Is persuasion even necessary in Calvinism ?

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.
The passive voice means the subject is being acted upon, so God by His imperative via the Gospel Truth is causing them to believe the Truth of their reconciliation, hence His command is backed up by His Power to produce the result of faith. Also the ones to whom this imperative is issued to are already regenerated new creatures in Christ vs 17. Has nothing to do with unregenerate spiritually dead sinners.

Ps 33:9

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.
The passive voice means the subject is being acted upon, so God by His imperative via the Gospel Truth is causing them to believe the Truth of their reconciliation, hence His command is backed up by His Power to produce the result of faith. Also the ones to whom this imperative is issued to are already regenerated new creatures in Christ vs 17. Has nothing to do with unregenerate spiritually dead sinners.

Ps 33:9

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.
The passive voice means the subject is being acted upon, so God by His imperative via the Gospel Truth is causing them to believe the Truth of their reconciliation, hence His command is backed up by His Power to produce the result of faith. Also the ones to whom this imperative is issued to are already regenerated new creatures in Christ vs 17. Has nothing to do with unregenerate spiritually dead sinners.

Ps 33:9

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.
The passive voice means the subject is being acted upon, so God by His imperative via the Gospel Truth is causing them to believe the Truth of their reconciliation, hence His command is backed up by His Power to produce the result of faith. Also the ones to whom this imperative is issued to are already regenerated new creatures in Christ vs 17. Has nothing to do with unregenerate spiritually dead sinners.

Ps 33:9

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.
For example, if Hiter is pre-destined to burn 6 million Jews, then can God hold Him accountable for MURDER?

Or, if a person ends up in Hell because they REJECTED CHRIST, being not one of the "pre-destined" to Believe.....then they had no CHOICE but to die as an, can God justly send them, or YOU, to HELL< for JOHN 3:36..... if God didnt choose you to believe?
I can agree but not in a way that does damage to HIS predetermined control of earth and men's lives...

Please consider that PCE theology suggests that all men existed as spirits before their conception as human and before the foundation of the world made their decision to
1. put their faith in YHWH as their GOD and saviour from any sin (the gospel we all heard proclaimed to every creature under heaven, Col 1:23) and, as HIS sheep by this choice, they were elected, predestined, to be HIS Bride even if they should ever sin,
to put their faith in the idea HE was a liar and therefore a false god and, due to this decision, they were passed over for election to salvation as forever unable to ever be a suitable Bride for HIM and so were condemned to the outer darkness for eternity.

We well know that YHWH cannot abide with any sin so when the Satanic were all firmly entrenched in their belief, HIS next order of business must have been to call all of HIS elect to come out from among their friends who were now condemned but some would not, thinking damnation was too harsh and not fitting for a loving GOD, making themselves HIS sheep gone astray into sin.

This forced the postponement of the judgement against all evil people so HIS sinful sheep would not be destroyed with the Satanic and it also brought about the need for HIS sinful elect to live with the Satanic people of the evil one to learn to trust in HIS condemnation of them as just and an absolute necessity...which is taught in the parable of the weeds, Matt 13:27-30,
Matt 13:27 The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ 28 ‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. [a reference to the explanation of this parable, ie, no more metaphor, in verses 36-39]
So the servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’[to bring the judgement upon them?] 29 ‘NO!’ he said, [postpone the judgement because...] ‘if you pull the weeds now, you might uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. IF the reason for the postponement of the judgement is to save the sinful good seed from being pulled up and burnt with the reprobate weeds by their redemption in Christ, then this assumes that at the time of the Satanic fall and the necessity of their judgment, the fall of the sinful good seed MUST have also already occurred!

It also implies that when the hearts of the Satanic are full of evil continually, HE allows the expression of their evil which will have the best effect upon HIS lost sheep to make them aware of the absolute necessity of the damnation of the weeds (goats) and of their own need for a saviour which their own sin has blunted so they are not ashamed of their sin.

To achieve this goal HE predetermed which sin HE would allow everyone to choose from their own hearts of evil. Thus HE ensured that HIS sheep would have their eyes opened to own their sin and their need for Christ and also the need for them to be holy, that is, in perfect accord with HIS condemnation of the Satanic so that they would stop their idolatry of the Satanic over the command of their GOD to come out from among them to stand with HIM at their judgement.

It is to our greater shame that this lesson MUST BE GIVEN to every generation, that the evil of men ordering the slaughtering millions must be repeated, ie, allowed to happen to open the eyes of the sinful elect to their need to accept the damnation of the Satanic weeds, those condemned for unbelief already, Jn 3:18.

In short, men's FATES were self chosen by our free will (not predetermined) as innocents not enslaved to sin but once we chose to be sinners, our LIVES as sinful men are predetermined to bring HIS sinful good seed, the sinful people of HIS kingdom, Matt 13:36-39, to the cross and to become willing to repudiate our own willingness to abide the evil of the Satanic.
I can agree but not in a way that does damage to HIS predetermined control of earth and men's lives...

Does God have pre-determined control of the next time you go to the bathroom to wash your hands?

Did God pre-determine before you were born that you would be reading my Post?


Please consider that PCE theology suggests that all men existed as spirits before their conception as human and before the foundation of the world made their decision to

Genesis 2:7 does not teach the PCE theology.

Genesis 2:7 says that God put the spirit inside the body.

When does this occur today?

I would wager that God puts it in there, no later then.... at the moment the baby's heart begins to beat in their mother's womb.
The passive voice means the subject is being acted upon, so God by His imperative via the Gospel Truth is causing them to believe the Truth of their reconciliation, hence His command is backed up by His Power to produce the result of faith. Also the ones to whom this imperative is issued to are already regenerated new creatures in Christ vs 17. Has nothing to do with unregenerate spiritually dead sinners.

Ps 33:9

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.

So who was commasnded?

What is an Imperative Sentence Passive Voice?​

By now you may have noticed that imperative sentence passive voice is a grammatical construction that combines the features of imperative sentences and passive voice. It specialises in giving instructions or commands more indirectly or formally.

So who was commasnded?
The passive voice means the subject is being acted upon, so God by His imperative via the Gospel Truth is causing them to believe the Truth of their reconciliation, hence His command is backed up by His Power to produce the result of faith. Also the ones to whom this imperative is issued to are already regenerated new creatures in Christ vs 17. Has nothing to do with unregenerate spiritually dead sinners.

Ps 33:9

For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.
“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Luke 19:40

I was passive and didn't use my voice .. so the stones started saying what I should have.
How to write an imperative in passive voice:

Correct, so when God made the command, let there be light, what happened ? Gen 1:3

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

So what happens when God commands with the imperative " 2 Cor 5:20

20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead," be ye reconciled to God."

This is when God shines in their hearts as here 2 Cor 4:5-6

5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.

6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

So their minds and hearts are reconciled to the Knowledge of the Truth of their already accomplished reconciliation and they believe !
Correct, so when God made the command, let there be light, what happened ? Gen 1:3

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

So what happens when God commands with the imperative " 2 Cor 5:20

20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead," be ye reconciled to God."
Interesting thought and on my youtube channel I've taught long time ago on the similarities between Gen 1 and 2 Cor 4:6 . It's a good analogy but it's not nor should it be taken as an absolute comparison but it's somewhat similar that we can learn from.

In Gen 1: it states LIGHT BE. 2 Cor 4 doesn't say RECONCILATION BE. It says rather be you reconciled to God and it has with it in the same sentence I beseech you to do so, I implore you to become such, I plead you to do so! (depending on what translation one uses) One would never use I beseech, I implore, I plead if God is just bring forth something like he did in Gen 1. To do and to be encouraged to do the three things I just mentioned signifies a choice for the individual. The physical creation Earth had no choice. Men did and do!

Can you imagine God saying in Gen 1 I plead with you Earth to receive the LIGHT? God however does plead and beseech men to be reconciled to God.

Interesting thought and on my youtube channel I've taught long time ago on the similarities between Gen 1 and 2 Cor 4:6 . It's a good analogy but it's not nor should it be taken as an absolute comparison but it's somewhat similar that we can learn from.

In Gen 1: it states LIGHT BE. 2 Cor 4 doesn't say RECONCILATION BE. It says rather be you reconciled to God and it has with it in the same sentence I beseech you to do so, I implore you to become such, I plead you to do so! (depending on what translation one uses) One would never use I beseech, I implore, I plead if God is just bring forth something like he did in Gen 1. To do and to be encouraged to do the three things I just mentioned signifies a choice for the individual. The physical creation Earth had no choice. Men did and do!

Can you imagine God saying in Gen 1 I plead with you Earth to receive the LIGHT? God however does plead and beseech men to be reconciled to God.
You've totally missed it friend
There is no need for persuasion in Calvinism. Its an oxymoron, You cannot persuade me into something God has already determined for me. I cannot be persuaded to believe the gospel if God determined I'm a reprobate. If I'm an Arminian its because God has determined I reject Calvinism. If I'm a Calvinist I cannot be convinced Arminianism is true because God determined for me to reject it. Determinism makes God the God of confusion, not the God of unity.

But Civic, are you not missing an important truth here? Men are persuaded to believe Calvinism, by men who come in Christ's Name. Just as men are persuaded to believe in Arminianism, by men who come in the same Christ's Name. Just as men are persuaded to believe Adventism, by men who come in Christ's Name. This is true for all religions of this world, just as it was true for Sadducees and Pharisees who "profess to know God" and persuaded men to adopt their particular religion.

And once a person is persuaded to become a Baptist, he cannot believe Catholicism. And once a man is persuaded to become Armenian, he cannot believe Calvinism.

From my perspective, all these religions have different doctrines, they all call Jesus Lord, Lord, they all come in Christ's Name. But they all have one thing in common with the Pharisees and Sadducees who also "Professed to know God", just as the Armenian and Calvinist.

They all transgress God's commandments and Judgments, in order to continue in their own religious doctrines and traditions.

When Jesus warned me;

Matt. 24: 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I (Jesus) am Christ; and shall deceive many.

He surely knew there would be dozens of religious businesses and sects that "come in His Name", and HE surely knew they would all be trying to persuade men to adopt their religion and support their religion and adopt their religious doctrines and philosophies. He could have differentiated between Calvinism and Arminianism or Catholicism and on and on. But HE didn't.

It seems HE clumped them all together.

Rev. 18: 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

Where would Christ's people be? If not persuaded to join one of this world's "many" religions, "who come in His Name"?

While the Pharisees and Sadducees were fighting among themselves over their particular religious philosophies, Zacharias, Simeon, Anna were all growing the knowledge of God. While the Jews and Pharisees were trying to persuade the new converts to adopt their religion, and their particular religious philosophies, Paul and Peter and the Body of Christ were "Yielding themselves" servants to obey God to became "Servants of God's Righteousness". They were "Pressing towards the mark of the high calling of God which was in Christ Jesus.

I would advocate that the man persuaded in Armenian doctrine, would first take the beam out of their own religious philosophies, before attempting to remove the one in Calvinism. And Visa versa.

If a man would do this in truth, seeking God from the heart, they would leave both of these religious sects and fall on the Christ, of the Bible, in my view.
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