Has anyone ever thought about

He is the seed of Abraham. He is blessed in his own right by God. Recall the meeting in Genesis between Jacob and Esau. What does Esau say to Jacob?
He says the God of our father Isaac and Abraham has blessed me and enlarged my boundaries. Esau was blessed with great prosperity by God. That doesn't sound like a man cursed.
God says -- esau I hated.
He is the seed of Abraham. He is blessed in his own right by God. Recall the meeting in Genesis between Jacob and Esau. What does Esau say to Jacob?
He says the God of our father Isaac and Abraham has blessed me and enlarged my boundaries. Esau was blessed with great prosperity by God. That doesn't sound like a man cursed.
prosperity on this earth is irrelevant.
God says -- esau I hated.
That's true.
But think for a moment.

"Jacob I have loved..." but Jacob deceived his father Isaac with Rachel's help to receive his father's blessings. Does God love what he did in deceiving his papa?

"Esau have I hated..." Esau was the older and in line to the birthright to inherit the Abrahamic covenant but he sold it to Jacob for some menudo. It says Esau 'despised' his birthright. Esau made a practical decision. He was hungry coming from the field. Sure, he was next in line of the birthright which was to inherit the Abrahamic Covenant of promises but what good did that serve him in the immediate moment? Nothing.

32 And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? Gen. 25:32.

I'm sure outside this moment Esau was pleased as firstborn to inherit something of his father, Isaac, but he didn't see the forward-looking benefit of the covenant and was 'flippant' towards the covenant promises. This, God did not like. This God hated. But being a son of Isaac and a son of Abraham His Friend, Esau was more concerned with the moment he was living and being famished and exhausted from hunting he sold his birthright to Jacob. But I don't think God hated the person Esau, only what he done in selling his birthright. God did tell his mother that the older shall serve the younger and the only way that can happen under custom was through the birthright. So, don't be too quick or harsh to judge Esau. God blessed Esau and this indicates God loved him. It was what he did that God hated.
That's true.
But think for a moment.

"Jacob I have loved..." but Jacob deceived his father Isaac with Rachel's help to receive his father's blessings. Does God love what he did in deceiving his papa?
nope. that's an error and it has to do with the back story of the fall... such that jacob was Getting back what esau first stole.

"Esau have I hated..." Esau was the older and in line to the birthright to inherit the Abrahamic covenant but he sold it to Jacob for some menudo. It says Esau 'despised' his birthright.

esau belongs to a different group...
Esau made a practical decision. He was hungry coming from the field. Sure, he was next in line of the birthright which was to inherit the Abrahamic Covenant of promises but what good did that serve him in the immediate moment? Nothing.
he was a type of soul of the nature not belonging to God
32 And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? Gen. 25:32.
pretty bad.
I'm sure outside this moment Esau was pleased as firstborn to inherit something of his father, Isaac, but he didn't see the forward-looking benefit of the covenant and was 'flippant' towards the covenant promises. This, God did not like. This God hated.

God said Esau I hated. Esau himself.

But being a son of Isaac and a son of Abraham His Friend, Esau was more concerned with the moment he was living and being famished and exhausted from hunting he sold his birthright to Jacob. But I don't think God hated the person Esau, only what he done in selling his birthright.

God hates esau for stealing it to begin with.
this is not in the kjv which is the corrupt scroll.
God did tell his mother that the older shall serve the younger and the only way that can happen under custom was through the birthright. So, don't be too quick or harsh to judge Esau. God blessed Esau and this indicates God loved him. It was what he did that God hated.
the text is corrupt.
The two witnesses and their effect upon the Gentile Church?

I mean, the Gentile Church will be here and go through the Time of Jacob's Trouble along with Israel.

When that happens has anyone ever though about what effect these two Jewish prophets will have upon the Gentile Church?

Do you have an opinion as to their identity ?
Do you have an opinion as to their identity ?
Enoch and Elijah are the only two humans who've not died a natural death.
It is appointed unto men once to die then the judgment, and if these two witnesses are Enoch and Elijah and both killed during the Time of Jacob's Trouble (Tribulation) then prophecy is fulfilled, and this Scripture is proven 'unbroken.'
Enoch and Elijah are the only two humans who've not died a natural death.
It is appointed unto men once to die then the judgment, and if these two witnesses are Enoch and Elijah and both killed during the Time of Jacob's Trouble (Tribulation) then prophecy is fulfilled, and this Scripture is proven 'unbroken.'
Because of the description of the miracles and the transfiguration I lean towards Moses and Elijah but I’m not dogmatic about it :)
Because of the description of the miracles and the transfiguration I lean towards Moses and Elijah but I’m not dogmatic about it :)
I used to believe that, but I reformed :ROFLMAO:
Or was it I used to be Catholic, but I reformed?
I lean on the statement by Jesus that Scripture cannot be broken (Heb. 9:27), and I cannot accept that only one man will not die nor receive the penalty for sin and avoid the judgment for sin which is death.
That Elijah does not die does damage to Jesus being the First Fruits.
Methinks you should take a second look.
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