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Should be titled Judicial Discretion. Not sure how to edit
Does a judge have discretion to act contrary to demands of the law?
Does a judge have discretion to act contrary to demands of the law?
No. Judges have the authority to interpret the law and can make rulings about how it should be obeyed, but do have the authority to add to or subtract from the law.Should be titled Judicial Discretion. Not sure how to edit
Does a judge have discretion to act contrary to demands of the law?
Fixed the TitleShould be titled Judicial Discretion. Not sure how to edit
Does a judge have discretion to act contrary to demands of the law?
No. Judges have the authority to interpret the law and can make rulings about how it should be obeyed, but do have the authority to add to or subtract from the law.
In the case of God, I agree he has the moral right to be inconsistent with the moral principles of his Law.
However—it would be against his character to bend his Law or create a loophole, and so he would not do it.
I differentiate the Law of Moses with the Law of Perfection.
I agree the Law of Moses has some imperfect aspects, although... not the same objections you have.
The beauty of PSA is there actually is no loophole at all—in Christ I literally served my just punishment.
Except He was punished by man, not God. By the hands of wicked , evil men. That is what the Bible actually declares and the exact opposite of what PSA claims. It’s backwards. They blame God for what evil men have done. It was injustice , sinful and wicked what they did to Him yet you want to blame God for it. Unbelievable.I differentiate the Law of Moses with the Law of Perfection.
I agree the Law of Moses has some imperfect aspects, although... not the same objections you have.
The beauty of PSA is there actually is no loophole at all—in Christ I literally served my just punishment.
Sorry @praise_yeshua i won’t engage anymore about PSA in your thread. It seems to get brought up all of the time in so many threads and we already here a dedicated forum for the topic with tons of threads to discuss it.
Men are not the Judge before whom we must account for our sins!
The Law commands love!
God loves those in hell!
The law didn't teach you to love. In the face of condemnation is where true love is known.
The Law taught me how much Jesus loved me.
Else I held sin far too lightly!
The OP is literally about Law and judgment!
As well as the Gospel itself!!
For example, in the US we have a clear divisions between the judicial, legislative, and executive branches, so judges don't have the authority to add to or subtract from US law. In the Bible, judges likewise had the authority to make rulings about how to obey the law (Deuteronomy 17:8-13), but they did not have the authority to add to or subtract from it (Deuteronomy 4:2).This is where you are horribly wrong. When the Judge is the sole lawgiver, He does as He pleases both in application and punishment.
Christ is the lawgiver. Christ is God's word made flesh, so that is who he is and he is not above himself. The laws that people give are not arbitrary, but are extension of who they are. It would be hypocrisy for someone to hold others to a standard that they don't hold for themselves and to judge others for not meeting a standard that they don't meet. This is why even the king of Israel was still required to obey the Torah.Is Christ the lawgiver or not? When will you begin to place Christ above all things?
It is contradictory to say that God's word made flesh represents God's character, but that God's word does not. Who else's character does God's word represent if not God's word made flesh?The Law of Moses does not represent the absolute character of God. You both view the law similarly. You have a more refined view and I can largely accept most of your position. However, you are wrong about the law of Moses. It does not represent the absolute Character of God. Christ does. It produced shadows. Christ is the Light. It confined the action of humanity and controlled the lawless in Israel until Christ came.
Christ created the ultimately "loophole" in dying for humanity. When others scream for justice, they only condemn themselves. It shows their character. It reveals they contempt and hatred for those God loves.