Is anyone else a Seer?

rinse and repeat ad nauseum without advancing to a substantial argument. No matter how many times you repeat a misconception, it does not become a good argument. Hopefully you can break out of that cycle. It hardly makes sense for you to quote something from Rom 11:26-27 when you deny the authority of Paul's writings over you.
Work on proving your acceptance of all that Paul wrote. This will help you establish some credibility. After that, figure out what Paul is saying by reviewing the commentaries. Start developing arguments after that.
Those that claim to be of Christ and reject His Word are fakes. Here's an opportunity to redeem yourself. The Word of God says that only those under the Law are redeemed and those under the Law is Israel. Do you agree with God when He said this through Saul?

4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. Gal. 4:4–5.

Receive or reject. There is no medium.
We also see this guy responding to you who claims a vision that makes him better equipped to write the New Testament than Paul. So he says to disregard what Paul says and follow him and this special vision.
I haven't read that. Who are you talking about? I do have one person on ignore so maybe that's why I haven't seen anyone saying what you said.
She desires another person’s gift, like Simon in Acts. OP

She doesn’t know what “discerning the spirits” or “testing the spirits” is. OP.

Visions does not mean one is a prophet and yet her understanding is flawed on this. #3.

Hayford would have known if any of his sheep were so called to be prophets. After that, there is no further involvement by Hayford, which is peculiar. #3.

The word “teacher” doesn’t need to be capitalized thus indicating her elevation of the gift instead of the gift-giver. #3.

God “speaking [to me] frequently” is a deception and unbalanced. God speaks to His people through Scripture and infrequently to a person with His voice and it is not a gift. There is no passage indicating hearing God’s voice is a gift. #3.

She indicates being taught “tongues” by men instead of Scripture #7

Asking God to “teach me everything” (about tongues) and “wipe my mind of men’s doctrines” and then deferring to men and their books for doctrine #7.

Leroy Surface is a Gentile teaching Gentile theology, not the theology of the Scripture which is Hebrew based.

All the gifts of the Spirit are to be exercised “in the house” (of God) but she claims to be given “words of wisdom” and of “knowledge” and of “prophecy” when she is alone.#7

Having immediate conversations with God in question and answer format is problematic. #7

The main reason for going to church is for worship of God, not fellowship. #19.

She believes a person’s “spirit” is born-again. #19.

She doesn’t know that a person who is born again has been judged at the cross and equates a believer being judged further at the “second death.” #26.

Claiming to “know everything the apostles taught” is problematic. #36.

She states things about Hitler that are not true. #37.

You had asked to be anointed with oil. #77.

She teaches Gentiles are grafted into the Olive tree who is Israel and yet there is no passage in Scripture identifying Gentiles as an Olive tree let alone a “wild” Olive tree. #84.

She teaches that the Holy Spirit Promised to Israel is given to Gentiles which violates the Word of God. Nowhere in Scripture is the Holy Spirit promised to Gentiles. #84.

She denies Christ in another believer by “ignoring” that person which is the same as ignoring/denying Christ in that believer and this is antichrist behavior. Can any body part do that against another body part in a physical body? No, they cannot. All body parts are to follow the head and function as that body part is supposed to function so that the whole body operate healthy and sound #89.

She doesn’t understand the Laws written on the heart, which are the Laws of Moses/God. #95.

She says there are two kinds/types of sin which is heresy. There is only one type of sin. #102.

She believes that the “devil” has the power to dispense to believers – if she is a believer – gifts when there is nothing in Scripture that teaches that. And she reject that the angels that sinned are locked up as per Peter and Jude. #106.

Those that God uses He teaches and disciples but there is too much error in her theology. She believes things that are not bible.

She says a Christian dies either righteous or holy which is error. In death we have reached a glorified state in which we are BOTH righteous and holy. #138.

She doesn’t understand the doctrine of sin. And upon this does not understand the sacrifice of Christ and the atonement. #138.

She misunderstands and misapplies Scripture such as seeing constructive criticism or biblical truth as something to be avoided or rejected because truth does not come to her in a way that she believes it should come. He application of Phil. 4: 8 proves a candy-coated “Christian” that can’t handle things like a sword that pierces to the dividing of body, soul, and (human) spirit. #139.

She doesn’t understand the New Covenant, first that it is between God and the House of Israel and Judah, and that the New Covenant is only the Mosaic Covenant fulfilled by Jesus Christ, and from this when a person becomes born again God writes the Mosaic Covenant Laws nailed to Christ’s cross and put in the heart of the believer to be led and guided and taught from within when at one time the Law led and guided and taught Israel from without on stone instead of what’s now fleshly tables of the heart. #142.

She contradicts herself which is another way of saying she’s double minded in that she claims the office of “T”eacher (capital “T” but only Christ is deserving of a capital “T” as Teacher) and then quotes 1 Jn. 2:27 which states we don’t need human teachers to teach us if we have the Holy Spirit thus denying the ministry of teacher described in Eph. 4:11, whose ministry is for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edification of the body of Christ so that we do not end up with error and false doctrine. #142.

She states to do “works is against one’s nature” which is incorrect. It is works that originate in the fallen human nature, not against it. #155.

A person who claims all the gifts of the Spirit minus tongues and interpretation of tongues does not know her own spirit nor the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Not even Saul or any of the Lord’s apostles had all the gifts minus two. You cannot have those gifts minus the two important ones which are the gifts attributed to the mouth in the body and most associated with the seer/prophet and claim to be a seer/prophet. Besides, this, a person who has and does speak in tongues privately or in fellowship is as James said, by the Lord putting a bit in a person’s mouth He can lead that person this way and that and is someone who is submitted to God because of this bit in their mouth. A seer/prophet would be a tongue talker because by being the mouth in the body of Christ tongues and interpretation of tongues is necessary for someone claiming to be a seer/prophet. #165.

In order to “discern the sermon” of a pastor one must know the Scripture and she has too many errors in belief and holds to a great deal of false doctrine. She cannot be have the office of a teacher because a teacher clarifies truth to the body of Christ and having and holding to way too much error disqualifies her of being a teacher. #168.

She doesn’t understand the doctrine of what “demons” are. #168.

She doesn’t know what the bible teaches on the offices and the spiritual gifts in the body of Christ. #172.

For writing a book on tongues she doesn’t know what tongues are and the other spiritual gifts as well as the offices in the body. #174.

She says that tongues is given to everyone who is a Christian which is untrue. #182.

She says that there are gifts that are “higher” and this is not true. More false doctrine and belief. #182.

Stopping at page twelve these things are enough to discredit she is a Teacher (capital “T”) nor is she a seer/prophet. There is too much error, misunderstanding of doctrine on these things, misapplication of Scripture, and she says many wrong things about the One True God. She is deceived and self-deceived, she’s never been discipled, never received any of these spiritual gifts (minus two), and I have brought out these things for her consumption and training and admonition, but because it is not according to her method of how truth is supposed to be disseminated she will not receive these things I say, which she will fly in the face of “let the other prophets judge.”
I thought it must be you that has been talking about me so I opened up this ignored post of yours. I only read half of it and can see why I put you on ignore. Your claims about me are all lies and ignorance of what the Scriptures say that you said are not in the NT. I'm putting you back to sleep. Dream on, but you need to repent. Revelation 21:8. All liars go to the lake of fire.
We also see this guy responding to you who claims a vision that makes him better equipped to write the New Testament than Paul. So he says to disregard what Paul says and follow him and this special vision. But anyone who has an ounce of understanding of God and scripture knows not to neglect scripture when someone else tries to make a higher claim.
You make a terrible witness. In fact, you make a great false witness.
These things you say about me are sin.
I'll let the Lord deal with you.
I thought it must be you that has been talking about me so I opened up this ignored post of yours. I only read half of it and can see why I put you on ignore. Your claims about me are all lies and ignorance of what the Scriptures say that you said are not in the NT. I'm putting you back to sleep. Dream on, but you need to repent. Revelation 21:8. All liars go to the lake of fire.
I've provided the location of each of your comments you made and that I've posted, so it can be fact checked.
You lean upon your own understanding in the vanity of your mind.

29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. 30 If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace. 1 Cor. 14:28–30.

Another sign of your apostasy is your refusal to be corrected.

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Tim. 3:15–17.
I would suggest running from this church group. This viewing of auras is not something described in scripture nor is something that could be called a gift to share with the body since there is no way for anyone to benefit from this privately detected phenomenon. Even if this were some discernment, that would mean everyone else there was not a "proper" Christian and thus you would still need to run from there since you would be outnumbered.
We also see this guy responding to you who claims a vision that makes him better equipped to write the New Testament than Paul. So he says to disregard what Paul says and follow him and this special vision. But anyone who has an ounce of understanding of God and scripture knows not to neglect scripture when someone else tries to make a higher claim.
God knows me inside and out and would not give me this gift if it was not good for me to have. I am also protected from receiving a false demonic counterfeit, 1 John 5:18. What it does is shows me what teachings and sermons are from God. Sometimes when I visit other churches I don't see anything at all. Those I call non-sermons. Pure human wisdom and not inspired from God. I've never seen another like my pastor who glows a bright white. But I did see what can only be demonic from one pastor when a solid black billowing cloud came out of his head and there was a tornado in front of those clouds or smoke. I went to that pastor afterwards and told him. There is major sin in his life somewhere. He needed to know that God knows about it and sent me to tell him to repent.
You make a terrible witness. In fact, you make a great false witness.
These things you say about me are sin.
I'll let the Lord deal with you.
If you are not helped as I tell you the truth, I cannot do much for you. And you are right, I am saying things about you that are sin or great deception. If I don't share these points about you, then you just remain in that deception and other people might think you are sharing an open discussion about the New Testament.
I've provided the location of each of your comments you made and that I've posted, so it can be fact checked.
You lean upon your own understanding in the vanity of your mind.

29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. 30 If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace. 1 Cor. 14:28–30.

Another sign of your apostasy is your refusal to be corrected.

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Tim. 3:15–17.
The only one I will accept correction from is God. Not some jealous wannabe making up things.
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the seer concept is an evil realm concept.

of course His souls can see and hear
but most who have this situation are
hearing the evil realm.

i understand ... it did happen to me too
at a point a while back.

usually we meet their type
before meeting Him

it's the default situation...
being in this prison
I'm still going to church. But it is for fellowship.

I heard something on a forum about a year or so ago by a Seventh-day Adventist. He said God made hell for the demonic angels and Satan who are immortal beings so will suffer forever. But unsaved people in hell will die the second death immediately they are buried in the lake of fire because they can't get to the Tree of Life in heaven. I never heard that before. That verified my position on annihilation. Before that I just reasoned they were not immortal because their spirit had never been born again immortal like a Christian's.

in fact after the fall Gods souls
were subjected to hell by the evil realm.

the tree of life is being vampired
and this is how, by stealing,
the current reality exists.

the saved concept is not so simplistic.
He saving His souls = came from Him
.. unless they refuse.

He is not saving demons and esau
and fallen angels - etc - who are not from Him.
literally not the same father. not symbolic!
most will be rescued from here because they
are his family. not because of the corrupt kjv

so eden now is tartarus, which the sons
with Christ will rebuild.

and this earth is far far away from eden
...this earth is a prison.

when the sons are restored to paradise
they will, with christ, make things
right, adam will be deposed.

the nice 7thday guy who found much
about the ark was a sweet soul...
forgot his name now...
I wish he had known the importance of his find
before his death
but i am sure when paradise is restored
he will learn all about it.
I don't go to church.
would be nice for just talking to other souls
but most churches make one sign a preprepared statement of belief

and i can't sign those things.
If you are not helped as I tell you the truth, I cannot do much for you. And you are right, I am saying things about you that are sin or great deception. If I don't share these points about you, then you just remain in that deception and other people might think you are sharing an open discussion about the New Testament.
I am sharing what I know the Scripture teaches against a Gentile theology so ingrained in the hearts and minds of Gentiles who do not stop to think twice about what they believe and why.
I was also like you infected by false Gentile theology that unmoored itself from true, biblical Christianity and the Lord opened my eyes. Don't you know how to study Scripture? You open its pages with preconceived ideas and don't let the Scripture speak from a Hebrew perspective especially since they were written by Hebrews, and you interpret everything you read with a Gentile mindset. You're only going to come up with a Gentile perspective from the outside about a Hebrew history and culture that is diverse and different from Gentile history and culture although both conflicted with each other throughout history. Gentiles need a Hebrew person to help them understand the Hebrew Scripture because it's a different culture. I know enough and more than you know. There are people out there like that, you know. I am one of them. But you're not humble enough nor obedient to God and His Christ to see the difference.
A long time ago and many tripos to the altar, I asked God to show me His truth and before He would do that, I had to learn lies so that when the truth was finally revealed to me, I would be able to discern the difference. And now I can see how ingrained false Gentile theology had me in its grip until at the appointed time God opened my eyes to see one thing: God has NEVER made a covenant with Gentiles.

And another. That God DID make covenant with a man named Abram the Hebrew and also with his seed (offspring.)

I think when you learn these two truths then it will all fall in place.

But as long as you continue to interpret the New Covenant writings of Saul that he himself is adding Gentiles to the Abrahamic Covenant even though it is a closed covenant, cannot be changed, cannot be added to, cannot be subtracted from, and if you follow the inheritance from Abe to Isaac to Jacob - into Egyptian bondage - and finally in the desert with the children of Jacob/Israel, and the requirements of the Mosaic Covenant, how the animal sacrifices were for the children of Israel and not Gentiles, and if you believe Jesus that He didn't come to destroy the Law (He can't. It's impossible), but fulfill, and that the New Covenant prophesied by Jeremiah and instituted by Jesus in His own blood among 12 Jewish men, maybe you'll follow the rest of what has happened since. That IF Christ was to have died for Gentiles when under the Mosaic Covenant the atonement covered the children of Israel, then maybe you'll recognize that Jesus didn't change anything and that as per covenant, as per prophecy, that as the animal sacrifice covered the sins of the Hebrew people, so, too, does His sacrifice cover the Hebrew people.
IF the New Covenant writings from Matthew to Revelation do not say the same thing as the Old Covenant writings, then the error is in interpretation, not the New Covenant Scripture writings.
Saul gathered his books and parchment (bible) and disappeared for 14 to 17 years to read and study from the Old Covenant Scripture everything that was taking place in Israel with Jesus, a Holy Spirit at Pentecost, all these new testimonies about being "touched, filled, etc.", with a Holy Spirit then as rabbi and Pharisee whom Jesus touched himself, had to read and study the Scripture to understand the things happening in Israel and among the Jewish people was indeed a New Covenant era and he needed to understand it all. But NEVER would Saul say anything contradicting or contrary to the Old Covenant Scripture. You don't become a Pharisee of Pharisees by contradicting the God of Abraham.
You figure it out. I have. And thankfully, I am not the only one.
I am sharing what I know the Scripture teaches against a Gentile t
I w ... om Matthew to R velation do not say the same thing as t ovenant writings, t he error is in interpre tion, not the New Covenant S pture writings.
Saul gat red his boo ks and parc hment (bib e) and disa peared for 14 to years t read and udy from the Old Co nant Scrip ure everything that was taking place in Israel with Jesus, a Holy pirit at Pentecost, all these new testi onies about being "touched, .", with a Hol irit then as rabbi and Pharise whom Jesus touched himself, had to read and study the Scripture to understa d the things happ ng in Israel and a ong the Jewish people was in ed a New ovenant era and e needed to understand it all. But NEVE would Saul say anything contradicting or contrary to the Old Co enant Sc ripture. You don't bec e a Ph arisee of Ph arisees by contradicting the God of Abraham.
You fig ure it out. I have. An lly, I am not the y one.
You have lost credibility. why do you even post anything? Why would anyone trust you when you don't trust scripture?
You have lost credibility. why do you even post anything? Why would anyone trust you when you don't trust scripture?
It is precisely my trusting Scripture and not your false Gentile theology of the last 1900 years that I am challenged. If I said the same thing as the prevailing Gentile theology that you believe there would be no controversy. But because I write from a Hebrew interpretation of Scripture rather than a Gentile mindset I am challenged. But that's OK. I am only commanded to give the Word of God. I am not the Holy Spirit. I cannot change hearts. But it will be all my testimony to the things of God I post that will judge you.
It is precisely my trusting Scripture and not your false Gentile theology of the last 1900 years that I am challenged. If I said the same thing as the prevailing Gentile theology that you believe there would be no controversy. But because I write from a Hebrew interpretation of Scripture rather than a Gentile mindset I am challenged. But that's OK. I am only commanded to give the Word of God. I am not the Holy Spirit. I cannot change hearts. But it will be all my testimony to the things of God I post that will judge you.
there is no 'gentile' concept in the nt. it was invented by esau "translators".

esaus who also by the way produced the sorcery texts called septuagint and kjv
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It is precisely my trusting Scripture and not your false Gentile theology of the last 1900 years that I am challenged. If I said the same thing as the prevailing Gentile theology that you believe there would be no controversy. But because I write from a Hebrew interpretation of Scripture rather than a Gentile mindset I am challenged. But that's OK. I am only commanded to give the Word of God. I am not the Holy Spirit. I cannot change hearts. But it will be all my testimony to the things of God I post that will judge you.
Just like Jesus said, if you understood Moses you would believe in Jesus. The New Testament tells us of Jesus. It was written by Jews and can be understood by us today. You just do not trust Paul and therefore do not trust God since he also tells us about God.
Like I said, you have a tiny bit right in that the OT appears predominantly to speak only of the history and demise of the Israel people. But you miss that and try to revive that old idea. In that sense, you again have misunderstood even the OT. When you start getting ideas correct, then people might be able to discuss things rationally with you
It is precisely my trusting Scripture and not your false Gentile theology of the last 1900 years that I am challenged. If I said the same thing as the prevailing Gentile theology that you believe there would be no controversy. But because I write from a Hebrew interpretation of Scripture rather than a Gentile mindset I am challenged. But that's OK. I am only commanded to give the Word of God. I am not the Holy Spirit. I cannot change hearts. But it will be all my testimony to the things of God I post that will judge you.
It is sort of the Hebrew interpretation of scripture that lead to its demise. But Jonah, while not wanting to serve God by going to the non-Hebrew gentiles, ended up traveling to Nineveh and preached there and they repented. So you make too many mistakes in your reading of scripture.
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