For example, if Hiter is pre-destined to burn 6 million Jews, then can God hold Him accountable for MURDER?
Or, if a person ends up in Hell because they REJECTED CHRIST, being not one of the "pre-destined" to Believe.....then they had no CHOICE but to die as an, can God justly send them, or YOU, to HELL< for JOHN 3:36..... if God didnt choose you to believe?
I can agree but not in a way that does damage to HIS predetermined control of earth and men's lives...
Please consider that PCE theology suggests that all men existed as spirits before their conception as human and before the foundation of the world made their decision to
1. put their faith in YHWH as their GOD and saviour from any sin (the gospel we all heard proclaimed to every creature under heaven,
Col 1:23) and, as HIS sheep by this choice, they were elected, predestined, to be HIS Bride even if they should ever sin,
2. to put their faith in the idea HE was a liar and therefore a false god and, due to this decision, they were passed over for election to salvation as forever unable to ever be a suitable Bride for HIM and so were condemned to the outer darkness for eternity.
We well know that YHWH cannot abide with any sin so when the Satanic were all firmly entrenched in their belief, HIS next order of business must have been to call all of HIS elect to come out from among their friends who were now condemned but some would not, thinking damnation was too harsh and not fitting for a loving GOD, making themselves HIS sheep gone astray into sin.
This forced the postponement of the judgement against all evil people so HIS sinful sheep would not be destroyed with the Satanic and it also brought about the need for HIS sinful elect to live with the Satanic people of the evil one to learn to trust in HIS condemnation of them as just and an absolute necessity...which is taught in the parable of the weeds,
Matt 13:27-30,
Matt 13:27 The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ 28 ‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. [a reference to the explanation of this parable, ie, no more metaphor, in verses
So the servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’[
to bring the judgement upon them?]
29 ‘NO!’ he said, [
postpone the judgement because...]
‘if you pull the weeds now, you might uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. IF the reason for the postponement of the judgement is to save the sinful good seed from being pulled up and burnt with the reprobate weeds by their redemption in Christ, then this assumes that at the time of the Satanic fall and the necessity of their judgment, the fall of the sinful good seed MUST have also already occurred!
It also implies that when the hearts of the Satanic are full of evil continually, HE allows the expression of their evil which will have the best effect upon HIS lost sheep to make them aware of the absolute necessity of the damnation of the weeds (goats) and of their own need for a saviour which their own sin has blunted so they are not ashamed of their sin.
To achieve this goal HE predetermed which sin HE would allow everyone to choose from their own hearts of evil. Thus HE ensured that HIS sheep would have their eyes opened to own their sin and their need for Christ and also the need for them to be holy, that is, in perfect accord with HIS condemnation of the Satanic so that they would stop their idolatry of the Satanic over the command of their GOD to
come out from among them to stand with HIM at their judgement.
It is to our greater shame that this lesson MUST BE GIVEN to every generation, that the evil of men ordering the slaughtering millions must be repeated, ie, allowed to happen to open the eyes of the sinful elect to their need to accept the damnation of the Satanic weeds, those condemned for unbelief already,
Jn 3:18.
In short, men's
FATES were self chosen by our free will (not predetermined) as innocents not enslaved to sin but once we chose to be sinners, our
LIVES as sinful men are predetermined to bring HIS sinful good seed, the sinful people of HIS kingdom,
Matt 13:36-39, to the cross and to become willing to repudiate our own willingness to abide the evil of the Satanic.