Interesting presentation. I have several questions:I believe in the Olive Tree Theology. The following analysis will show that the separation between the
Church and the Jewish people, as it has developed over the last 2000 years, is completely out of
God's will, a terrible mistake, what is called the worst schism in history. We will see it is our task to
rectify that mistake, to throw ourselves fully into what Judaism calls tikkun-ha'olam, literally
"fixing up the world," repairing it. According to Jewish tradition such activity hastens the coming of
Messiah; and this corresponds to what Kefa [Peter] encourages believers in Yeshua to do, namely,
to hasten the coming of the Day of God. 2 Kefa [2 Peter] 3:12 I call this approach the
"Olive Tree theology," after Sha'ul's [Paul's] allegory in Romans 11:16-26, addressed to Gentile
Christians: Now if the challah (loaf or cake made for Shabbat) offered as firstfruits is holy, so is
the whole loaf. And if the root is holy, so are the branches. But if some of the branches were
broken off, and you---a wild olive---were grafted in among them and have become equal sharers
in the rich root of the olive tree, then don't boast that you are better than the branches!
However, if you do boast, remember you are not supporting the root, the root is supporting you.
So you will say, "Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in. 'True, but so what? They were
broken off because of their lack of trust. However, you keep your place only because of trust. So don't
be ignorant; on the contrary be terrified! For if God did not spare the natural branches, he certainly
won't spare you!
When Yeshua came, he was at the center of the tree, at the center of the Jewish people, the quintessential
Jew as well as the quintessential man. He gathered Jewish disciples around him. He died, rose from the
grave, and ascended into heaven. The Messianic Jewish community grew---a hundred and twenty (Acts 1:15),
three thousand (Acts 2:41), five thousand (Acts 4:4), "and their numbers kept multiplying" (Acts 9:31).
The non-Messianic Jews reacted against the Messianic Jews, pushing them away from the center (Acts 4-9, 12),
Meanwhile, the message spread to the Gentiles---Cornelius (Acts 10).
Although Messianic Jews in Jerusalem alone came to number "tens of thousand,....all zealots for the Torah,"
Sha'ul's travels (Acts 13-28) and other missionary outreaches soon made Gentiles a majority in the Church.
Nevertheless, the Jewish believers will still accepted by the Jewish people as part of the Jewish community.
The Spanish Inquisition scrutinized Catholics of Jewish origin to see whether they retained Jewish customs.
Out of Gentile distaste for Jewishness emerged persecution of Jews----Crusades, Inquisition, pograms,
Nazi Germany (yes, there was Christian involvement, both for evil and for good)---with all the pain and
ugliness that Jews cannot forget, and the Church will not be permitted to forget until all Christians
(not just some) learn the lesson.
So until very recently the Jewish people and the Church have remained separate, with no place for
Messianic Judaism, since both the majority of Jews (unsaved people whose experience with the
Church had been mostly negative) and the majority of Christians (Gentiles who misunderstood their
own faith as it relates to the Jewish people) wanted it that way.
It is the task of Messianic Jews and of sympathetic Gentile Christians to undertake the tikkum-ha'olam
of which I spoke earlier. These are the ones who, because of their common trust in the Jewish Messiah
Yeshua, can work together to undo the damage caused by the division of the Jewish people and the
Church into two apparently separate peoples of God. The Jewish people must be brought to understand
freely, willingly, not by coercion or deception---that the age old goals of Jewish endeavor will be achieved
only when the Jewish people come to understand and trust in Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.
The Church must be brought to understand freely, willingly, not by coercion or deception---that its goals
will be achieved only when any form of overt or covert antisemitism or stand-offishness has disappeared,
and intimate unity with the Jewish people has been acknowledged.
Can there be a grander goal? We live in an exciting age, as we see the momentum of history sweeping
toward the fulfillment of Sha'ul's prophecy that all Israel will be saved. And as we work toward accomplishing
that end, it is essential that we be armed with the right understanding of the relationship between Israel
and the Church
Shabbat ShalomView attachment 619View attachment 620
- Figure 4 shows Paul as causing the Church to branch out from Israel. What Paul did was to call out Judaizers from imposing their Legalisms. So your Jews part of the tree are the Legalistic Judaizers?
- Where do the Hellenized Greek-Speaking Diaspora Jews, with their Septuagints, who are called the Elect by Peter, fit into all this?
- Figure 4 mentions 350 CE as when the Church was "gentilized". The Nicene Council occurred on 325 so you can't accuse that as being the cause. So what was the "350 CE" cause?
- Figure 4 shows Messianic Judaism as bringing together both Jews and the Church. Does Messianic Judaism believe in the Nicene Creed? If not, how will that be resolved by MJ?
- You wrote "all Christians (not just some) learn the lesson" of Nazi Germany. Please elaborate in complete detail what you think that lesson will be.
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