Is anyone else a Seer?

First clue! "I don't like you not believing me!" "I don't like you because you use the Scripture to challenge me!"
"I don't like you!"
I am a witness to the living God. Should I like you disregarding my witness?

And your arrogance shows itself again friend. It is not that you are using Scripture. It's that you are challenging me and relying on your own haughty understanding in the challenging. Just what is it that threatens you so when people say they have have received the gift of prophecy from God?
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Gifts of faith mature as our faith in Him matures.

That's what comes to mind.
The two types of sin are taken care of an cleansed to be degree we abide in Jesus.

1 John 3:24
Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.

John 15:4
4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
There were seers in the Old Testament called prophets, but the word "seer" is not used in the New Testament for prophets. I just heard about this about 5 months ago at church. They said they have three seers in the church. I asked them about it during Sunday School and they said they could all see the glory around our pastor when he is giving the sermon. So I prayed and asked God if this gift is from him I would like it also. I saw nothing around him during his morning prayer, but as soon as he began his sermons a white glow emanated from around his head and shoulders. I had never seen that before. I believe it has to do with testing the spirits and discerning of spirits.

Does anyone else have this gift? Tell me what you've experienced. I did visit a church with a missionary friend of mine, and when the pastor started the sermon a 10 in black billowing cloud was coming out of him. I looked around the church and I don't see anything around anyone else, or even the pastor until he starts preaching.

I believe you are sincere and desire to serve God. I have some experience with such teachings relative to my own family. I have extended family members that claim gifts and experiences that I do not have myself. It is a contention issue because I'm one of those kind of people that questions most everything. I believe in the supernatural. It is the supernatural relationship I have with God that sustains me. The Divine comfort and peace of God that is "beyond all understanding" has keep my heart and mind many times in my life. I've also found that just knowing the Scriptures hasn't fulfilled me like His Presence does. I've found that too many people just open their Bible and point a finger somewhere and declare "that is me"......

When God isn't talking to them. Not that God respects anyone's "person". He doesn't. However, too many seek to be leaders when they don't have the patience nor kindness to be one. Little is everything when God is in it.

I said that to let you know that I'm sympathetic to God being God. He can do anything and He doesn't need my approval to have His way. I prefer it that way. Though there are times I must admit that I'm less than enthusiastic about it.

I do believe our experiences must be "chastened" by existing historical experience among those in the early church that were gifted. Though there are not many details, I can't say that I ever read of such an experience in the Scriptures. Not even among those who witnessed the gifts of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I'm curious how you discern what you experienced.
Seems you are obsessed with the covenant thing. This thread is not about the covenant but being a Seer. Your reply doesn't really have anything to do with me being a Seer, does it - except to expose your lack of humility? To re-cap:
God started it. He's into covenants. I just report the facts.

Acts 2:17 New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition

17 ‘In the last days it will be, God declares,
that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,

and your old men shall dream dreams.

NOTE: The verse does not say his Spirit will only be poured out to non-Gentiles? (A simple, "YES, I notice the verse does not say the Spirit will only be poured out to non-Gentiles" will do.)
The prophecy was given to Joel to give to the children of Israel. I think you have to take the prophecy and all prophecies God sends to Israel as meant to and for Israel. So, it doesn't have to say anything you want it to say. It's between God and His COVENANT people.
This exchange is typical of the historical animosity people have toward prophets. I tell you the all powerful Creator of the universe gifted me with prophecy and vision. You respond with doctrinal double speak!
Regarding your nonsense of the covenant people, let me remind you of

Galatians 3:28

New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition

28 There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
If what you say is true then what are you doing quoting from a corrupt translation? Prophets are supposed to speak the Authorized Word of God and the NRSV is NOT the AUTHORIZED VERSION.
God's word tells us there is no longer a distinction between peoples (Jew or Gentile). You say there is. I'll take God's word - and my direct experience with him - over what you say.
Then why send two witnesses to Israel? He should send them to the Gentile Church BUT HE HASN'T.
God STILL has Promises to keep to Israel and when the Times of the Gentiles ENDS with the destruction of the Gentile nations (which will be populated by Gentile Christians so you should be careful) THEN just as God pushed Israel to the side and withdrew His Holy Spirit the same will He do to Gentile Christians when they go to the well and it is dry, and there is a famine of God's Word in the land which is radiated by nuclear fallout, economies destroyed, the red horse riding high in his saddle, and removes Israel's blindness and POURS OUT HIS SPIRIT UPON ISRAEL WITHOUT MEASURE then you'll gnash your teeth and weep great tears as judgment begins in the House of God.
It will not be pretty. can call this prophecy.
(I'd say "God bless you" but I can't because you are definitely NOT blessing Israel Gen. 12:1-3.)
I am a witness to the living God. Should I like you disregarding my witness?

And your arrogance shows itself again friend. It is not that you are using Scripture. It's that you are challenging me and relying on your own haughty understanding in the challenging. Just what is it that threatens you so when people say they have have received the gift of prophecy from God?
You are taking my reply to Rockson. I didn't address my comments to you.

But to respond...

29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. 1 Cor. 14:29.

I am completely within my authority to judge. And my judgment is sound because I apply the Word of God. If you fail to understand just ask. My purpose is edification and also "puffing up."

Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. 1 Cor. 8:1.
I believe you are sincere and desire to serve God. I have some experience with such teachings relative to my own family. I have extended family members that claim gifts and experiences that I do not have myself. It is a contention issue because I'm one of those kind of people that questions most everything. I believe in the supernatural. It is the supernatural relationship I have with God that sustains me. The Divine comfort and peace of God that is "beyond all understanding" has keep my heart and mind many times in my life. I've also found that just knowing the Scriptures hasn't fulfilled me like His Presence does. I've found that too many people just open their Bible and point a finger somewhere and declare "that is me"......

When God isn't talking to them. Not that God respects anyone's "person". He doesn't. However, too many seek to be leaders when they don't have the patience nor kindness to be one. Little is everything when God is in it.

I said that to let you know that I'm sympathetic to God being God. He can do anything and He doesn't need my approval to have His way. I prefer it that way. Though there are times I must admit that I'm less than enthusiastic about it.

I do believe our experiences must be "chastened" by existing historical experience among those in the early church that were gifted. Though there are not many details, I can't say that I ever read of such an experience in the Scriptures. Not even among those who witnessed the gifts of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I'm curious how you discern what you experienced.
What I saw was not a vision in my mind. It was with my own eyes. I appreciate your concern, and I know the only other place this gift could have come from was the devil. I know it did not come from him because he cannot touch me. 1 John 5:18.

There are many who limit God to only those things written in His word, but God is bigger than that. Read the last verse in the gospels, and tell me what you would do now. Do you feel the same?

25 And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.
What I saw was not a vision in my mind. It was with my own eyes. I appreciate your concern, and I know the only other place this gift could have come from was the devil. I know it did not come from him because he cannot touch me. 1 John 5:18.

There are many who limit God to only those things written in His word, but God is bigger than that. Read the last verse in the gospels, and tell me what you would do now. Do you feel the same?

25 And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.

I am well aware of verse 25. Over the years, I have referenced it many times. I agree. There is room for experiences beyond what is detailed in Scripture.

It is why I'm asking......

I'm not discounting what you saw. Just trying to understand it.

I was in a camp meeting when I was much younger man. I was scheduled to preach to a large group consisting of many different churches with all their leaders in attendance. I was warned to not preach on Election. I had plans to do just that. Right before the last service of the "conference" there was a storm that came up that caused the service to be cancelled. At that moment, I was greatly disappointed. Now, I'm grateful. I wasn't where I needed to be. I believe it changed the course of my life for the better. I insisted on doing something "BIG" for God back then. Now, my view of "BIG" has changed significantly. I find value in what many people consider to be "small things".

I've often wondered why anyone wants to live a life God gave to someone else to live.....

I've found one of the most difficult aspects of "living for God" is knowing where we begin and end.... relative to where God begins. We often don't recognize it until after God is done.
The two types of sin are taken care of an cleansed to be degree we abide in Jesus.

1 John 3:24
Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.

John 15:4
4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
Other passages come to mind regarding types of sin, and another regarding the cleansing of it. I suppose it's how you look at it.
I am well aware of verse 25. Over the years, I have referenced it many times. I agree. There is room for experiences beyond what is detailed in Scripture.

It is why I'm asking......

I'm not discounting what you saw. Just trying to understand it.

I was in a camp meeting when I was much younger man. I was scheduled to preach to a large group consisting of many different churches with all their leaders in attendance. I was warned to not preach on Election. I had plans to do just that. Right before the last service of the "conference" there was a storm that came up that caused the service to be cancelled. At that moment, I was greatly disappointed. Now, I'm grateful. I wasn't where I needed to be. I believe it changed the course of my life for the better. I insisted on doing something "BIG" for God back then. Now, my view of "BIG" has changed significantly. I find value in what many people consider to be "small things".

I've often wondered why anyone wants to live a life God gave to someone else to live.....

I've found one of the most difficult aspects of "living for God" is knowing where we begin and end.... relative to where God begins. We often don't recognize it until after God is done.
Seeing as you are filled with the Holy Spirit, next time you go to church ask God to give you this gift, but only if it is from Him. That's how I prayed. When I found out about it, I asked God that day and saw it. I've been to a few different churches on Sunday's to see what other pastors produce from their sermons. Only one didn't produce anything. Zero! I see that as how God deemed it. But I'm like you, just trying to understand it.
Seeing as you are filled with the Holy Spirit, next time you go to church ask God to give you this gift, but only if it is from Him. That's how I prayed. When I found out about it, I asked God that day and saw it. I've been to a few different churches on Sunday's to see what other pastors produce from their sermons. Only one didn't produce anything. Zero! I see that as how God deemed it. But I'm like you, just trying to understand it.

Got it.....

I thinking of how this might edify me or others. I can judge the sermon by what is spoken. I don't see how having this gift establishes the authority of the speaker. Again. Just trying to understand.

Got it.....

I thinking of how this might edify me or others. I can judge the sermon by what is spoken. I don't see how having this gift establishes the authority of the speaker. Again. Just trying to understand.


That depends of what you already believe. Say you've been taught a doctrine of men that contradicts scripture, do you think if someone talks about the truth of the scripture, are you going to recognize the truth, or fight for your childhood doctrine you've believed all your life. I see that a lot when talking about 1 John 1:8 vs. 1 John 3:9. Which is correct about a born again Christian?
That depends of what you already believe. Say you've been taught a doctrine of men that contradicts scripture, do you think if someone talks about the truth of the scripture, are you going to recognize the truth, or fight for your childhood doctrine you've believed all your life. I see that a lot when talking about 1 John 1:8 vs. 1 John 3:9. Which is correct about a born again Christian?
It happened with me and I have the gift and left Calvinism :) A teacher with the gift is also teachable :)
That depends of what you already believe. Say you've been taught a doctrine of men that contradicts scripture, do you think if someone talks about the truth of the scripture, are you going to recognize the truth, or fight for your childhood doctrine you've believed all your life. I see that a lot when talking about 1 John 1:8 vs. 1 John 3:9. Which is correct about a born again Christian?

We have discussed this before. I don't mind discussing it again. English, both culturally and systematically, is not the best language to relate the Scriptures. Jews (if you want to ask one yourself, please do) were accustomed to making what we would call "emphatic" statements that do not always have a "systematically" exhaustive application.

So when you appeal to the idea that "we never sin" relative to 1 John 3:9..... that is not an accurate representation of what John was stating. He was making a general statement of fact relative to the uncontrolled nature of sin within sinners. Sinners can not "cease from sin".

However, as believers/faithful, we have the presence of God that enables us to have a better understanding of the impact of sin. We are empowered to cease from sin. However, there is not a life long cessation. We still sin. Sometimes, we even have "seasons" of sin. Jesus went seeking Peter. If Jesus hadn't of went seeking Peter, Peter would have failed completely. He would have fallen away. God doesn't abandon us. Never.

If you believe I am wrong, please detail where.

Relative to a gift confirm the authority of a "speaker"..... Paul even gave guidance to those that sought to establish authority solely based upon what they claimed was a "gift"....

Regardless of what "I see", I will not accept anything that is contrary to the doctrine of Jesus Christ. No one by the Spirit of God calls Christ accursed.....
I am completely within my authority to judge.
You have no authority, period. That’s the problem. You think way too highly of yourself and your doctrines - just like the Pharisees.

1 Corinthians 14:29

The Voice

29 Have two to three prophets speak, and let others with discerning gifts evaluate the messages they hear.
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Every man judges for themselves. It is when they try to extend that judgement to others is where the issues are relative to authority.
Exactly I have no spiritual authority here just the rules of the forum. But in my church I have been given teaching authority by the pastors in our small groups and Mens discipleship groups which they are also members/ participants. I challenge them just like I do anyone here with doctrine and truth. The difference is the forum is not the local church. :)

Many forums try and do that with their members but that becomes lording authority over others who disagree with them. It’s spiritual abuse and Pharisaism
The prophecy was given to Joel to give to the children of Israel. I think you have to take the prophecy and all prophecies God sends to Israel as meant to and for Israel.
So, I quote the word of God that explicitly says to ALL flesh, but you say that's not what it means. Gotcha!
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