Free-willer Straw Man Argument

Yours is the type of thinking that enables Caste Systems and Supremacy ideologies to flourish. Well done, my friend.

A caste system is where someone is born with a noble (or rich) social status, which can lead to a sense of supremacy.

It has nothing to do with what God does. God doesn't save people who are born with a noble social status. God is not a respecter of persons.

Strictly speaking, your theology creates a caste system where God only saves people who choose to please him, which makes those people special and superior.
A caste system is where someone is born with a noble (or rich) social status, which can lead to a sense of supremacy.

It has nothing to do with what God does. God doesn't save people who are born with a noble social status. God is not a respecter of persons.

Strictly speaking, your theology creates a caste system where God only saves people who choose to please him, which makes those people special and superior.

Then why did God respect you by choosing you?

Your comments are so ridiculous. God doesn't respect anyone but He chose me......Geesh.... How disconnected from realty can you be?

You believe God rejects those that are JUST like you.

Based upon your own argument........If you really are just like everyone else, then God would chose everyone..........
A caste system is where someone is born with a noble (or rich) social status, which can lead to a sense of supremacy.

It has nothing to do with what God does. God doesn't save people who are born with a noble social status. God is not a respecter of persons.

Strictly speaking, your theology creates a caste system where God only saves people who choose to please him, which makes those people special and superior.
Just like @praise_yeshua said already, your comments are ridiculous. You're the one who puts down people as reprobates, not us. You're the one with the reprobate/elect caste system. You're the one with the superiority over reprobates. Who you're trying to kid? That kind of talk might work around your supremacist circles but not here.
Then why did God respect you by choosing you?

Your comments are so ridiculous. God doesn't respect anyone but He chose me......Geesh.... How disconnected from realty can you be?

You believe God rejects those that are JUST like you.

Based upon your own argument........If you really are just like everyone else, then God would chose everyone..........
Notice they never answer this question on here or any other forum
Just like @praise_yeshua said already, your comments are ridiculous. You're the one who puts down people as reprobates, not us. You're the one with the reprobate/elect caste system. You're the one with the superiority over reprobates. Who you're trying to kid? That kind of talk might work around your supremacist circles but not here.

Where did you get the inclination and ability to believe? Were you born with it? That's a caste system and supremacy. Did God give you the inclination and ability to believe? That's election, predestination and God's sovereignty over who comes to Jesus.

"All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me" No exceptions. If God the Father gives you to Jesus, you SHALL come to Jesus. It has nothing to do with your free will choice.
Where did you get the inclination and ability to believe? Were you born with it? That's a caste system and supremacy. Did God give you the inclination and ability to believe? That's election, predestination and God's sovereignty over who comes to Jesus.

"All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me" No exceptions. If God the Father gives you to Jesus, you SHALL come to Jesus. It has nothing to do with your free will choice.
You forget that we are volitional beings. A person who does not willingly and actively believe in Christ is only fooling himself. God is never fooled by those who are passive, not willing to believe Christ. Therefore, the idea of Be Inert, Do Nothing, and Wait for the Zapping is a sham at best.
You forget that we are volitional beings. A person who does not willingly and actively believe in Christ is only fooling himself. God is never fooled by those who are passive, not willing to believe Christ. Therefore, the idea of Be Inert, Do Nothing, and Wait for the Zapping is a sham at best.

Answer my question. Where did you get the inclination and ability to believe? Were you born with it? Did God give it to you?
Answer my question. Where did you get the inclination and ability to believe? Were you born with it? Did God give it to you?
Everyone is born with the ability to believe. That's part of your human nature. Everything you do is based on belief. You believe what your eyes and ears tell you. You believe your senses. That's all part of your human nature. Your will is part of your human nature also. You are a volitional being. To think that you're not is to sit back, be inert, do nothing, and wait for the zapping. If you don't willingly believe in Christ that's an outright sham at best. God is not fooled.
Where did you get the inclination and ability to believe? Were you born with it? That's a caste system and supremacy. Did God give you the inclination and ability to believe? That's election, predestination and God's sovereignty over who comes to Jesus.

"All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me" No exceptions. If God the Father gives you to Jesus, you SHALL come to Jesus. It has nothing to do with your free will choice.

"Moving the Goalpost" is a common tactic with Calvinists.......

By all means, how are the elect given to Christ? You've never worked through any of this. You just repeat the talking points you've heard. You believe it is through predetermination of individuals that you "claim" are just like you. Just admit your intellectual disconnect here......

Do what trained Calvinists do.... Claim it doesn't have to make sense. "God said it".......... Sproul used it all the time. So do all other Calvinists who want to "have the last word".....

Contrary to your claims, God has predetermined willing conformity to establish the elect.
Everyone is born with the ability to believe. That's part of your human nature. Everything you do is based on belief. You believe what your eyes and ears tell you. You believe your senses. That's all part of your human nature. Your will is part of your human nature also. You are a volitional being. To think that you're not is to sit back, be inert, do nothing, and wait for the zapping. If you don't willingly believe in Christ that's an outright sham at best. God is not fooled.

Which establishes value to God. The idea that God takes pleasure in "zapping" others is an offense to the Intellect and Nature of Divinity.
Sure if you have the faith of one of these little ones . Jesus words so who do you deny them ?

The majesty of the innocent knowledge of little children....

Calvinists claim superior knowledge and revelation when God requires the abandonment of such to simply accept God for who He is when you don't actually know who He is.

It is a conundrum to the "wise of this world".
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Everyone is born with the ability to believe. That's part of your human nature. Everything you do is based on belief. You believe what your eyes and ears tell you. You believe your senses. That's all part of your human nature. Your will is part of your human nature also. You are a volitional being. To think that you're not is to sit back, be inert, do nothing, and wait for the zapping. If you don't willingly believe in Christ that's an outright sham at best. God is not fooled.

Yes, everyone is born with the ability to believe, but nobody believes something that they aren't convinced is true. It's not a matter of free will choice. You can't choose to believe you can fly by flapping your arms unless you're insane.

More important, you're ignoring the inclination part. Were you born with that, or did God give it to you?
Yes, everyone is born with the ability to believe, but nobody believes something that they aren't convinced is true. It's not a matter of free will choice. You can't choose to believe you can fly by flapping your arms unless you're insane.

More important, you're ignoring the inclination part. Were you born with that, or did God give it to you?

No. You are the one separating belief and inclination while affirm that inclination is part of belief.

I mean seriously. You're lost in your rhetoric.
Yes, everyone is born with the ability to believe, but nobody believes something that they aren't convinced is true. It's not a matter of free will choice. You can't choose to believe you can fly by flapping your arms unless you're insane.

More important, you're ignoring the inclination part. Were you born with that, or did God give it to you?
According to scripture

The reason they refuse to believe is

John 3:19–21 (KJV 1900) — 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

but man may be convicted of his sin and repent
Yes, everyone is born with the ability to believe, but nobody believes something that they aren't convinced is true. It's not a matter of free will choice. You can't choose to believe you can fly by flapping your arms unless you're insane.

More important, you're ignoring the inclination part. Were you born with that, or did God give it to you?
Our minds are also part of our human nature. It might be hard for you to believe that people can actually use their minds. Most people are inclined to do what their minds tell them to do or what others tell them. Enough with your rabbit holes. Now it's time for you to understand that we are volitional beings. It's a sham to sit back, be inert, do nothing, and wait for the zapping. One must willingly believe in Christ. God is not fooled.
Yes, everyone is born with the ability to believe, but nobody believes something that they aren't convinced is true. It's not a matter of free will choice. You can't choose to believe you can fly by flapping your arms unless you're insane.

More important, you're ignoring the inclination part. Were you born with that, or did God give it to you?
You do know you are contradicting your own Calvinist theology
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