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It must be some new miracle for God to change the DNA of every Gentile He saves into Abraham's DNA and now all born again Gentiles are now Hebrew and the seed of Abraham?Gentiles are the seed of Abraham
Tell me, if this is true, then there are no Gentiles Israel is prophesied to be "a light unto."
Where in the Hebrew Scripture of Law, Psalms, and Prophets is the verse telling us Gentiles would be changed into the biological seed of Abraham? Which prophet said it? And where in the Hebrew Scripture does it say such a thing? I mean, for such a major theological and ontological event of miraculously being changed from one race into another, that of being Gentile and becoming born again changed into the DNA of Abraham. Where is the Scripture in the Hebrew Scripture where this is prophesied?
I ask because if it's not in the Hebrew Scripture of God changing a Gentile into the biological seed and DNA of Abraham, even in type or shadow, then it's not a true doctrine from the bible.
After all, if there is no Old Testament precedence then there is no NT reality.
So, what do Hebrews who are born-again changed into? Gentile? Maybe a double-whammy of being the seed of Abraham twice!
Oh, and if you're going to say you're of the seed of Abraham in a spiritual sense I'd say you misunderstand the Scripture.
Israel was called "natural" Israel. On the day of Pentecost when Christ began to build His Church, he populated it with Jews, three thousand Jews to be precise, and on this day natural Israel became spiritual Israel.
Talk about heresy of the highest order yours takes the cake. I never heard that one before.