Is persuasion even necessary in Calvinism ?

Do you obey Jesus like He commands ?


The passive voice means the subject is being acted upon, so God by His imperative via the Gospel Truth is causing them to believe the Truth of their reconciliation, hence His command is backed up by His Power to produce the result of faith. Also the ones to whom this imperative is issued to are already regenerated new creatures in Christ vs 17. Has nothing to do with unregenerate spiritually dead sinners.

Ps 33:9

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.

So who was commanded?

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.

So who was commanded?
The passive voice means the subject is being acted upon, so God by His imperative via the Gospel Truth is causing them to believe the Truth of their reconciliation, hence His command is backed up by His Power to produce the result of faith. Also the ones to whom this imperative is issued to are already regenerated new creatures in Christ vs 17. Has nothing to do with unregenerate spiritually dead sinners.

Ps 33:9

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

,yet God entreats, exhorts and beseeches us to be reconciled to him in Jesus Christ, because in exhorting, entreating and beseeching us to believe, He puts forth his power and his own strength to enable/cause us to do so.
The passive voice means the subject is being acted upon, so God by His imperative via the Gospel Truth is causing them to believe the Truth of their reconciliation, hence His command is backed up by His Power to produce the result of faith. Also the ones to whom this imperative is issued to are already regenerated new creatures in Christ vs 17. Has nothing to do with unregenerate spiritually dead sinners.

Ps 33:9

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

,yet God entreats, exhorts and beseeches us to be reconciled to him in Jesus Christ, because in exhorting, entreating and beseeching us to believe, He puts forth his power and his own strength to enable/cause us to do so.

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.

So who was commanded?

There is nothing in the passage to suggest he effectually causes men to believe

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.

So who was commanded?

There is nothing in the passage to suggest he effectually causes men to believe
The passive voice means the subject is being acted upon, so God by His imperative via the Gospel Truth is causing them to believe the Truth of their reconciliation, hence His command is backed up by His Power to produce the result of faith. Also the ones to whom this imperative is issued to are already regenerated new creatures in Christ vs 17. Has nothing to do with unregenerate spiritually dead sinners.

Ps 33:9

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

,yet God entreats, exhorts and beseeches us to be reconciled to him in Jesus Christ, because in exhorting, entreating and beseeching us to believe, He puts forth his power and his own strength to enable/cause us to do so.

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.

So who was commanded?

There is nothing in the passage to suggest he effectually causes men to believe
Amen as one must turn a blind eye to the biblical and grammatical truth and replace it with the philosophy of man.
Genesis 2:7 does not teach the PCE theology.

Genesis 2:7 says that God put the spirit inside the body.

When does this occur today?

I would wager that God puts it in there, no later then.... at the moment the baby's heart begins to beat in their mother's womb.
I suggest that the spirit is united with the body at conception....conception is the method that sinners are sown, not created, into this world, Matt 13:36-30.

Genesis 2:7 does not teach the PCE theology.

May I suggest that Gen 2:7 only does not teach PCE theology as you understand it??
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