Is Jesus the Christ a human Person?

“Brethren in the Lord” should serve the same deity, shouldn’t they?

Are you saying you dont serve the Lord Jesus The Christ, as i do?

JESUS : is God in the Flesh., risen from the Dead, and coming back soon.

Jesus did not have the Blood of Mary in His Virgin Born Veins, as He was created by Father God,
What is that?
That is the Blood of God, that was shed on the Cross for us all.

That is why this verse says "...>"Jesus is the one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for Sin"..

That is the "Alpha and Omega", up there on that Tree, being sacrificed, 2000 ys ago.
“Brethren in the Lord” should serve the same deity, shouldn’t they?
@Behold correctly mentioned the term "born again" and John 3:3 denotes its vitalness:

(John 3:3) Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Note: I'm not saying you are or are not born again. I'm just bringing forward the topic.
I’m saying that I don’t serve the Trinity. The Trinity is not my God.

Are you saying that you are a spiritual brother of those whose God is not the Trinity?

Im saying that i never indicated that i serve "the Trinity".
My discussion with you, was regarding Jesus as God, and your bible version, and that one verse.

And Jesus said..

"""Behold, my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother.'"

So, if you are born again, @Matthias then we are one in Christ.
If you are water baptized and religious, then we are not.

If you are not, then "Today is the day of Salvation" and "All that call on the Name of Jesus, shall be saved".

If that is you, then do that before Hebrews 9:27 takes you away.
Im saying that i never indicated that i serve "the Trinity".

But don’t you serve the Trinity?

My discussion with you, was regarding Jesus as God, and your bible, and that one verse.

And Jesus said..

"""Behold, my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother.'"

So, if you are born again, @Matthias then we are one in Christ.
If you are water baptized and religious, then we are not.

If you are not, then "Today is the day of Salvation" and "All that call on the Name of Jesus, shall be saved".

If that is you, then do that before Hebrews 9:27 takes you away.

I’ve written a number of times on the forum - and trinitarians have written to me, quite rightly - that we do not serve the same “Jesus”.

In light of that fact I’ll rephrase my question.

Are you saying that you are a spiritual brother of those who serve “another Jesus”?

Have you been “water baptized”? Do you baptize others? If so, do you baptize them in water?
But don’t you serve the Trinity?

I’ve written a number of times on the forum - and trinitarians have written to me, quite rightly - that we do not serve the same “Jesus”.

In light of that fact I’ll rephrase my question.

Are you saying that you are a spiritual brother of those who serve “another Jesus”?

Have you been “water baptized”? Do you baptize others? If so, do you baptize them in water?

I have been water baptized.
This happened 11 years after i was born again, and 5 yrs after God called me into the Ministry.

So, let me clear up some of your confusion.... @Matthias

I dont teach that you have to believe in the Trinity to be saved.
I dont teach that you have to believe that Jesus is God, to be saved.
I teach that Jesus is "God manifested in the flesh" that your bible doesn't., in 1 Tim 3:16.

I teach this.. as your salvation.

= "Jesus said, "you must be born again".

This is strictly related to Paul's Gospel, that is...""""The preaching of the Cross is to them that are perishing, FOOLISHNESS< but unto us which are SAVED = (the preaching of the Cross) is the POWER OF GOD< unto Salvation""".

ok then.
I have been water baptized.
This happened 11 years after i was born again, and 5 yrs after God called me into the Ministry.

So, let me clear up some of your confusion.... @Matthias

I dont teach that you have to believe in the Trinity to be saved.
I dont teach that you have to believe that Jesus is God, to be saved.
I teach that Jesus is "God manifested in the flesh" that your bible doesn't., in 1 Tim 3:16.

I teach this.. as your salvation.

= "Jesus said, "you must be born again".

This is strictly related to Paul's Gospel, that is...""""The preaching of the Cross is to them that are perishing, FOOLISHNESS< but It (the preaching of the Cross) is the POWER OF GOD< unto Salvation""".

ok then.

Looking at it from your perspective, I can see why you would say that those who serve “a different deity” and “another Jesus” are (or could be) your spiritual brothers.
But don’t you serve the Trinity?

I’ve written a number of times on the forum - and trinitarians have written to me, quite rightly - that we do not serve the same “Jesus”.

In not a Trinitarian.

In a Blble Believer.

So, your question does not apply to me..........ask it of Trinitarians.
Looking at it from your perspective, I can see why you would say that those who serve “a different deity” and “another Jesus” are (or could be) your spiritual brothers.

All who have the Spirit of God in them, are the "Temple of the Holy Spirit".

This is the "household of God"., the Bride of Christ.

This is what makes us "ONE Body of Christ".
If you asked for technical assistance I’m sure @civic could assist in getting it activated for you.

I did.

No response.
I'll try again.

I need mine to be activated, because over time, i have discovered that many members who read me on Forums, want to talk to me, privately, and discuss Theology, and personal issues, and sometimes they want prayer.
So, i need my PM to work, so that i can be all the help i can
While we wait …

Jesus is still “not a human person“ in orthodox trinitarian theology, nor in some unitarian theology.
Well, i would offer them to PM me, but my PM box is not activated on this site, for some reason.

Is yours working?
We have it turned off because of difficulties we were having with Spam. Most of the top forms that use this program have done the same.
While we wait …

Jesus is still “not a human person“ in orthodox trinitarian theology, nor in some unitarian theology.

The Lord Yeshua bled out on the Cross.

"Yeshua, learned obedience, by the things He = suffered".

That's a Human, who is also the "Bread come down from Heaven".
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