Is anyone else a Seer?

Jeremiah, I'm sorry it seems I overlooked this post. I am not 100% sure what you are asking but I think you mean about when God gave me the office of Teacher. If I'm wrong, please tell me what you were asking.

In 2000 every Memorial Day weekend my old church in California has a Spirit-filled Living Conference at Jack Hayford's church. I was living in Arizona. So I had to drive through a vast desert and on the way all of a sudden God interrupted my thoughts and told me clearly "I am giving you the office of Teacher." I was thrilled. Another thing God does often when He speaks is put a desire in my heart. That day the desire was that Pastor Jack be the pastor to anoint me for that office. So on the first day of the conference I slipped Anna, his wife, a note explaining what happened on the drive from Arizona, and told him if he would anoint me for that office God was giving me. During a break Jack and his son-in-law Scott Bauer who was now the Senior Pastor of Church on the Way took me into a private room and prayed over me and anointed my head with oil.

Since then I had the unction to write a book on speaking in tongues. I knew little about the gift so asked God many questions which He answered over a 7 year period. Finally in 2013 that book got published. It is called The Hidden Mystery Behind Tongues. Everything in the book were revelations from God.

My sister-in-law in Tennessee where I moved to after Arizona told me about Christian forums. On my first site I saw unbelievable doctrines from people around the world. I must have been living in a shoe before that. I was shocked how some people twist the Word of God, and wondered how much I took for granted about what I had been taught. And this is what I suggest we all do: Ask God to wipe your mind of all doctrines of men and demons and ask the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, reteach me the one and only true interpretation of every verse He inspired and His gospel and His doctrines. He started immediately. Wow, it was like my head exploded. And every time I think He's finished, He'll teach me another gem that confirms further what He's already taught me. I've saved everything He's said in my computer and should really do another book.

What is confirming is I was in a Bible study and no one could relate to the new doctrines I held. My missionary friend who was with me told me she couldn't understand these doctrines, but she received pamphlets from a church in Texas that she couldn't understand either, but they taught the same things I did! I wanted to see their materials to see, and sure enough they did. And like me God told them to only teach what He taught them! To see their pamphlets go to Calvary Outreach Church in Conroe, Texas.
If you call yourself in the office of a teacher know that by your own testimony you are a teacher ordained of men, not of God.
I was told I had this gift decades ago by more than one person. The last person actually scolded me for not using this gift.

Decades later I realized I do have prophetic gifts. See the thread It is a highly contentious question in this board that you ask.

One thing about my experience is the repeated nature of the dreams and visions. I am a degreed engineer and rely heavily one data. A vision that is a one-off, I tend to disregard as the peculiar workings of the subconscious mind. Repeat data sets. Well, that's something dependable.

A few weeks ago I had repeated visions that my coworker would wreck my car. Last Monday, he did. I was not prompted by God's Spirit in these visions. It was more for my benefit, to affirm his existence and my place in his future plans. I got the sense that the car wreck will be OK.

For many, many years, I struggled with what to make of this gift. Finally, I came across this passage. I am convinced the End Times are near.

In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.
Acts 2:17
Acts 2:17 is prophecy concerning Israel. It is THEIR sons and daughters, THEIR young men, and THEIR old men that will exercise such gifts.
To the Jew first.
There were seers in the Old Testament called prophets, but the word "seer" is not used in the New Testament for prophets. I just heard about this about 5 months ago at church. They said they have three seers in the church. I asked them about it during Sunday School and they said they could all see the glory around our pastor when he is giving the sermon. So I prayed and asked God if this gift is from him I would like it also. I saw nothing around him during his morning prayer, but as soon as he began his sermons a white glow emanated from around his head and shoulders. I had never seen that before. I believe it has to do with testing the spirits and discerning of spirits.

Does anyone else have this gift? Tell me what you've experienced. I did visit a church with a missionary friend of mine, and when the pastor started the sermon a 10 in black billowing cloud was coming out of him. I looked around the church and I don't see anything around anyone else, or even the pastor until he starts preaching.
This was explained in the book of Samuel, it was just what people were called during one generation, then the term prophet took over instead.

Language usage changes from time to time like that, this change happened to be recorded in scripture.
The question is like reading Ezekiel 34, and asking - are we really sheep?

but the last verse of that chapter answers the question

31 And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord GOD.

Illustrating that the education system of the day did not teach metaphors, similes and the like so it needed to be explained.

In the same way, it is explained in scripture, that they were in those days called seers, but are now prophets.

Generation to generation linguistic analysis probably wasn't a subject in school either, so it needed to be explained.

There's nothing deep about it, either you have the gift of prophet, or you don't. As God spoke of Moses being a prophet like no other, God also said that there were various ways that God would communicate with prophets.

It is all one umbrella term.
I didn't call MYSELF a Teacher. God spoke to me and told me. And since then He has been teaching me what to teach which is quite different from the doctrines of men.
You've never been discipled, never been taught what Scripture teaches with regard to calling, gifts, and ministry.
You gave a note to someone in church and that same Sunday you're in a room being ordained by a man. It took Saul at least 17 years before He was called out with Barnabas in Acts 13.
NOWHERE are Gentiles called an Olive tree let alone a "wild" Olive tree.
Circumcised Proselytes, yes. Uncircumcised non-covenant Gentiles, NO.
Your first post to me on this thread led me to believe the best about you and that it was an honest question. But now I see you are what the internet calls a troll. Therefore, I am putting you on ignore and will not have to see anymore of your black hearted posts to me or anyone else.
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The question is like reading Ezekiel 34, and asking - are we really sheep?

but the last verse of that chapter answers the question

31 And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord GOD.

Illustrating that the education system of the day did not teach metaphors, similes and the like so it needed to be explained.

In the same way, it is explained in scripture, that they were in those days called seers, but are now prophets.

Generation to generation linguistic analysis probably wasn't a subject in school either, so it needed to be explained.

There's nothing deep about it, either you have the gift of prophet, or you don't. As God spoke of Moses being a prophet like no other, God also said that there were various ways that God would communicate with prophets.

It is all one umbrella term.

I've only had this gift of "seeing" for a few months, and the gift of prophecy for decades, but God has not spoken to me about Him making me a Prophet, only a Teacher and He has anointed me for that office. 1 John 2:27, But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.

The next time you go to church pray what I prayed and see for yourself. He granted that I could see as the other "seers" do in our church.
Your first post to me on this thread led me to believe the best about you and that it was an honest question. But now I see you are what the internet calls a troll. Therefore, I am putting you on ignore and will not have to see anymore of your black hearted posts to me or anyone else.
You posted how you began to see all kinds of teaching out there in the world but when an honest appraisal of your testimony in your own words reveals error on your behalf you don’t like it. Your pride is pricked. That’s right PRIDE. You even called me out to make sure I understood you because you wanted to talk about you and your so-called “calling” to the office of teacher which is lacking biblical truth and soundness.

Look at anyone in Scripture and you’ll find an internal witness of the person that believes they are called, and the external witness before the church assembly. Plus, there is prophecy such as what was the experience of Timothy.

Saul was called of God in Acts 9 and Ananias was witness. And Saul disappeared for 17 before he was called out ready before the assembly. Yours was a private affair and done in secret and ONLY AFTER you wrote a note to someone’s wife. Both you and whoever anointed you were in error and since it was done in secret you are appointed of men. That pastor should have taken it to prayer and sought the Lord’s direction and guidance but he didn’t. So, he took you out back and you were appointed of man, not God. If it was of God it would pass Biblical experience and precedence. But it didn’t. And your response to me is not one with the spirit of a disciple for the best teachers are those who have been disciples themselves but one in which in your heart of hearts KNOW I am telling the truth and you know it.

You cannot be a teacher if you are unwilling at being a disciple. For those are the people whom God deems worthy at being a teacher.
And you are not.
Acts 2:17 is prophecy concerning Israel. It is THEIR sons and daughters, THEIR young men, and THEIR old men that will exercise such gifts.
To the Jew first.

Perhaps your interpretation is less than my experience of the all powerful Creator of the universe reaching out to me?!

Perhaps your interpretation is less than my experience of the all powerful Creator of the universe reaching out to me?!
God is saving Gentiles WITHOUT a covenant.
And God is saving Israel through Covenant.
At the Marriage Supper Israel is there through Covenant.
Gentiles are there by invitation (Matt.22.)
I've only had this gift of "seeing" for a few months, and the gift of prophecy for decades, but God has not spoken to me about Him making me a Prophet, only a Teacher and He has anointed me for that office. 1 John 2:27, But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.

The next time you go to church pray what I prayed and see for yourself. He granted that I could see as the other "seers" do in our church.
Gifts of faith mature as our faith in Him matures.

That's what comes to mind.
Gifts of faith mature as our faith in Him matures.

That's what comes to mind.
It is all revealed from faith to faith. First He reveals the laws written on our hearts, then He reveals the immature fruit of the Spirit and prunes us to bear good fruit. That is the gospel.

Romans 1:16-17
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel [a]of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”

Hebrews 12:
2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith
If you call yourself in the office of a teacher know that by your own testimony you are a teacher ordained of men, not of God.
I could be mistaken in this....might have to give it more study but i just looked up all the words in the NT that talks of teachers. I don't even see where anywhere it says one must be ordained to function in this office or to be anointed to by men either. Where do we see anywhere in Acts where people who have such a gifting get unique treatment....laying on of hands and anointing in order to even function in this gift. Let's look at Rom 12: 3 onward,

For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. 4For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, 5so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. 6Having then gifts differing ....

OK gifts differing. What about all these other gifts and people that have them. Do they get special service of being anointing with oil for those to employ their gifting's? Or do they rather just start walking in then and functioning in them. Seems that's what they do and are called to do.

.....according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy .... (so with those that prophesy do they get prayed over to use their gifts? Not that i can see) in proportion to our faith; 7or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; (teaching....right in the middle of all the other gifts) 8he who exhorts, in exhortation; (do the exhorters get prayed over and are anointed and I mean by men) not that is see) he who gives, with liberality; (do these givers get prayed over by men not that I can see ) he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.

The only ones I can see in which hands are laid upon them or ordained are elders actually leading the flocks.....and even at that I don't see mention of being anointed with oil.
..... only a Teacher and He has anointed me for that office.
And C you've shared with us you've had a pastor anoint you with oil for that office. Much appreciated if you could read my post 97 and provide me your thoughts on that.

One thing that concerns me. There's just a feel to something here that's not quite right. If one says they've been anointed by men to carry out this function there's something I think all need to keep clear. For the reason that may be your gifting, and you've went so far as to become anointed with oil ......

I trust you're very careful to point out that doesn't put you in some position that it's to be considered that you can't be wrong and that everything you choose to utter is infallible. After all you've claim you're a teacher and God made you this and further were anointed with oil. You do understand correct that everyone has a right to challenge whatever you're bringing forth and not have as a response but God made me a teacher. Not saying you do this but making sure.

Let's read, My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. 2For we all stumble in many things. James 3:1

saying teachers you will face greater scrutiny from the Lord in the day of judgment. What you say can affect people and you could be wrong or not totally be right in what you're saying.

I could be mistaken in this....might have to give it more study but i just looked up all the words in the NT that talks of teachers. I don't even see where anywhere it says one must be ordained to function in this office or to be anointed to by men either. Where do we see anywhere in Acts where people who have such a gifting get unique treatment....laying on of hands and anointing in order to even function in this gift. Let's look at Rom 12: 3 onward,

For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. 4For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, 5so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. 6Having then gifts differing ....

OK gifts differing. What about all these other gifts and people that have them. Do they get special service of being anointing with oil for those to employ their gifting's? Or do they rather just start walking in then and functioning in them. Seems that's what they do and are called to do.

.....according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy .... (so with those that prophesy do they get prayed over to use their gifts? Not that i can see) in proportion to our faith; 7or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; (teaching....right in the middle of all the other gifts) 8he who exhorts, in exhortation; (do the exhorters get prayed over and are anointed and I mean by men) not that is see) he who gives, with liberality; (do these givers get prayed over by men not that I can see ) he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.

The only ones I can see in which hands are laid upon them or ordained are elders actually leading the flocks.....and even at that I don't see mention of being anointed with oil.
Unless they're sick.
And there are some really sick people out there pointing to themselves and saying "I am this" and "I am that!" and through error of the Word of God lay groundwork for others to follow their pernicious ways.
Scripture is for our training and admonition and if every person who claims to be somewhat doesn't like to have the Word of God applied to their lives by others to test the spirit there is something VERY WRONG!
First clue! "I don't like you not believing me!" "I don't like you because you use the Scripture to challenge me!"
"I don't like you!"
Instead of, "Hmmm, I didn't know that, brother. Thank you for bringing that to my attention" people take offense of brethren that see where the blind don't see to carefully guide them through the error of their ways. But you can tell what a person is made of by their response to the truth of Scripture brought to bear against their false beliefs and understanding.
Now one can see why I asked whether a PM would have sufficed. But she wanted it out in the open instead. And I KNEW what was to follow.
God is saving Gentiles WITHOUT a covenant.
And God is saving Israel through Covenant.
At the Marriage Supper Israel is there through Covenant.
Gentiles are there by invitation (Matt.22.)

Seems you are obsessed with the covenant thing. This thread is not about the covenant but being a Seer. Your reply doesn't really have anything to do with me being a Seer, does it - except to expose your lack of humility? To re-cap:

Acts 2:17

New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition

17 ‘In the last days it will be, God declares,
that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams.

NOTE: The verse does not say his Spirit will only be poured out to non-Gentiles? (A simple, "YES, I notice the verse does not say the Spirit will only be poured out to non-Gentiles" will do.)

I was told I had this gift decades ago by more than one person. The last person actually scolded me for not using this gift.

Decades later I realized I do have prophetic gifts. See the thread It is a highly contentious question in this board that you ask.

Acts 2:17 is prophecy concerning Israel. It is THEIR sons and daughters, THEIR young men, and THEIR old men that will exercise such gifts.
To the Jew first.


Perhaps your interpretation is less than my experience of the all powerful Creator of the universe reaching out to me?!

This exchange is typical of the historical animosity people have toward prophets. I tell you the all powerful Creator of the universe gifted me with prophecy and vision. You respond with doctrinal double speak!

Regarding your nonsense of the covenant people, let me remind you of

Galatians 3:28

New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition

28 There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.

God's word tells us there is no longer a distinction between peoples (Jew or Gentile). You say there is. I'll take God's word - and my direct experience with him - over what you say.
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