Is anyone else a Seer?

29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

I feel sorry for you. I learned many years ago that when it comes to God I have the faith of a child, therefore I don't limit God to the small box the natural man tries to put Him in.
And you seem not to have paid any attention to Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians. The "Gifts" are temporary empowerments given by God for specific occasions.

Don't believe me??? Go over to your nearest hospital and EMPTY IT.
There were seers in the Old Testament called prophets, but the word "seer" is not used in the New Testament for prophets. I just heard about this about 5 months ago at church. They said they have three seers in the church. I asked them about it during Sunday School and they said they could all see the glory around our pastor when he is giving the sermon. So I prayed and asked God if this gift is from him I would like it also. I saw nothing around him during his morning prayer, but as soon as he began his sermons a white glow emanated from around his head and shoulders. I had never seen that before. I believe it has to do with testing the spirits and discerning of spirits.

Does anyone else have this gift? Tell me what you've experienced. I did visit a church with a missionary friend of mine, and when the pastor started the sermon a 10 in black billowing cloud was coming out of him. I looked around the church and I don't see anything around anyone else, or even the pastor until he starts preaching.
a seer as gift is an evil realm concept.

not from God.
God, Scripture reveals, saves through covenantal relationship, and the Scripture records that covenantal relationship between Abraham and his seed and God.
Show me in the Hebrew Scripture of God making a covenant of salvation with Gentiles.
If you need clues identifying what a covenant is use Genesis 12, 15, and 17 for how a covenant is structured and made.
God made no covenant with Gentiles and so non-Hebrew Gentiles are outside the covenants of God and Israel.
This fact is what angers and inflames Gentile hatred against God's people Israel and the basis of trying to wipe His people off the face of the earth. But the opposite is true.
So you trolling, hijacking the OP's of others is the high, upwards calling of God in Christ?
And you seem not to have paid any attention to Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians. The "Gifts" are temporary empowerments given by God for specific occasions.

Don't believe me??? Go over to your nearest hospital and EMPTY IT.
Where is 1 Corinthians? Excuse me if I am wrong, but aren't you a Pentecostal? I thought you were. It seems you've lost your faith.

As far as emptying a hospital like John G Lake did in Seattle, I wish I had that office so I could. I have the "office" of Teacher which God spoke to me in the desert of Arizona in 2000 or 2001 on my way to California for their yearly Spirit-filled Living conference. He's given me all the gifts except two as I needed them. Even personal prophecy but not the office of a Prophet. But in 2001 I received a prophecy from one of the teachers at the conference and one of the last sentences was "that your eyes would be opened by the Spirit of God." Now in 2024 all the lines of that prophecy have come to pass. Amazing. When she first prophesied over me, I couldn't figure our how in the world any of it could come to pass, but as soon as I got home to Pine, Arizona the first line started coming to pass. And over the years the rest of it came to pass. And I've lived a life in the supernatural of God.
Where is 1 Corinthians?
Right after Romans.
aren't you a Pentecostal?
Yup, since 1973.
I thought you were. It seems you've lost your faith.
Nope - I've been called as a "Bible Teacher", and served as one for over a decade in the '70s and '80s. I have also been burdened to speak Prophecy, and Interpret tongues.

1 Cor 12 makes it clear that the HOLY SPIRIT uses people in the Gifts according to NEED and according to God's timing. That's good enough for me.
As far as emptying a hospital like John G Lake did in Seattle, I wish I had that office so I could.
It's completely up to the Holy SPirit what gifts one is burdened with.
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