him a name above all other humans ever born of a woman.
This would be likened unto a coach of a sports team whose son was also on the team. And the coach withheld performance enhancement drugs to everyone on the team, but to his son, he gave him all he could take. And then, when his son outperformed all the other players, the coach gave the son the trophy and all the rewards and praise. The God and Father of the Lord's Christ didn't behave in this manner at all, at least according to Scriptures.
The foundation of this false teaching is the result of believing another insidious falsehood about God, taught by Many on this same forum, and that is that when men in the Holy scriptures actually believed the God of the Bible, and humbled themselves to trust Him and His Word, HE placed on their necks a "Yoke of Bondage", "Beggarly Elements" and "Rudiments of this world", AKA, Laws impossible to keep. And then slaughtered thousands of His own people for breaking these same impossible to keep Laws HE said was for their own wellbeing. Making God out to be a liar, just as the serpent convinced Eve.
So His Son, that they worship, with long flowing hair and handsome profile, had to come and save mankind, not from Sin (Transgression of God's Laws), because they preach it's impossible not to steal, not to lie, not to cheat others, etc, but from His Father's impossible Laws, or at least the ones that cannot be used as a marketing strategy to grow their religious business and non-profit organizations.
And like the religious sect of the Pharisees before them, they omit and twist Scriptures and promote commandments and traditions of men, to promote their own religion.
In this philosophy and idolatry, they demean the Great Sacrifice the Word of God who became Flesh and dwelled among men made for me. They belittle Him as a scam artist who pretended to die, pretended to be tempted, pretended to be a mortal human but HE wasn't a mortal human, rather, "Fully God".
And they relegate God the Father of the Lord's Christ as a tyrant, and a cheat and a liar, whose Words cannot be trusted.
So when Paul said "
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it."
This world's self-proclaimed "ministers of righteousness" interpret this to others as:
14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances (OF GOD) that was against us, which was contrary to us, (Not the prophesied corrupt priesthood that ruled Jerusalem) and took it out of the way, nailing it (God's Laws) to his cross; 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, (God and the Prophets HE sent to us, not those chief priests who "Professed to know God, but in works denied Him") he made a shew of them (GOD, and the Prophets, not those religious zealots teaching for doctrines the commandments of men) openly, triumphing over them (GOD) in it. (Not the hypocrites in the Synagogues seeking the praise of men, and not God)
I advocate that men "come out of" this world's corrupt religions, as they have rejected God's Judgments, and created their own. They have created an image of God in the likeness of a long-haired men's hair shampoo model and have created their own high days in worship of their idol, while rejecting the Feasts of the Lord and HIS Instruction in Righteousness.
I know there are some who are called out of these religions, just as Abraham, Caleb, Shadrack, and every example of Faith in the Holy scriptures were called out. I want these folks to know they are not alone and not to fear the ridicule they will endure as a result of Trusting the Words of the Christ "of the Bible" and the Words that proceeded out of the mouth of HIS Father who sent Him.